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Report at the Kiev city seminar of socionics 05/06/1991

Published: “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology”, 1995, No. 1.

Being in constant communication, we sometimes don’t even notice that getting closer to people who are acceptable to us and breaking up with people who have become unpleasant to us always happens, in fact, according to the same scenario. First, the perception of a person occurs, on the basis of which a general impression of him arises. This phase of relationship development is usually called stimulus, since in order for contact to take place and become established, a certain stimulus is needed. In other words, the person with whom you decide to come into contact - if you had a choice - must somehow attract your attention. He can attract attention, of course, with something negative or positive. In the first case, the desire to contact, naturally, does not arise. In the second case, you perceive some kind of commonality or consonance with the person - either by similarity or by contrast. At the same time, your entire psyche is affected - both the conscious mind and the soul, reacting to inner consonance.

The content of the second stage of relationship dynamics is the discussion of a certain range of problems. At this stage, the person’s values are clarified, i.e. what criteria does he use when processing the information he perceives? Rapprochement will be successful if you and he look at problems from approximately the same angle. The value phase in the development of relationships is, apparently, the most creative, since it is within its framework that different points of view are agreed upon and a method of joint decision-making is developed, taking into account the opinion of the partner.

The next stage of bringing people together is role-playing. To some extent, it depends on agreeing on positions on values, but relationships can sometimes approach this phase without reaching agreement in the area of values. This is especially common in relationships between people of the opposite sex. A beautiful woman can be attractive to a man and arouse a desire for closer contacts, even if their life values do not coincide.

At the role stage, the center of gravity of relationships shifts from perceiving a person at a distance to perceiving a person close up. Each of us has his own habits and individual lifestyle, which he has developed throughout his previous life and which is not easy for him to change. If your partner doesn’t behave the way you want, i.e. does not fulfill the role that you assign to him, then compatibility between you becomes problematic.

Either you stop getting closer, or one of you will take on a different role - more in line with your partner’s ideas. Without a concession from one of the partners, this stage of relationship development will not take place. Of course, the option of mutual adaptation to each other is not excluded. The question is to whom to give how much. This issue is most naturally resolved in dual pairs. The external social environment has a very great influence at this stage, starting with the opinions of loved ones about a new acquaintance and ending with the ideas existing in society.

The fourth phase of relationship development is consolidation, memorization of developed and mutually satisfying roles for a long time. It’s like forming your own unwritten norms and traditions. This stage is conservative in nature. All acquired knowledge is, as it were, conserved, relegated to the category of things taken for granted, performed out of habit, almost unconsciously. If the partners have adapted to each other, developed mutually acceptable traditions that are followed without hesitation, this means that the relationship has been established and from that time on their dynamics have entered into a natural cycle: “spring-summer-autumn-winter” in nature or “childhood-youth.” -maturity-old age" in humans. We will further characterize the cyclical nature of established intertype relationships with the concept of psychological “age.” These four phases, reflecting the initial dynamics of intertype relations, make it possible to naturally group sixteen sociotypes into small groups - quadras, consisting of four sociotypes each (Latin quadro means four). Quadra arises due to the naturalness and simplicity of each sociotype included in its composition passing through all four stages of relationship development. The basis of the quadral grouping is the common content of each dynamic phase. Thus, QUADRA is a group of compatible sociotypes, united at the first stage of interaction by similar characteristics of perceiving each other, at the second stage - by common life values, at the third stage - by a common social role and at the fourth stage - by the starting point of development (psychological age).

Let's look at all the quads. The first quadra, or the “alpha” quadra, includes the following sociotypes: ILE (DON QUIXOTE), SEI (DUMA), ESE (HUGO) and LII (ROBESPIERRE). The element that unites them is air. Their perception of the outside world is particularly light, open, and mobile. They are always directed in all directions, living in anticipation of new interesting information, no matter where it comes from. These are very enthusiastic people who prefer an atmosphere of informal communication. They are democratic by nature and reject any rigidity or regulation. These sociotypes are almost completely cut off from solid ground and can be easily transferred to any branch of human activity. Narrow specialization is not for them. Being in a continuous search, they can become the center of a nascent vortex - the source of a future thunderstorm. But they themselves do not carry the thunderstorm. The most "formidable" of them in appearance - ROBESPIERRE - in real life is a soft and compliant person who only in his dreams develops projects for a just state.

