Subject: [OPEN COMPLAIN AND PROTEST LETTER] [DAYLIGHT ROBBERY!] HDB increases rent of rental flat from $26 to $500, Anglican Care Center increases boarding fees of psychiatric sheltered home from $130 to $500

26 MAY 2022

I seriously doubt this post will ever become viral because Singaporeans are WORLD FAMOUS for being extraordinarily afraid of the government (myself included). Majority of the people in Singapore will tremble/shiver with fear, urinate and/or defecate (pass motion) when the word government is being mentioned (myself included). As such, it is expected that nobody will ever like and share this post. News media outlets in Singapore will never publish any article submissions from me because my name is politically sensitive and I believe there is a gag order from the Singapore government. Without explicit written approval from the Singapore Government, news media outlets in Singapore will never dare to publish any story about me. Even opposition politicians and political activists in Singapore do not dare to mention my name on social media for fear of reprisals from the government or incurring the wrath of the government. Nobody will ever stand up and speak up for me. I am deeply saddened. But still I must post. I repeat: I seriously doubt this post will ever become viral.

The chief complaints in this open letter are as follows:

[1] HDB increases rent of rental flat from $26 to $500 per month.

[2] Anglican Care Center also follows suit by increasing boarding fees of psychiatric sheltered home from $130 to $500 per month.

[3] Therefore the Singapore Government is making life extremely hard for me.

You may refer to my autobiography, published at the Indiana University, USA, on 10 Nov 2019, for more historical background information.

Article: Autobiography of Singaporean Targeted Individual Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming (Very First Draft, Lots More to Add in Future)

Question: What is a Targeted Individual? Answer: A Targeted Individual is a person who is persecuted, targeted, marked and blacklisted by the government.

In the year 2007, while working at the Defense Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) as an IT engineer, I made some disparaging remarks about Singapore strongman and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew to my manager Mr. Loh Choon Fah in his office. Within a few months, I started hearing threatening and menacing voices in my head from the government. The government leverages mind control TECHNOLOGY to make targeted individuals hear voices. In my Youtube video, I asserted that mental illnesses were INVENTED by governments to punish targeted individuals. In the same vein that many people believe Covid-19 is a man-made invented virus rather than a naturally occuring virus. Hence mental illness does not occur naturally but is a TECHNOLOGY-induced mental condition. Mental illnesses were INVENTED and designed by governments to punish anyone whom they don't like. If you say anything which the government doesn't like, your government can easily reward or award you with mental illness. You do not need to know government top secrets to become a targeted individual, as what some die-hard government supporters like to argue. Merely saying things which displeases the government can get you rewarded or awarded with mental illness from the government. The government is the awarding authority for mental illness. Schizophrenia is a term for hearing voices when nobody is around. It is one of the many different types of mental illnesses invented by governments.

Youtube video: Mental illnesses were invented by governments to punish targeted individuals [2]

Remarkably, the UNITED NATIONS Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights had OFFICIALLY published a letter from a Targeted Individual in India. The link to the letter published by the UNITED NATIONS is

The legitimate internet domain name for the UNITED NATIONS Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is OHCHR.ORG. This shows that the Targeted Individual phenomenon is wide spread in every country all over the world. Governments love to reward or award those people whom they do not like with mental illness. In the letter published by the UNITED NATIONS, the targeted individual from India also argues that governments leverages mind control technology to reward/award targeted individuals with mental illness. The author also posits that a primary goal in these ‘slow-kill’, ‘no-touch’/’soft-kill’ programs is to remove Targeted Individuals from the job workforce.

According to the American newspaper The Washington Post, American man Harlan Girard says he became targeted and started hearing voices from the government after he made disparaging remarks about former U.S. President George W. Bush.

Article: Mind Games New on the Internet: a community of people who believe the government is beaming voices into their minds. They may be crazy, but the Pentagon has pursued a weapon that can do just that.
Source: The Washington Post

To reinforce the Targeted Individual concept, I will also mention another targeted individual from Singapore. His name is CHEONG WEI CHANG.

The story of Cheong Wei Chang who is persecuted by the Singapore Government. He sued Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in the Supreme Court.

