ponytown pride hearts !! haeun was here

a completely f2u emote server full of ponytown heart emojis with pride flags. reqs are always open and it is a non-social server !! be sure to check it out and continue to grow the current hoard on this rentry !! when looking for a definition of a flag, press the flag to see the name and search it up or go to the server mentioned above !!

hub !!

wip while i redo the rentry !

A : abrosexual aceflux asexual alternative asexual asexual spectrum achillean adorelexic aegosexual agender girl agender alternative agender almondromantic alterhuman ambiamorous alternative ambiamorous androsexual angelbeing angelgirl apothisexual arcadegender archangelexic aroaceflux aroace alternative aroace aroace spectrum alternative aroace spectrum aroflux aromantic aromantic spectrum arospike arretaromantic asterboy

B :
bambi gay bambi lesbian bambi sapphic berrisexual bigender boygirl bigender alternative bigender bisexual binaryn't guy boyfluff boyflux boyfreak boyfuck boygirlic boygirl thing boyneuic boything boyvoid butch for butch butch for femmian butch lesbian

C : catgender cinthean clowngender cupioaroace cupioromantic cupiosexual cutecollector cutefearic

D :
damiogender deloattractional demian demiaroace demiboy demigender demigirl demiromantic demisexual dragonmythic

E : enaromantic enarose enasexual enby / nonbinary evilgirl

F :
femache female femenic femme for butch femme for butchian femme for femme femmegender femme lesbian alternative femme lesbian femthing finsexual foxgender freakthing futch alternative futch

G : gay acespec gay gender apathy genderdoe genderfaun genderfloretten genderfluid alternative genderfluid genderless genderqueer ghostfacegoric girlboyic girlconnec girlflux girlfword girlneuic girlthing girlvoid gnawstimmic gncboy gncgirl gnc gorecoric greyaroace greyromantic greyace

H :
halloweencoric hemocoric honeylavenderix horrorgender hyacinthean

I : intersex for intersex intersex

J :
jamian jestergender

K :

L :
label repulsed lesbian for lesbian lesbian leabianthing libraboygirlflux librafem libramasc lithromantic lovegender lovesexual lythian

M : male mascthing minromantic mothgender

Pub: 27 Jun 2023 18:04 UTC
Edit: 12 Aug 2023 14:49 UTC
Views: 3567