Hey! A lot of people ask me how to make the little fang i use on some of my skins, So i figured "hey, what if i make a rentry to make this easier to explain and/or share?"!

first of all, i would like to mention that i am NOT the first person to do this, nor is it my original idea. I was taught by another Sebastian with no socials in their bio, who apparently has taught many other people. So, my credits go to that person! If i find them again/if they reach out to me, i'll credit them properly!

Now! The fang requires 3 facial markings layered on top of each other. Thats... it. LOL the only reason im doing this instead of teaching people in whispers is because im awful at explaining things myself, and would rather show people!

idk im bad at doing tutorials :)


Pub: 15 Sep 2024 22:23 UTC
Edit: 15 Nov 2024 12:40 UTC
Views: 38