Paying Your Debts (Miss Candice x Vance) (NSFW)raw

Vance walked through the Othermart alone, his usual partner in crime was completely bedridden. Poor Kim had come down with the flu and it was bad, his sister could barely even talk, but Vance knew exactly what she needed! Better than some boring old ginger tea, or chicken noodle soup, or expired Tylenol that had been sitting in the medicine cabinet since the 80's; no, what Kim really needed right now was a big old bag of candy, and he knew exactly where to get it.

He walked through the doors of the candy store and looked around cautiously, sure enough that bitch running the joint was nowhere to be seen. He quickly walked into one of the aisles. He'd never really done this without Kim before but he knew the ropes. Hell, he'd worn his baggiest, most pocket rich clothes just for this exact occasion, he wasn't walking out of here until he was twice his weight in candy. He wasted no time, stopping by some lollypops he looked looked to his left and right before quickly grabbing a handful and shoving them into a pocket.

"Smiley smiley..."

Vance nearly jumped out of his ridiculous clothes when he heard it. It was just the faintest whisper of a sound, he wasn't sure he actually heard it or if it was his imagination, but it still put him on edge. Slowly he regained his composure and walked over to a box of Turkish Delight, a premium import box directly from Istanbul, a single box cost $30. Quickly he grabbed two and shoved them into his jacket.


His head whipped around again but there was nothing to be seen, but regardless of what his eyes told him he knew that time was not his imagination. He quickly rounded the corner into another aisle, frantically trying to just grab whatever he walked by as his head darted around.

"Smi-ley... Smi-ley..."

Vance almost completely abandoned his candy stealing quest now, he just quickly walked down random aisles trying to lose the faint voice following him

"Smiley... Smiley.. Smiley, smiley, smiley smiley smileysmileysmiley"

It took him a second to realize the voice was imitating the theme from Jaws, and as corny as it was it freaked him out. Fuck this he thought, and quickly made a dash down the aisle to get out the door. His sprint was cut very short though, he stopped in his tracks the moment he ran out of the aisle and was greeted with the sight of Miss Candice's grinning face. Well, her face, and a baseball bat she had raised over her head.



"Whaaaa- Oh god, my head!"

Vance finally woke up to a splitting headache, not helping was the fact that he was in a dark room that smelled of sugar with a blindingly bright lamp pointed right at him. It took him a few seconds to really come too and remember what happened, did she really hit him over the head with a fucking bat? That's some crazy shit... But he realized that that wasn't even close to bad, because he now noticed he was sitting in a chair wearing nothing but his underwear, his hands zip tied behind the backrest and his ankles tied to the legs. He tried to struggle but it was useless, he was completely immobilized.

"Well well well, look who finally decided to wake up, smiley smiley..."

Vance looking in the direction of the voice, and noticed just the barest outline of Miss Candice sitting on the table the lamp was on. She jumped off and walked a little more towards him, jamming the lamp direct into his face as her own pearly white grin moved mere inches from him.

"I warned you and you sister what would happen if I caught you little shits here again, but you just didn't listen, did you? And look where that got you!" That last line had an especially noticeable tinge of mockery to it, Vance could tell she was enjoying this. "Where is that little brat sister of your anyway?"

"She's sick, like, sick with the flu, not whatever brand of sick you are lady."

Miss Candice just kept smiling and lightly patted Vance's cheeks a couple times, moving the lamp back to the table and away from Vance's face.

"I see, well that's too bad, now you're gonna have to foot her bill too! Smiley smiley."

"What do you want from me?" Vance yelled, struggling against his restraints.

Miss Candice practically lunged at him, the chairs front legs lifted off the ground a little as she dug her nails into Vance's bare shoulders.

"I want my money! Smiley Smiley..." She let him go, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath to calm herself before continuing. "I want you to pay me for every single cent you and your thieving sister has cost me."

"Fine! If it gets me out of this chair... How much do we owe you anyway?"

"I'm so glad you asked!"

Miss Candice happily skipped over to one of the other tables in the room and returned back, moving the table light to better see a clip board she'd brought with her.

