This list contains mods that I personally enjoy and would recommend to others. Dont know what mod to get? You find yourself asking "is there a mod that adds X" Then you can start here. Also check out the Spore mod browser: and rebecca's spore mod and creation guide list:

Before installing:

  • Most mods on this list require the Spore ModAPI Launcher Kit in order to work. I strongly recommend you get this, and then use the spore modAPI easy installer when installing mods.
  • Mods with the filetype .sporemod MUST be installed with the spore modapi easy installer. .package files can be installed in the alternative "manual" way, if you know what your'e doing. If you are unsure, stick to the modAPI easy installer.
  • Read the source OP of the mods carefully before downloading. They contain detailed instructions, as well as listing some required dependencies.
  • If you are planning on getting Spore, i recommend buying it from GoG. It is currently the best platform for modding the game.
  • For stability purposes, i recommend downloading the 4gb patch.


  • Most, if not all recent mods, require you to have the Galactic Adventures DLC installed, as they use code from that expansion.
  • For users running spore via disc, Patch 5 is required. It's not needed for digital copies, as they have Patch 7.


  • DO NOT contact me regarding the usage of these mods or if they dont work for you, as i am not tech support, nor author of these mods. Please contact me on the Spore modding community discord @Sneaky_Zucchini if you find errors on this list, or you want your mod removed from it.
  • Pirated copies of spore are notorious for being extremely hard to troubleshoot for due to how deranged, spontaneous and inconsistent they can be. You might find yourself stuck with technical issues that nobody is able to figure out. For this reason, we recommend you get spore legally, if you are able.
  • Due to the recent news that the spore servers are being worked on again, there might be updates made for the server, or, maybe the game itself. Therefore, mods requiring the ModAPI may end up being broken for some time after such an update.

Table of contents

Editor mods

Valla's Skinpaint Switcheroo by Valla-Chan

Adds duplicates of all Vanilla, GA, and Creepy & Cute creature coat and detail skinpaints into their opposite category (eg: Coat paints become Detail and vice versa.)

Ramone Kemono's MMD Drag Ball by RamoneKemono

This mod add 18 new MMD dance animations to your Creature Editor Test Drive, with 7 of which having special effects designed by RamoneKemono to give you the full experience! Be sure to check out the MMDbg mod that comes along with it.

♦︎ Dark Injection created by Davo, now developed by rob55rod

This is one of the OG big mods out there. It adds tons of content from darkspore such as creature parts and creature armor, edits spores UI to look more like darkspore, gives you tool parts like invisible limbs and individual ability parts, disables the complexity meter and so much more. And it even comes with force save bundled. It has a handy installer too, so you can easily choose what you want to add in your game and what you want to leave out.

♦︎ B&V Fusion by Mx3brainpower

A mod that adds vehicle parts to the building editor, and visa versa. Not only does it allow you to have complete creative freedom over the building and vehicle editors such as allowing you to place entertainment parts on a factory, but it also adds 144 hidden textures from Spore in all vehicles, buildings and spaceships editors. Extremly good mod for complete creative control with all non-creative editors.

♦︎ New editor backgrounds by THEdragon

A really great mod that adds more custom backgrounds to the editor test drive. Includes good variety like an underwater background and a basic room.

♦︎ Hut editor by Vanillacold

Replaces the early creature editor with a nice working tribal hut editor. To use it, go into the early creature creator via the Create menu. (It doesn’t replace the in-game one.)

♦︎ Project Bacterioid by IHaveNoIdea.

A mod that unlocks the cell editors true potential. Makes the cell editor 3D, adds creatureparts and limbs, adds rotation and morph handles, and more. A good mod for making much more complex cells to have fun with.

♦︎ Delta paints by DeltaShips

An incredible mod that adds a total of 57 new skinpaints to the creature editor. You have a ton of customization options and great variety, from a shiny ice coat to a skinless meat suit.

♦︎ Test drive in more editors by VanillaCold

Adds the test drive option to all skinpaint based editors, such as cell stage and early creature editor.

♦︎ Skynkraft by IhaveNoIdea

A really robust mod that adds 60 unique skin paints to the Editor’s Paint mode palette. You get everything from beautiful icon and image based textures to more complex skinpaints that colors only your arms, legs, hands, and more.

