we ball. we ball. we ball. we ball. w glados venus' url hoard because im evil and autistic every url saved here is one that i would actually use, due to how indecisive i am with things, rather than to just hoard urls for the fun of it. im not that much of a cunt bolded = in use

talking heads stopmakingsense, speakingintongues, remaininlight, fearofmusic, talkingheads77, littlecreatures, truestories, vitalsigns, sandinthevaseline, televisionman, roadtonowhere, creaturesoflove, nothingbutflowers, coolwater, bigsuit, newwavefrontman, wildgravity, strangeovertones,

pink floyd divisionbell, goodbyebluesky, emptyspaces, anotherbrickinthewallpt2, comfortablynumb, welcometothemachine, shineonyoucrazydiamond, comingbacktolife, anycoloryoulike, outsidethewall, wearingtheinsideout, keeptalking, delicatesoundofthunder, signsoflife, theendlessriver, thefinalcut, paranoideyes, obscuredbyclouds, cirrusminor, atomheartmother, psychedelicbreakfast, ummagumma, sysyphus, saucerfullofsecrets

rinse & repeat worblewobble, suckersminute, dontmakemelaugh, thecycle, chanelsudnews, creatorscomet, suddleysuds, raygunrampage, passtheplasma, ihatetheaudience

depeche mode breathinginfumes, deltamachine, speakandspell, itscalledaheart

oh yknow sansmaeda, tumblrsexywomen

komaedalovemail komaedology, fetushinata, clownmobile, komaedeus, modkomaeda, komaedakind, baldmaeda, drkomaeda

portal technicaldifficulties, triplelaserphaser, musicofthespheres, selfesteemfund, yousavedscience, corruptedcore,factventure

misc gointhedark, lightyaoigami, greenspiral, wallofvoodoo

Pub: 06 Apr 2023 12:39 UTC
Edit: 10 Sep 2023 10:48 UTC
Views: 509