Laguna is a foreign player Asia Quarter adds 5 countries, including Taiwan and Malay

Foreign players who have been in the Basketball Association for more than 5 years can also participate in the KBL domestic draft.

‘Special naturalization’ basketball player La Geon-ah (KCC) will be classified as a foreign player next season as well.

On the morning of the 17th, KBL held the 29th 7th Board of Directors meeting at the KBL Center in Gangnam-gu, Seoul and announced, "Regarding special naturalized player La Gun-ah, we have decided to follow KBL's foreign player regulations starting from the 2024-2025 season."

La Gun-ah, who passed the Ministry of Justice's special naturalization review in 2018 and obtained Korean nationality, but has been classified as a foreign player, will continue to play as a foreign player in the future.

A KBL official added, "First of all, the KBL has resolved Laguna's status as a follow-up procedure following the 'contract expiration', and the issues related to the national team seem to be something that the (Korea Basketball) Association should deal with."

In addition, KBL decided to expand the Asian quota target countries to a total of 7 countries starting from the 2025-2026 season.

Five countries, Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand, were added to the existing two countries, Japan and the Philippines.

The selection criteria for the domestic player draft were also revised.

Foreign national players who have been registered as players in the Korea Basketball Association for more than 5 years can apply for the domestic player draft.

Accordingly, foreign national players or mixed-race foreign national players who have played for a long time in middle school, high school, and college basketball can now play in the KBL as domestic players through the draft.

However, excluding the contract period after the draft contract, you must acquire Korean nationality before the two seasons of the contract expire. If you are unable to acquire Korean nationality, your contract will be terminated.

For domestic players with more than one season of overseas league experience, the contract remuneration and contract period are applied immediately without a contract period.

However, it applies to players who have played more than 1/2 of the total season games played in overseas leagues.

The voting method for the 2024-2025 season All-Star Game has also been partially improved to 50% fan voting and 50% media voting.

Fan voting qualifications and procedures have also been strengthened. If you are under the age of 14, you can vote after verifying your family relationship.

This is a supplementary measure following the revelation of fraudulent voting in last season's All-Star Game fan voting that took advantage of the fact that people under the age of 14 can sign up for unlimited accounts with a single contact number.

New procedures related to concussion diagnosis were also established.

Players who are suspected of having a concussion upon initial examination by medical staff stationed at the stadium cannot participate in the game and must submit a hospital medical certificate to the KBL within up to 48 hours after the end of the game.

A player diagnosed with a concussion will not be able to participate in training or games for at least 6 days, and must submit a hospital medical certificate to the KBL before playing in the game.


Pub: 18 May 2024 04:06 UTC
Views: 30