♦︎ Enter editor cheats by VanillaCold

A very unique mod that makes you able to enter any editor from inside the main game. You can also edit any creation in any editor with the editcreation cheat.

♦︎ Adventure terraforming by Tenebris

Adds 6 new terraforming presets to the adventure editor. You can make cube planets, matte round planets, islands and more.

♦︎ Creature paint expansion by Deoxys_0

Adds a ton of paints to the creature editor. The more paints the better i say. Includes cool “shader” like base coats as well.

♦︎ Valla’s Page Tab Icons by Valla-Chan

This mod fixes and adds page tab icons to the Creature Editor in both build mode and paint mode.

♦︎ Unused Planet Themes by 0KepOnline

Adds the hidden planet themes from Galactic Adventures back in the adventure editor palette.

♦︎ Multi-Creature Test Drive by Valla-Chan

One of the most exciting mods as of yet. With just a bunch of simple tweaks, you can have multiple creatures in your test drive. Thats right, no downloads of any kind required! Make sure you read the instructions in OP carefully, and enjoy!

♦︎ Spore Dance Animations mod by Mx3

This mod adds 48 new dance animations for the Test Mode of creature editors. Your creature can really break loose with these new custom animations. Make sure to get the 2nd and 3rd set.

♦︎ Project Replicant by IHaveNoIdea

Replicant is a large-scale Parts Mod that adds copies of all the existing Creature Parts with modifications made to them, such as no texture versions, and more. Check OP for full details.

Part mods

♠︎ CamBen color pack by Valla-Chan.

Adds plenty of parts in different colors and shades to your editor, making you able to have much more control over what colors your creature is. This gives you more creative freedom and makes you able to finally make that big rainbow cat you always wanted to make.

♠︎ Adventureprops by Valla-Chan.

One of my favorites, this one adds plenty of props to the adventure editor. You can be much more creative with what you get from here. More gates, citywalls, space props, sattelites, more effects and so on.

♠︎ New plazas by THEdragon

This mod adds more ground textures, aka plazas to the adventure editor. Gives you more varied plazas and decoration to your adventures, as well as different borderless colony textures, great for making your own custom colony!

♠︎ Pandora’s Toolbox by IHaveNoIdea.

A fantastic mod that adds extremly useful and flexible parts. You get 28 different colored spheres, cylinders and squares with a lot of customization options. Use it together with Drone parts for the ultimate creative freedom experience.

♠︎ Locked ‘N’ Loaded by IHaveNoIdea.

A good one for all the edgelords out there. Adds 40 firearms to the editor, from pistols to miniguns. Each weapon is also customisable, as it’s colour scheme matches to that of the Creature’s skinpaints.

♠︎ Unshackled by IHaveNoIdea.

The ultimate tool for creative freedom, breaking free from spores limitations. You can create custom wings, limbs, heads and more with this handy tool. Turn any limb into a workable one. Read OP carefully.

♠︎ Mad mannequins by IHaveNoIdea.

Adds realistic human parts, human skeleton parts and mannequin parts. Perfect for making…well, mannequins or other terrifying creations. Tons of customization options, and perfect for using along with Unshackled.

♠︎ New drone parts by Deoxys_0

A sequel to the original Drone Parts mod. This pack adds 130 unique robotic and metallic-themed parts. These 130 parts each have at four paint variations (base, coat, detail, and textureless), and some of the detail parts have additional special paints.

♠︎ Organic Helper by Deoxys_0

Some wing membrane parts, made specifically to help creating the perfect dragon or bat wings in spore. Highly customizable and easy to work with.

♠︎ Valla’s vanilla-style custom parts by Valla-Chan

Adds 27 new vanilla-styled parts to the creature editor, intended to match the style of the standard Maxis parts. NOTE: Requires a force save mod, eg Dark Injection (for now).

♠︎ Rock On! by Valla-Chan

Adds Rock props from Spore into the Building and Creature creators, allowing you to make some really nice rocky creatures. Rocks in the Creature Editor recolor with the skin (Base color) and the Coat color.

♠︎ Wordsmith by Valla-Chan

Adds letters from the Latin, Hiragana, and Katakana alphabets, as well as numbers and a few symbols, into the building and vehicle editors. This really opens up a ton of new creative innovative possibilities.


