!! dni !!

● basic dni criteria @_@ ● bleedman supporters / fans ;; ● if ur acct is ONLY sh and ed stuff,, (mutuals dont apply)

thas it :3 i dont have much as i believe that no matter what ppl will interact and thats fine. i dont have a problem with specific ages interacting with my stuff. im not much into shipping culture so idc what you ship aslong as its legal and doenst have... awkard.... implications... !!

!! b4 u follow !!

;; nevur understood byf's so ima do my own twist. and thats telling u what i like and other stuff!!! cuz funsies!!

or THATS what byf's are and im not as chronically online as i thought i was..

i dont put tw's on my art, if youre sensitive to blood, weird body porportions, or have any 'odd phobias', proceed with caution to my account :'o, ppls healths matter to me and i dont want anyone to be discomforted by my art. (thats if i ever post blood on my posts. but i def do on my stories"""). my texting style is VERY awkwrdd... @_@ im very very 'loud' thru text and i have my own 'typing quirks'. i double text AAAAA LOOTTT...LOTT.... im usually told that im very annoying thru text :'3. Im very shy at first, especially with 'bigger accounts'. i over share and over dramatize EVERYTHING. i do death threats jokes like any other teen online so if u dont like that tell me and i wont do them hehe. i dont use tone indicators BUT if you need them, dont b afraid to ask ♡,, i also sometimes ask 'are you srs' or 'is that a joke' so :3.

media i like !!

● CRK & CROB (i have CRPW installed and play every so often)
● lalaloopsy
● creepypasta
● mystery skullz
● mystic messenger
● madoka magica
● welcome to hell
● dan vs
● walten files
● brawl stars
● wild krattz
● strawberry shortcake
● carebears
● lps
● mlp
● petscop

random stuff abt me ☆(*ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

● i also go by geovanna, ron and norman. incase you dont want to call me puppy for wtv reason
● im a teen ;;
● im abrosexual and aroflux
● im 168 cm / 5'6
● my favorite number is 3 ;;
● my favorite color is purple. im so normal abt purple.
● my favorite animals are bats, bees, tarantulas, mice and flamingos !!
● i like my sweet piano a lot lot :D.
● proud mother to 36 plushies.
● i draw with my phone on ibis paint with my thumb, and some other times i draw on my computer with a tablet :D, i also sometimes draw on an ipad with an apple pencil (i feel icky saying apple pencil lawl...)
● i have around 56 ocs :3.
● my fursona is a skunk !!

add me!!

Pub: 16 Aug 2023 21:56 UTC
Edit: 16 Aug 2023 23:00 UTC
Views: 383