News reporting on Cheong Wei Chang

Article: Man’s suit against Lee Hsien Loong alleging woes caused by PM’s ‘department’ thrown out


Article: Plaintiff tries to sue Lee Hsien Loong, claims Prime Minister made him shit blood


Cheong Wei Chang sued Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in the Supreme Court for numerous reasons.

I shall list 2 major reasons here.

Reason #1: He keeps getting failed job interviews

Reason #2: He keeps shitting blood (aka slow kill)

Regarding reason #1, he implies that the Singapore Government is exerting pressure and influence to prevent Cheong Wei Chang from ever getting a job and to induce poverty.

Regarding reason #2 (aka slow kill), he implies that the Singapore Government has secretly/covertly introduced harmful substances / slow acting poison into his food and drinks.

Yes, so now we know that a primary goal in these targeted individual programs is to prevent targeted individuals from having a job, so as to induce poverty. Governments want targeted individuals to remain in poverty forever.

With reference to my earlier paragraph, I mentioned that I offended Singapore strongman Lee Kuan Yew in the year 2007. I graduated from the National University of Singapore with a mechanical engineering degree in Dec 2006. I also have a Diploma in Computer Networking (year 2017) and a Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering (year 1998) from Singapore Polytechnic.

Between 2007 and 2017, which is a span of 10 long years, I frequently get fired from jobs. I say frequently. I did not say always. To prove that I frequently get fired from jobs for 10 years after university graduation, here is the summary of my CPF account to show that I am extremely under-employed for the past 15 years. I never climb up the social ladder.

Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming’s CPF Account as of 5 May 2022

CPF Ordinary Account $35,316

CPF Special Account $25,538

CPF Medisave Account $6,637 (subject to fluctuations)

CPF Investments $27,654 (subject to fluctuations)

Total CPF $95,145

Why is Teo En Ming’s total CPF account so shockingly LOW/MEDIOCRE/MEAGRE/PEANUTS/NEGLIGIBLE/INSIGNIFICANT? Mrs Goh Chok Tong, wife of former Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, once said that $600,000 is peanuts. So Teo En Ming’s CPF account is hundreds of thousands of times worse than peanuts.

Why is Teo En Ming’s total CPF account so shockingly LOW/MEDIOCRE/MEAGRE/PEANUTS/NEGLIGIBLE/INSIGNIFICANT? Because Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming is a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL. A Targeted Individual is a person who is persecuted, marked and targeted by the government. He is frequently fired from his jobs for the past 15 years after graduation from the National University of Singapore in December 2006. He is persecuted, targeted, and marked by the Singapore Government after offending the late Minister Mentor of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew in 2007. The Singapore Government is punishing Teo En Ming to ensure that he lives in extreme poverty forever. Governments will also arrange for targeted individuals to have numerous health/medical problems (aka “slow kill”).

My employment situation only managed to improve slightly after year 2017.

Coming round to my rental fees.

Before 15 June 2020, the rent for my HDB 1-room rental flat was $26 per month. After 15 June 2020, the rent for my HDB 1-room rental was increased from $26 to $333 per month. HDB responded that the increase was justified because I have found a job as an IT Consultant getting $2500 per month gross. After CPF deduction, my take home pay is only $2000 per month. Last year, in 2021, HDB announced the intention to demolish my block of HDB rental flats in Feb 2023. We have to relocate. HDB offered me a 2-room rental flat, but now I have to pay about $500 per month for rent.

On 23 May 2022 Monday, my case manager at Anglican Care Center (ACC) psychiatric sheltered home informed me that my boarding fees is to be increased beginning June 2022. When I moved in to the psychiatric sheltered home in Oct 2020, the boarding fees for my ACC psychiatric sheltered home was about $130 per month. Several months ago, it was increased to about $170 per month. Now they are increasing the boarding fees for the psychiatric sheltered home to $500 per month. ACC told me that the increase was justified because now I have a job as an IT Consultant which pays $2500 per month gross. As of recent review, the Singapore Ministry of Health reduced my subsidy level to 28% for the Means Testing.