Zerbie’s interface mod by ZerbieTheSlug

A neat interface mod with a custom XML installer. Allows you to change the color of spore’s UI. Has plenty of colorful options to chose from.

Deep-fried spore UI by Groxxy

Look, man…

Adventure Editor Slot Page Expander by Liskomato

A really revolutionary mod that doubles the amount of page slots in the adventure editor, allowing you to add many more assets into your stories.

Project Rehatched / Graphical overhaul by Nutyo

A nice graphical overhaul mod that comes with a reshade preset. Greatly enhances the original artstyle.

Groxxy’s Lighting Overhaul by Groxxy

A nice overhault that tweaks the lighting of the game, and makes nights much darker.

Game tools/Weapons

Rattler-Spore by NeDether

This is a mod for Spore that adds a whole new line of progression as well as new tools, resources and features that will make the Space Stage more enjoyable.

Colony Filler Mod / Default Colony Mod by justalawnchair.

A highly requested and much needed mod. This Spore mod gives a new tool for the space stage called "Colony Filler." The Colony Filler is a tool that fills in existing colonies with buildings, maximizing spice production. It will place buildings according to the TScore of the current planet.

Corporations mod by Logarithm64

Adds several corporations in space stage. Each corporation has unique and special tools that can be obtained from it. In order to obtain these tools, you have to place structures that belong to these corporations on planets. Doing so will gain the corporation “Fame,” which is required to unlock the rest of the tools and “progress the story.” Once they are unlocked, you can purchase more tools from the empires that carry them. Good mod for spicing up space stage a bit.

AToAP infinity by Wintacular

Excactly what it says. Allows you to use any tool on any planet, such as your homeworld or save planets. This also removes all ammo on tools and gives you infinite usage, and removes cooldown to 1 second. An essential mod for complete space stage creative freedom.

InfiniteSOL by ???

A mod i think its almost necessary..because once you get the staff of life, you basically get a reward for winning the game… can only use it 42 times, which i think is BULLSHIT! so..yeah, use this if you want your PROPER reward. It removes the limit and makes the staff infinite uses.

More Planet Coloring tools by Mx3brainpower

Adds plenty of new planet coloring tools to your arsenal in space stage, making your adventures much more colorful and creative.

QOL mods

Easy spice collection

Makes you able to collect spice from simply flying to a star, without having to enter the solar system itself.

Adventure text limit break by Liskomato

This mod disables all text limitations on text edit fields found in Spore's Adventure Editor, allowing you to be as verbose as you want to be. It does not extend the amount of text bubbles total in each act, goal and creation, but at least now you will no longer be restricted by the 192 character limit imposed on you previously.

Spore rich presence. by Snek / Mrs. White

Enables discord rich presence for modded spore.

Ultimate Graphics Fix.

The ultimate graphics fix guide makes your creatures skinpaints appear in higher resolution, aka makes your metallic or shiny creatures actually shiny or metallic. It also fixes cell transparency. I wouldn’t recommend going above 2048 resolution unless you want tons of crashes.

The 60 fps fix

The 60 patch just removes the 30 fps cap and makes the game play silky smooth. You can add an even higher number if you so desire.

Enhanced Color Picker by Emd4600

Another color mod, but this one gives you thousands more colors for your creatures skinpaints then what spore currently has to offer, and gives you more spesific control over what you need.

Spore stacker by Mx3brainpower

Allows MANY creature parts, mainly detail parts, to be stacked. This includes modded parts too. No more fiddling around with limited part placements, now you can finally place those 5 eyes on top of eachother.

Building rotation mod by DVDmaster

The building rotation mod makes it so you can rotate base and roof parts in building editor, and works very well with B&V fusion.

Evoadvanced by Vanillacold

Advances the EvoAdvance cheat by allowing you to start a new creature stage with any creature from any stage. Now comes with working captain social/attack abilities in creature stage!

Advanced CE by VanillaCold

With this mod you have the free XYZ part movement option from the building editor right there in the creature editor. You can really go nuts with this one.

Ambient occlusion disabler by THEdragon

A mod that disables the baking of ambient occlusion shadows on creatures. Removes any unwanted crusty black patches that you often find on parts, but also removes subtle shadow detail you get on them.

