You had thought you were smarter than most people. Throughout your life you managed to cajole and hustle your way out of every problem that showed up your way. You thought you had it all in the bag. That nothing was ever gonna go wrong for you. It was unfortunately just a delusion on your part.

"Here he is boss." They shoved you down after they dragged you into the room, your tortured and broken body thrown on the floor. You were robbed of all of your strength, your flesh whipped and beaten to the point your scars had scars. "So this was the swindler who thought he could get the better of me?" You swiveled your head up from your prostrated position. Your weary eyes casted a glance at the figure that was seated before you. Her dark and lustrous hair gleaming like sapphire obsidian.

The first thing that caught your attention were her eyes. They were cold and blue like Artic ice, so sharp that they were reopening the wounds on your lacerated flesh. She wore a dark and well tailored cotton suit. It conformed snuggly to her amazing and gorgeous figure, accentuating all of her lovely and dangerous curves.

Her long legs were crossed, giving you a good view of the svelte black heels that sheathed her feet. She's slouched against her grand throne, like a monarch holding court dispensing her authority. She was the Queen of Capos, the Donna of Crime. You had made a mistake in crossing her outfit. If only you could turn back time.

"Poor looks like my boys were a little too hard on you." She pursed her lips, sucked in air as she surveyed the damage. She could see every cut, bruise and seeping sore that dotted your flesh. You shivered under her gaze, ashamed to let such a beautiful woman see you like this.

She stands up. Her shadow casted on top of you. You see her in all her glory. She snaps her gloved fingers. At once the two goons who dragged you in flipped your over. You groaned in pain as your entire body ached in agony.

The tapping of her heels as they make contact with the marble floor echoed in your ears. The bright light from the chandelier above masked her movements to you. You were too numb from the pain to be cognizant of your surroundings.

Well almost everything.

"At least the boys left this alone." You cough out of reflex. You can feel the pointed end of a stiletto piercing your scrotum. She had the heel of her foot pressed down on your balls, twisting her ankle clockwise and counterclockwise, the top piece of her high heels dig deeper.

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow. She noticed the steady growth of your john.

She crouched down, squatting and looking at your erect dick. The combined cocktail of dopamine and adrenaline shake you out of your stupor, you gasped out words of mercy but they only come out as empty breathes.

"It looks so happy." Your eyes bulge as she retrieved something from her breast pocket.

It was a revolver.

She brought it closer to your cock. She pressed the barrel against your shaft. You felt the touch of cold stainless steel as she scratched the underside of your dick with it. Just one gentle motion with her finger and she'd turn you into a woman.

"You feeling lucky, punk?" She gave you a long hard stare as she licked her lips in vicious anticipation for what she was about to do next.

"NO!" You managed to finally scream out a word as the Donna pulls the trigger.


It was empty

She turned the gun towards you, took out the chamber and showed you it was empty of any bullets. "Scared you shitless didn't I?" She grinned. You answered with a blubbering gush of teary thanks to Jesus.

She parts her hair, her gloved hand grasping your frightened Glock. Unlike her revolver, yours wasn't empty. Her surprisingly gentle grasp coaxed your dick to shoot out geysers of cum, bullets of semen firing out, some speckles of it stained her impeccable outfit.

She licked off some of the cum on her gloves, moaning in pleasure as she savored the terror in your fluids.

"Alright boys, I like this one. I'll keep him."

You had made a terrible mistake

Pub: 17 Aug 2022 07:08 UTC
Edit: 17 Aug 2022 07:11 UTC
Views: 172