You know GST recently increased from 7% to 8% by 1 percentage point right? But do you know my HDB rent increased by 1823 percentage points from $26 to $500? Do you know my ACC psychiatric sheltered home boarding fees increased by 284 percentage points from $130 to $500? This is sheer government-backed/state-backed DAYLIGHT ROBBERY! This is preposterous and outrageous!

So now I have to pay $500 for my HDB rent and ANOTHER $500 for my psychiatric sheltered home. This is a total of $1000 per month and it is a HUGE CHUNK of my $2000 take home pay. 50% leh!! Besides HDB and ACC rent, I also need to pay for other bills, 3 meals and transport expenses every day. Obviously my $2000 take home pay isn't even enough to cover everything. I think the government's intention is to TAKE BACK HUGE CHUNKS of my salary so that I won't have money for anything else, effectively nullifying my efforts to have a job. There is a famous saying among the masses: Singapore government give you only a chicken wing, but expect to take back the whole chicken. By increasing my HDB and ACC rent by so much, the government is taking back HUGE CHUNKS of my take home salary, effectively nullifying my efforts of having a job. Why do I have to work when most of my salary will go back to the government anyway?

Do you agree that the Singapore Government is trying to make my life extremely hard? When I protested to HDB and ACC, both organization argued that the rent increases were justified because now I have a job which pays me a lot of money. Really? Is my $2000 take home pay really a lot of money? Then what about the million dollar salaries of government ministers in Singapore? If my take home pay of $2000 is a lot of money, then their million dollar salaries must be really obscene and astronomical!

Want me to pay and pay and pay and pay after allowing me to have a job after 2017? But who is going to be responsible and accountable when the Singapore Government refuses to allow me to work for 10 long years from 2007 to 2017 during the prime of my life, by making me hear threatening and menacing voices? And sometimes by exerting pressure on the companies I work in to fire me.

My employment situation only started to improve marginally in the year 2017. My longest held jobs are IT support engineer in 2 Systems Integrator (SI) companies AFTER 2017. I stayed on in the 1st SI company for 1 full year. I am presently working as an IT Consultant (2nd SI company) for very close to 2 years. One person told me his longest held job is 36 years spent in a company. My longest held job after university graduation is only 2 years! What a joke! What an irony! I am now 44 years old with a lot of government-induced health/medical problems.

You may refer to my international postings all over the world at the following search engines.






Before closing, I would like to say that no one else can be poorer than me in Singapore.

[1] Most people in Singapore at my age (40+) should have around $300,000 dollars or more in their bank accounts. In stark contrast, I only have a few thousand dollars in my bank accounts at the age of 44. This is because I frequently get fired from jobs over the course of the past 15 years. The famous Steven Lim mentioned that he has a life savings of about $300K in his instagram post.

[2] Most people in Singapore at my age (40+) should have around $300,000 dollars or more in their CPF accounts. In stark contrast, I only have a total of about $95,000 in my CPF account at the age of 44 (Ordinary account + Special account + Medisave account + CPF investments all combined). This is because I frequently get fired from jobs over the course of the past 15 years.

[3] Majority of the people in Singapore (80%) own a HDB flat. My family used to own a HDB flat many donkey years ago. But the Singapore Government resorted to trickery and tricked my mother into frequently selling and buying HDB flats by making my mother think that her neighbours are always scolding her by making my mother hear voices. After tricking my mother into frequently selling and buying HDB flats, the Singapore government successfully reduced my family to extreme poverty. Since the year 2011, my family does not own any HDB flat at all. We do not own any HDB flat under our names. We have to rent rental flats from HDB. Such is the trickery the Singapore Government used to rob us of our HDB flat. Government make my mother hear voices and let her think her neighbours are always scolding her all the time. Resulting in my mother frequently selling and buying HDB flats. Frequently selling and buying HDB flats in such haste and without careful planning can do a lot of harm to you financially. If I am already incapable of buying a HDB flat, do you think I will be able to own a condominium?

Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming
Targeted Individual in Singapore
DRAFT 26 May 2022

PS. This is still a draft.





Pub: 26 May 2022 14:22 UTC
Views: 123