More Background Buttons by emd4600

Adds more background buttons per page in the test drive, instead of the usual 4 you get. Pretty much required when you got mods that add a lot of backgrounds to the editor.

Infinite scaling mod by Zarklord

This i think is absolutely essential in complete creative freedom. This mod gives you the ability to enlarge or shrink any part in any editor and allows you to really get into detail without being held back. Note that things that are too big could cause visual glitches.

Part Count Cheat by Studumb

This mod adds a new cheat which Prints out in the cheat console the number of parts you are currently using in the editor. Very useful for analytical purposes, and to check if you are reaching the limit.

Valla’s Global Editor Freedom by Valla-Chan

Removes the complexity limit from ALL editors, and optionally makes all parts free. Total freedom.

Dark injection white box of death fix by IHaveNoIdea

We are all familiar with the white boxes found on a bunch of paint coats thumbnails added by dark injection. This mod fixes them and gives the missing ones a proper thumbnail. NOTE: Make sure it’s installed alphabetically before the other DI packages, or it won't work.

DI flexible camera mod by IHaveNoIdea

This mod in an unofficial addon to the Public Beta version of Dark Injection, that adds more steps to the Vertical Camera Position modifier (R & F, supports key holding and tapping) and more. Read OP carefully.

SporeFixOnline by Rosalie

A revolutionary mod for all disc users of spore. This allows the disc and march2017 version of Spore to connect to the servers again.

Worldcrafter by IHaveNoIdea

A feature rich mod for the adventure editor that gives you plenty of QOL updates, such as Increased maximum scales for almost all objects, Extended Complexity for Build Mode and Unlimited Complexity for Terrain Mode, Extended Camera zoomability, more share-safe objects, and more.

Better Editor error messages by VanillaCold

A mod that gives you better and more specific error messages when a creation fails to validate upon saving. This will help you figure out what went wrong.

Spore auto save mod by Rosalie

Does what it says on the tin, adds an auto save function to your game. You can set the save interval to your liking. Default save interval is 10 minutes. Read OP for instructions. For how frequently spore crashes, this is almost a requirement.

Advanced creature paint By EMD

A revolutionary mod bringing you something the spore players have been wanting for a long time: It lets you paint creatures using the paint system for buildings! Paint each part individually with hundreds of textures!


Groxyy's line of suffering by Groxyy

Featuring a incredibly well crafted and thoroughly playtested custom galaxy. This mod is all you need. You can just forget everything else. Featuring not just one, not two, but MANY memes, that's 69420% more memes than the average spore mod! Requires a galaxy reset

Empire Info+ by VanillaCold

This mod adds an element to the space-stage UI that shows some information on your empire; specifically, the number of new colonies you've made, and the number of colonies and systems you own.

Swap Save File Cheat by VanillaCold

This mod adds a cheat, setSaveFile, that allows players to change the "master" save, to use a different one. While Spore normally uses the Game0 folder in %appdata%\Spore\Games\, this mod allows it to use different numbered folders; for example, Game1 or Game2.

♣︎ Citywalls by Frogottenspore, redone by Darhagonable

A mod that allows you to change the walls to your space and civ cities. I personally love this one because you can use it to get grox walls or a “ruined city” look. Includes 3 custom walls created from scratch that mimics the beta walls from the 2007 beta version of spore.

♣︎ Grox archetype by D3vilSheep

so many has dreamed about playing as the grox, and with this one you KINDA can. It replaces the knight archetype in space stage with a “grox one” aka replaces your aliens voice, background and lighting effect to match. Mix this with the citywall mod to give yourself the grox citywalls and your almost a complete look. This works in CIV stage as well.

♣︎ Empire voice replacement by Kisutora

Are you tired of hearing the voice of a normal human speaking in simlish coming from your 56-eyed lava sheep alien? This mod replaces the voice of your empire with any other archetype voice of your choosing. This DOES include the grox voice as well, but if you want the complete grox package with bg and lighting included, i suggest you take a look at the grox arcetype one above.

♣︎ Interstellar industries by Ravnodaus

A nice way to freshen up space stage a bit and add a proper challenge. This mod removes spice and adds 40 different kinds of trade goods to find, from fertilizer to titanium, and much more! Some of them are rare to find, so keep exploring.