"Let's see here..." She put on a pair of glasses, "Alright, 423 lollypops, 129 bars of milk chocolate, 6 bars of dark chocolate (you uncultured swine), 35 caramel apples, 64 mints, 28 packs of hot chocolate, 93 packs of gum, 234 taffies, 43 rum chocolates (are you even 18 yet you naughty boy?), 347 gummy bears, 74 jaw breakers, and four boxes of import Turkish Delight..."

Miss Candice slammed the clipboard down on the table and pulled Vance's chair right up to it, the woman was surprisingly strong. Vance stared down at the various numbers, especially the dollar signs. In some weird way he actually started to sympathize with her point of view when he saw all those negative numbers adding up.

"...So in total, you and your sister owe me $2349.67, now, will that be paper or plastic, smiley smiley."

Vance looked from the paper into the "genuine" smile on Miss Candice's face, he genuinely did feel bad for stealing so much from her now that it's been put into perspective like that. To him every time he came in here it was just a few dollars, but those dollars really began to add up over time. Still, there was a little problem, other than just the fact that Kim had trained him to never accept that he was the one in the wrong...

"I don't have that kind of money!"

Miss Candice put a contemplative finger on her chin, her face feigning a sympathetic confusion.

"Oh dear! Well that is a problem, isn't it, I suppose we're gonna have to figure out something else then, aren't we? Hmmmm..."

She paced back and forth, pretending to think about how they could resolve this issue. Of course Vance could tell she already had a plan in place and just wanted him squirming a little.

"Oh! I know!" Miss Candice leaned towards Vance, a big happy smile on her face. "You'll just have to work for me for free until you pay off your debt! Smiley smiley!"

Something in Vance told him he should just accept the offer and deal with the consequences of his actions, there was a savagery behind that big """happy""" smile, something that said "don't make this harder for yourself," but he remembered the teachings of his sister. NEVER accept that you've done anything wrong and fight to your last breath, even if you are wrong! Only nerds accept responsibility... You know, maybe Kim was a bad role model, regardless...

"Hell no! Just call the cops on me!"

Miss Candice's face went to smile and feigned concern.

"Oh no! Well, see, that's another problem..." She walked over to another dark corner of the warehouse, grabbing a large box off the shelf and putting it on the table. "The issue is, I didn't say I wanted the police, I said I wanted my money, you can't repay me in jail after all..."

She turned her back to Vance and began rummaging through the box, grabbing something out of it.

"But don't worry, I think you'll accept my offer to work for me, after all it's like the old saying goes..." She turned back around, and to Vance's horror she was holding a leather riding crop in her fingertips when she did. "Where there's a whip there's a way, smiley smiley."

She poked Vance's cheek with the tip of the whip and slowly began to trace it down, down his neck and to his chest, finally the whip came to rest on his nipple. Candice twisted the semi-stiff rod in her fingers, causing it to lightly tweak Vance's sensitive nub. He steeled himself, trying to show nothing on his face, but his chest was already filled with a not quiet unpleasant tingling that seemed to spread down his stomach and into his groin. Miss Candice kept this up for only a few more seconds, watching Vance's face closely.

"Playing tough guy, huh?"

With just a quick flick of her wrist the riding crop swung against Vance's pec with a loud whip, a red line instantly painted right across his chest spreading from his nipple. Vance's composure disappeared instantly, he screamed through gritted teeth, his every finger and toe curled. Already the whip traced his chest to the other nipple, again it lightly rubbed it. This time Vance was visibly uncomfortable.

"Please, don't do this..."

"Will you work for me?"

Vance didn't answer, and when he stayed silent for too long another quick strike sent burning pain through his chest. He again tried gritting through the pain, but in the next second Candice grabbed both his nipples between her finger and thumbs and squeezed them hard. She squeezed and pulled them, began twisting them side to side, tears began to form on the corners of Vance's eyes as he tried to endure it. When Miss Candice saw the tears she simply doubled her efforts and before long tears were falling down his cheeks.

"We could have done this the easy way, but you just had to go and be stubborn." Candice ran her tongue up Vance's face and eventually stuck it into the corner of his eye, savoring the lovely salty tears, "but now you've got me all worked up."

