Alright, so, you’d be correct that Lusquires would spend a decent amount of time outside of barracks, especially since there isn’t much in the way of barracks in most of the nation outside of major settlements. They would likely land in the capital where their landing would be registered with an embassy that I’m sure would be opened. They’d then be escorted by a group of adventurers to the east wherein the small outpost in the middle of a forest would serve as the ‘tutorial area’ of sorts. Along the way they’ll cross a hilly region in the center of the island that’s known for being home to many smaller schizo tribes that sometimes try to ambush travelers. Their escort should be able to deal with them, but this could serve as a first exposure to the hostility of the island.

Once they’ve reached the outpost in the forest, they’d be registered in adventurer’s guild as aspiring adventurers and go through basic training. Think a boot camp, with physical exercise, weapon maintenance and some lessons on both what foes they might encounter in the wilds as well as some general survival lessons such as what mushrooms are edible, how to start fires and set up tents. During this time, the instructors will try to take note of where the students’ aptitudes lie and prepare to group people together in complementary parties for when they start going out on practical training through ‘quest’ assignments which can include hunting down a specific monster (see the two parts of “Tales from the Wilds” I’ve made so far). The Lusquires might receive a crash course version of this (still a season roughly), before being paired off with veteran adventurers instead as they won’t be staying on the island for as long as the native aspirers. It’s possible that these veterans belong to a singular party that splits up to guide smaller parties made up of the group of Lusquires sent from the Candy Kingdom. For example, let’s say that a group of 12 Lusquires have been sent which is then split up by a party of 4 Elysian Adventurers -> four parties of one veteran native and three Lusquires. These veterans would be tasked with ensuring the survival of the Lusquires and providing mentorship during their stay. How this diving up goes down depends on what Lusquires seem to work well together, what veterans are on hand and what the instructors from the drill camp would believe that the students would benefit from the most (for example, a Magllaecian might be able to teach them about less conventional ways to solve problems, while an Axol might take a very direct approach, and their ways of teaching their assigned Lusquires would reflect that).

These veterans would serve as the head of the party, deciding on what ‘quests’ to take on, where to travel and handling most of the communication with citizens around the island that they might meet such as inn keepers. Speaking of which, the locals are generally welcoming of foreigners due to the already multi-ethnic nature of the League, but there are certain things that are considered taboo that can quickly turn open arms (hug) into open arms (weaponry). Things such as questioning the unity of the League or its gods, bringing up foreign affairs and deities unprompted or in any way insinuating superiority are all highly frowned upon and might see some fists swing if said around the inebriated. Something less egregious that I could see come up more often is the difference in food culture, since there wouldn’t be anywhere near as much sweet stuff as there is back home for the Lusquires, with exception to the fruits found on the island. Hardly anyone on the island would be used to anything like what the Lusquire usually eat so they wouldn’t be shown much sympathy if that complain too loudly or throw a tantrum.
I doubt it would come up, but while the populace is far from prude, anything of that sort is kept to whispers and behind closed doors. Being too public about it is frowned upon for intruding on others. I’m considering some special occasions where there would be exceptions, like some fertility rituals or something to reflect certain parts of the general but still undecided on that

Due to how spread-out settlements are and how schizos tend towards smaller raiding parties, the main way to deal with their attacks is through local militias as a centrally organized military wouldn’t be able to respond in time (or hiring adventurers to attack and destroy the schizo tribe first if they can). These militias are typically trained by adventurers hired by local leaders (mayors or nobles, varies) or assigned by the guild. For rare instances wherein several schizo tribes start to gather, a runner is sent to one of the closest larger towns/cities when it's discovered which then summons all nearby adventurers it can get its hands on as well as fielding both its own regulars (typically a combination of heavy infantry, crossbowmen, and demi-lancers) and a percentage of militias from all settlements in the region (typically spearmen) to destroy the budding schizo horde before it can gather enough tribes to become a genuine threat to the region or worse the nation.

Other than that, I’d just suggest taking a peek at the relevant sections of the main rentry. I’ve tried to keep things organized so you can find things quickly such as the four people, but if there’s anything that isn’t there or you want expanded upon just holler at me.

Pub: 16 Sep 2022 20:05 UTC
Views: 117