♣︎The almighty archetype mod by TheChosen1GroxPL

Another great custom archetype mod. Replaces wanderer with a godly almighty archetype. It has no superweapon, but contains EVERY passive consequence ability from pre-Space stages. If you want to be OP, this one is for you.

♣︎ Mrs. White/Snek’s various mod by Mrs. White/Snek

A collection of mods made by Mrs White aka snek. You get stuff like changing your galaxy color, adding a pepe face onto a plate, better graphics, limb tweaks, 300 adventure effects, making your own empire attack other planets, increased LOD, and more!

♣︎ Colony seaports by ProfAlba

Grants you the much needed options of having colonies with seaports in space stage. Place a colony near water for it to generate one.

♣︎ Zerbie’s swearing mods by ZerbieTheSlug

“Man spore sure is boring. I wish the aliens would lose their shit and just say what’s REALLY on their minds.”

♣︎ No penalty for allying with the grox by Bitl, patched by Paranoid_modder, and patched again by Mrs.White/snek

Do you want to ally with the grox without having to worry about getting spammed with 5999999 transmissions every time you move 2 cm in space? Well now you can.

♣︎ No penalty for breaking the galactic code by ???

You can finally go total anarchy mode and do whatever you want in space, now that the other empires wont pester you for blowing up planets.

♣︎ Grox archetype mod by TheChosen1GroxPL

Another grox archetype mod, but comes with a custom archetype card, a custom consequence Ability, space communicator BG, captain ranks for the grox, and more.

♣︎ Improved Anthems by Mx3brainpower

Improves the anthem editor greatly, adding multiple new instruments, rythms, beats, increases the amount of notes you can have, and more.’

♣︎ Buyable archetypes mod by DeliriousVulpes

This mod adds Buyable Archetype Powers. Previously, whenever you had these weapons in your game, they would dissapear when you close and re-open the game. This mod fixes this by allow you to buy them, and keep the permanently!

♣︎ Share-Safe Music by Liskomato and 0KepOnline

Adds 209 new audio tracks from Spore and Galactic Adventures to be selectable as act background music in the Adventure Editor. All of the music tracks found in this mod should work in adventures without the mod installed.

♣︎ Will Wright spore by VanillaCold

Ever wish Spore was barely playable? Want opening the editor to crash instantly? Look no further than Will Wright Spore! This is the mod of all time. Replaces everything with the will wright face.

♣︎ Zeta’s Too Many Galaxies by ta_Null

hy have one galaxy, when you can have a bunch of smaller ones? This mod turns your galaxy into a bunch of smaller ones, with has properly set wormholes and binary systems, 9 smallish galaxies, and thin roads of stars to help get between galaxies if wormholes arent working correctly. NOTE: This mod requires that you reset your galaxy.

♣︎ Better Call Saul intro replacment by Landon

Lol. Lmao, even.

♣︎ Replace Grox by VanillaCold

A mod that allows you to change the grox in space stage into any creature you desire using a simple cheat. Your main bad guy could now be anyone. Like Bean.

Game Tweaks

Remove Glide Cap by Studumb

Removes the limit on how often you can flap your wings in creature stage, enabling infinite flight.

Unlimited cities By ShadowMorde

Allows you to place an unlimited amount of cities on a given planet! May require VanillaCold's PlaceColonyAnywhere mod to work correctly.

Blood particles

Adds blood particles to the game via Effect Overrider. Attacks are more visceral, creatures leave pools of blood upon dying, ect.

SporeBorderless by Rosalie

This mod makes Spore launch in a borderless fullscreen window. Note: you do need to set the correct window resolution in-game and ensure the 'Fullscreen' option in-game is unchecked.

♥︎ Remove the EA/Maxis Intro when starting SPORE

If you are an impatient, this mod is for you. Does what it says; it skips the opening cutscene when starting spore, thus making you start right there at the galaxy screen.

♥︎ Spore graphical improvements guide

A guide on how to improve spores graphics. Pretty much explains itself.

