I mostly just talk about bsd
or my other interests. I can be quite awkward
and paranoid
. I make kms jokes..but I ask beforehand, I have a TERRIBLE memory.. I respond fast and I sometimes start to overuse 1 random emoji / word. I have quite dark / weird humor and very quick mood swaps
. I talk in full caps at times and I like to shorten words or misspell things !!
I am like actually insane... not being silly, but like I'm genuinely very mentally unwell
so.. pls bare with me!! :3 main things to note are my depression and severe anxiety with psychotic episodes, as these all have an effect on how I communicate with other people..
if I don't respond, no I do not hate you ( unless I do ).. I just need to be alone and sort things out by myself. I could also be having an episode or something may be happening irl, so please just give me time and I will talk to you l8er. I try my best to respond when I'm at school but usually I'm not able to, so keep that in mind.