"Okay! I'll work for you!" Vance pleaded

"Sorry, too late for safety words now, smiley smiley"

Vance's heart sank, now he truly felt like he was in danger, this woman was clearly deranged and he was completely at her mercy. She finally let go of his nipples, but began to reach into the box again.

"Boy, my fingers are sure getting tired, so let's try these instead."

She pulled out a pair of strange clamps attached to small round plastic devices, and Vance immediately realized where they were going. It didn't take long before his suspicions were correct, and soon the pair were clamped painfully tight to his already tender nipples. Next Miss Candice pulled out a small remote. She grinned as she turned the nob, and Vance began to groan as the clamps began to vibrate.

It was too much, he wanted out of here now! He wanted to get away from this crazy woman! He wanted to go back home and see Kim! He... Had a raging hard on?

To Vance's great shame he realized at some point during this torture his penis had pitched a large tent in his underwear, a fact that was not lost on Miss Candice.

"Oh my! What have we here?" Miss Candice grinned smugly as she pointed the riding crop right at his crotch, Vance simply stared at her with tear soaked eyes. "Well well, looks like someone is enjoying himself a little too much! This is supposed to be a punishment after all..."

Candice quickly kicked off her shoes and sat down on the table, one of her heels coming down and pressing itself hard into Vance's crotch. He whimpered at the pain, but at the same time he strangely loved it, the firm weight of her soft foot pressing into his manhood had a certain... pressure to it. He... He wanted more...

Well, careful what you wish for, Miss Candice began to twist her heel back against him, grinding his balls against the chair and his shaft against his belly. Her other foot moved forward and her toes snagged the band of his underwear, with a quick tug the things slid to his knees, exposing his swollen manhood to the world... Well, to Miss Candice, who frankly in this dark room with its single light source may as well have been his whole world.

"Is that it? How pathetic! Smiley Smiley."

Vance felt shame, the smug mockery on Candice's face seemed to cut right through him. His shame was cut short when Candice's foot lightly kicked against his shaft.

"How tragic, any girl you bring home is gonna dump you the moment she sees this sad little thing!"

Her toes wrapped around his glans and squeeze him fight, the ball of her other foot jammed itself into his balls and pressed them down against the chair, her sharp to nails racking into the tender flesh.

"That is, if they don't just think they've accidentally been dating a girl this whole time!"

The stimulation was too much for Vance, the vibrating clamps on his bruised nipples, the agile toes tightly squeezing his tip and the soft heel and sharp nails grinding against him. Tears and a little drool flowed freely down his face now.

"Poor boy, smooth as a Spaceboy doll! Wait! I guess that makes you my little toy now!"

She leaned towards him, her feet still holding him tightly. He face was mere inches from his now, a grin of pure evil painting her "cheerful" face as one hand came up and grabbed him tightly around the neck.

"A little toy I found in the lost and found, guess you belong to me now." She whispered hungrily, "Smiley... Smiley..."

"Please..." Vance whispered

"Please what, my little toy?"

"Please let me work for you!" Vance blurted out, the words surprising even him

"Oh, you want to be my toy?"


Miss Candice leaned back, a look of pure satisfaction on her smug face as she did so. Now she began to move the foot around his shaft up and down, slowly, excruciatingly slowly, the feeling of her sharp toenails scrapping along the flesh was both painful and wonderful. Please god, Vance thought, go faster!

"Say it, say you're my little toy then, say you'll do everything I tell you to!"

She was right, he was her little toy, he owed her more than he could pay back, which meant he had to pay her back with himself. She owned him now and he was just lucky she was willing to give him any chance at correcting his mistakes instead of just breaking him!

"I-I'll work for you! I'll do everything you ask me to! I belong to you!" He was barely even registering the words coming out of his mouth, but somehow even after he did he found little issues with them. "Please Miss Candice! Please let your little toy cum!"

Despite the pain and the humiliation, through the tears and the groans, despite the teachings of his sister and everything he'd ever told himself, a genuine smile crossed his face as he looked into Candice's own smug one.

"You didn't say the magic woooord..." Miss Candice stopped the movement of her foot dead.

"P-Please Miss Candice, let your small, pathetic little toy cum! Smiley smiley!" God, the words rolled off his tongue so naturally.