♥︎ Better world simulation by Groxxy

Raises several limits maxis put on the game’s simulations and increases simulation distances across most stages (Creatures will be visable on the horizon, Empires over 100 parsecs away will still be simulated, ect) This makes the game feel a little more alive, especially if you boundary break outside of your island. NOTE: May cause significant CPU strain on lower end systems, by far most noticable in the creature stage.

♥︎ BruteLOD by Valla-Chan

Forces most premade world objects in the game (Rocks, Trees, etc) to use their highest Level Of Detail (LOD) at all times.

♥︎ Always 100 adventure points by Liskomato

This nifty mod makes it so that all adventures always give out 100 points, regardless of whether they’re shared or not, and also allows for editing said point data to the amount designated by the player.

♥︎ Infinite trade routes by By Ball lightning, remade by Studumb

Removes the limit of max 3 trade routes at once. Now you can buy an entire empire all at once.

♥︎ Change Captain Cheat by VanillaCold

Finally, you are able to change the captain in space stage, using a simple cheat. Read OP for instructions.

♥︎ Togglable force-save guide by IHaveNoIdea

This guide helps you enable a togglable force-save mode. Using this means you are not required to install a mod if you just want the force save function.

Alt Tag Tools Alt Tag

Spore ModLoader by Rosalie

Useful for Linux users, this is a simple mod loader for Spore. It injects DLLs at runtime before executing the entry point of the Spore executable.

Spore adventure downloader by Red_Lattice

This is a lightweight and easy to use desktop application for downloading spore adventures. It gathers every creation .png used in the adventure into one folder. Very useful when dealing with modded creations, adventures or other fuckery.

Spore PNG downloader by Kade

This app allows you to quickly download all creations from a specific person or Sporecast.

"Fuck Off EA" app by p0358

Spore's expansions are currently broken on the EA Desktop App.(Formerly Origin) Although the Spore ModAPI Launcher Kit does fix these issues due to how it handles Origin Spore, EA Desktop still breaks Spore's file structure and may cause confusion, especially if you are a mod developer or want to be one. This app stops Origin from nagging you about updates.

Darkspore Creature Converter

This tool is great for ex-darkspore players who wants to save their lost heroes. This will convert your darkspore png to a functioning png that you can load into spore. Dark injection is required for this mod to work.

SporeModderFX By Emd4600

The must-have tool for creating spore mods.

Spore ModAPI Launcher Kit By Emd4600

Spore ModAPI Launcher Kit contains an easy installer to help you install mods correctly, an uninstaller and a game launcher.

Sporemodder blender-addons By Emd4600

An addon for the 3D modelling program Blender, which enables you to create and export animated parts and use them in spore, allows you to import .RW4, .GMSH and .GMDL files into blender, and more.

UPE: Universal Property Enhancer By Zarklord

This Useful mod Uses the Mod API to allow for making changes to prop files without editing them. A few mods require this one to work. This will be stated in the OP's.


Sporistics is a web application that allows you to navigate through the Sporepedia in a simple and fast way. It offers some tools that can be very useful for Spore’s players, such as creature analyzer, creature details, list of subscribers, achievements lists, and more.

Alt Tag Bugfix mods Alt Tag

Part Selection Fixer by Valla-Chan

Fixes the selection/"hull" meshes for several creature editor/outfitter parts.

Spore crash fix by Rosalie

A pretty much essential mod to have, which fixes multiple common crashes found in the game

GA space stage timeline timeline fix by Liskomato

You know that annoying glitch in the games timeline, where the entire thing scrambles up into an unreadable mess when you reach space stage? Well this mod fixes that..but the price to pay is that your creature stage timeline messes up instead. There are ways to prevent this tho. Read the OP carefully.

Drak’s “spaceCreate” Duplication Fix by Drakrylos

This mod does exactly as the name implies, it prevents certain tools such as Mini Laser, Mini Proton Missile, Interstellar Drive, etc. from being duplicated after using the “spaceCreate” cheat, a common bug.

Remove duplicate tools by Studumb

There is an annoying bug in the game whenever you use the space create command, which gives you permanent duplicate tools in your arsenal. This mod fixes it! Read OP carefully before downloading.

Grox Turret Fix by Valla-chan

This mod reverses the Grox turret model to face the correct direction.

Pub: 07 Oct 2024 12:57 UTC
Edit: 08 Nov 2024 08:15 UTC
Views: 5178