[Last updated: 9/3/23]

My carrd is still in the works so have this instead

Hi I'm Ria/Calypso (They/She/He) Im a genderfluid panromantic demisexual........ Im also an INFJ 4w3
ENG/FIL ok! !!Minor!!
This account is mostly for me to become a public menace to society /hj
I do art both ways, visually and performing and I like talking a lot so if you follow this account please note that I WILL spam.
I do the occasional love and hate mail for my faves but pls note its all satire

Just a note that my reading comprehension is not good and I tend to misunderstand a lot so tone indicators are a must for me if you're seriously
Im quite sarcastic myself and I might say things out of pocket and people will misunderstand, im not good with articulating my thoughts into words so if I say something that is kind of problematic pls tell me and note that i do not mean any negative impression

I use all prns on all fictional chars unless they already do have canon prns! I see them as enby unless they say otherwise

just a warning that I kin shu itsuki........

Interests or my main fixations rn (You can ask if we could be friends........):

  • Enstars (En server)
  • Twst (No longer playing)
  • A3! (No longer playing)
  • I might talk about other things but these 3 are my current

Enstars: AlkaKurei, Knights, Valkyrie, Natsume, Eichi, Mamadaraaaa, OMW to becoming a ShinobuP
Twst: Cater, Jade, Epel, Riddle, Lilia, Grim!!!, an insane for Malleus
A3!: Azami, Itaru, Kazunari, Yuki, Muku, I HATE BANRI SETTSU AAAAAAAA


  • Basic criteria (e.g Ableism, Racism, xenophobia, homophobia, Pedophilia, misogyny)
  • Pro-ship
  • Genuinely hate Tatsumi and Rinne (Bigotry. Also Eichi dead jokes)
  • Hate yumes, self inserts etc (I'm a yume myself so dldr)
  • Rightist ideals
Edit Report
Pub: 09 Mar 2023 11:47 UTC
Edit: 09 Mar 2023 11:59 UTC
Views: 4523