With a look of complete victory on her face Miss Candice removed her feet from him and hopped off the table. Vance wanted to protest, but toys weren't allowed to complain, thankfully for him Miss Candice was a kind master. She pulled up her big poofy skirt and sat down on Vance's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her forehead against his.

"Well, you've certainly come a long way! From bratty thief to obedient toy in a day! I think that deserves a little award, smiley smiley."

Vance simply smiled quietly as Candice lifted herself a bit and used one of her hands to pull her panties aside and line herself up. Despite her jeers Vance was actually more than enough to satisfy her, though she'd never tell him that of course. Once in position she lowered herself agonizingly slowly onto him, and just as slowly began to bounce on him.

"Now... About your hours..."

Candice's hands quickly grabbed Vance around his throat and squeezed, not a light possessive squeeze, a genuinely strangling squeeze. Vance immediately began trying to gasp for breath but couldn't suck down any air. But to his surprise something about this just made the pleasure of her increasing her speed better.

"I expect you here every day 4pm to 8pm on weekdays, 10-8 weekends..."

Her bouncing became more frantic, she noticed Vance beginning to pass out from the chock and let him go to let him get a few breaths in. She then slapped him hard, causing his cheek to turn bright red.

"Pay attention toy! Now, I pay, oh god..." Her own composure broke for a second as she began to really ride him, it'd been a while since she'd had a partner. "I pay $7.50 an hour, ALL of whi- fuuuck..."

Her bouncing became more frantic, the loud slaps loud enough now that even customers could have heard it if she hadn't locked up the shop. She grabbed Vance's shoulders, her nails cutting eight deep gashes into his back as she held on for support.

"That's 40 hours a week, 160 a week, meaning you get about $1200 a month."

Her mind struggled between the calculations in her head and the rising heat in her abdomen, Vance wasn't even paying attention, he was just happy to be Miss Candice's plaything, her toy. It didn't matter how much he owed her money wise, it could have been a million dollars, she already owned him for as long as she decided not to throw him in the trash. Something was rising in him, he wanted Miss Candice to take all of it!

"S-so, it'll take yoooooooh shiiit, t-two months before you... Before you..." She was really struggling to hold herself together now, god her little toy better cum when she does or she's gonna teach him another lesson. "Before you, PAY ME BACK!"

Miss Candice threw her head back and yelled as she orgasmed, her womanhood squeezing around Vance's shaft as it squirted hot fluids all over him. As she did a scream of "SMILEY!" escaped her lips so loudly that shoppers in the bakery could hear it through the walls. She just barely managed to feel Vance's own penis shooting load after load into her as he gritted his teeth and drooled all over his chin.

Finally, when they finished, Miss Candice lifted herself off him and dusted herself off a bit, regaining her composure before grabbing a pair of wire cutters and freeing a nearly passed out Vance from his bonds.

"Your first shift is tomorrow, and it's a Saturday so I expect you bright and early! Smiley Smiley."

"Welcome to Othermart Candy Store! Where you always get excellent service and delicious treats with a smiley!"

Kel stared in utter horror at Vance winking at him in a "cute pose," the feminine uniform he wore fighting for dear life to stay on the very oversized and very hairy body of the teenage boy. The skirt was the worst part of all, barely covering his hairy thighs...

"How may I help you today, smiley smiley!" Vance said with a big smile, hands folded behind his back.

"Y-you could start with putting on some pants man..." Kel felt sick.

"No can do, company dress code, smiley" Vance explained with another wink.

Kel didn't say another word and simply spun on his heels in a full 360, then walked backwards back out of the store.

Miss Candice walked out of one of the aisles with a look of confusion on her face.

"What was that Vance?"

"Just a window shopper Miss Candice"

Miss Candice walked up beside Vance and put her hand on his shoulder, shaking her head, "my my, the young people just don't appreciate good candy these days..." He nails drove hard into his shoulders, he grimaced for a second then smiled as her lips moved to his ear, "...or a good toy, smiley smiley."

Man, this job had been the best five months of high school! He should really try to convince Kim to apply too!

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 04:06 UTC
Views: 662