Divorce Lawyer Tokyo

Divorce is a complex issue with many facets. While many couples divorce by mutual agreement and do not require legal representation, there are situations where it is advisable to seek the services of an experienced divorce lawyer. Such situations may include a disagreement over property and finances, differences over child custody arrangements or cases of domestic violence. An experienced divorce attorney can provide advice and represent the interests of both parties, thus ensuring a more satisfactory outcome.

For foreigners, divorce proceedings can be complicated by immigration considerations. It is particularly important to work with a divorce lawyer who understands the intricacies of immigration law as well as Japanese family law. This is especially true for international divorces involving spouses of Japanese nationals, as there are special requirements regarding the visa status of the spouse of a Japanese citizen.

A divorce lawyer in Tokyo is an expert in family law and can assist with issues pertaining to divorce, such as divorce mediation, property division and child support. Depending on the nature of the case, the lawyer may also need to deal with pension benefits and other related matters.

In the case of divorce in Japan, it is customary for assets accumulated during the marriage to be divided equally, although properties which were either inherited or received as gifts are disregarded. It is also common for one parent to be granted sole custody of the children, although this decision is made based on the best interests of the children. When it comes to alimony, there are various standards for how much a non-custodial parent is expected to pay.

The process of filing for divorce in Japan begins with an application to the family court. After registering, the couple is required to attend one or more conciliation meetings with a mediator or judge. If the case cannot be settled through mediation, the parties can apply for a divorce by decision of the family court (shimpan rikon).

In addition to a sworn statement of the grounds for divorce, a petitioner must submit other documents, including copies of each party’s passport and certificates of residence (juminhyo). The lawyer will review these documents to ensure that they are complete and correct and that the proper procedures have been followed in order to begin the court proceedings. If necessary, the lawyer will help the client to collect and translate additional documentation. If the divorce is being filed on behalf of a minor child, the attorney will also need to present a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate. In some cases, a copy of the child’s educational record or psychological report may also be required. If 離婚 弁護士 東京 agree, they may be able to file for divorce by agreement (kyogi rikon). If the couple disagrees over some aspects of the case, they can apply for mediation or proceed to trial in district court. In the latter case, the attorney will prepare a detailed petition and present it to the court for approval.

Pub: 26 Apr 2024 09:04 UTC
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