Sociotypes of the first quadra, when discussing emerging problems, rely on the values they share. Firstly, this is E, i.e. minimizing negative emotions. Avoiding quarrels and scandals, and emotional instability in general turns out to be more important for this quadra than receiving positive emotional outbursts. Secondly, this is +S, i.e. positive feelings, comfort. In an atmosphere of tension and severity, they cannot effectively realize themselves. Their style of activity is characterized precisely by relaxation, freedom, and the presence of amenities. Relations with the external environment where their activities take place must be friendly and pleasant. Their company is always cozy, relaxed, homely. She is never rude or eccentric.

Their third value is +I - promising ideas. Therefore, in the “air” quadra there is always talk about the future, the unknown, the possible. From the outside, these sociotypes may seem like incorrigible dreamers. And this is so: they strive to look further than anyone else - beyond the horizon, they put forward and discuss “crazy” theories with pleasure. Some of these theories, however, are destined for a long life. So long that they always outlive their creators.

The fourth value of this quadra is global structural logic -L. The tool they constantly use to understand the world is systems analysis. They are primarily interested in the universal laws that govern the world. Moreover, all traditions, conventions, restrictions are discarded. Literally everything is subject to comparison, analysis and analogies. The main goal they pursue is a comprehensive unified picture of the world, breathtaking in its vastness and harmony. The idea of integrity, rationality and justice of all things permeates their worldview through and through.

The first quadra also has a social mission corresponding to its values. Its purpose is to create and disseminate new concepts of social development. Briefly, this role could be called enlightenment. Where the sociotypes of this quadra are grouped, new social, scientific and political trends always arise and begin to spread, capable of radically changing the historical process in the future.

The psychological “age” in which representatives of the first quadra live is childhood. They all feel and often behave like real children - sincerely, spontaneously, with great curiosity. They are capable of being surprised by everything. Their skepticism is minimal. These "children's" traditions will remain with them until old age. Their restless craving for new perspectives and an unbiased, unclouded view of the world allow us to compare this phase of development with the first season of the annual cycle - spring. It is in spring that new vital energy awakens and makes itself known. Spring is a time of hopes and bold plans that will not come true at all as planned.

The baton is first picked up by the second quadra, or the “beta” quadra. It includes the following sociotypes: EIE (HAMLET), LSI (GORKY), SLE (ZHUKOV) and IEI (ESENIN). The element that controls their perception is fire. This element gives the following qualities to the listed sociotypes: active nature, passion, focus and strength. They are literally seething with passions, looking for and finding a field of activity where they can apply their energy and feel the spirit of struggle that they so need.

The main values of the second quadra are as follows. Firstly, they are united by the desire to maximize positive emotions +E. They are able to enjoy little things. Against the backdrop of intense dramatic emotions that always accompany their quadra, even a small detail that deserves a positive response is seen as a reason for joy and uplifting.

Secondly, “fire” sociotypes recognize the minimization of weakness as the most important value – F, i.e. perseverance in the face of adversity and adversity. This is a quadra where willpower is an indispensable condition for effective activity. Perseverance, determination, endurance and inflexibility will always have the highest authority among them.

Thirdly, the second quadra is united by a passionate desire to avoid danger - T. They are determined to prevent mistakes that have already been made once. Experience, experience, and sophistication are highly valued among them. They feel confident in extreme situations. And their fourth value is the organizational logic +L, based on a developed sense of duty, citizenship, and loyalty to the chosen cause. Therefore, this is the most disciplined and organized quadra, able to quickly gather all its forces into a fist in the event of imminent danger or an extreme situation.

The values of the quadra also imply its social role - the introduction of new orders and organizational structures in conditions of environmental resistance. The sociotypes of this quadra appear in history as the creators of states and empires, active political figures who stubbornly fight for power. Suffice it to recall Alexander the Great or Peter I. Their purposeful energy is difficult to resist. Overcoming obstacles using strong-willed methods is their mission. Moreover, they prefer not to defend themselves, but to attack. They enthusiastically sing of the sacrifices and losses that are inevitable in the struggle.

The psychological age of “fiery” sociotypes is youth. A person has the greatest strength precisely at a young age, when he is brave, active and impatient. He craves activity and self-affirmation. He needs a big business in which he could realize his energy. He harbors in his heart ambitious dreams of a brilliant career, major conquests, fame and honors. This fully corresponds to the worldview of the second quadra. Its representatives look outwardly young and strong, vigorous and beautiful, with good control of their body. In the annual physical cycle, they correspond to the sunniest, energetically saturated phase - summer. Summer time is the time for accomplishments. The dreams and illusory plans of spring are behind us. The moment for concrete action has arrived.

No matter how attractive summer is, the passage of time is inexorable. The energetic second quadra is replaced by the third, or “gamma” quadra. Its composition is as follows: SEE (CAESAR), OR (BALZAC), LIE (LONDON), ESI (DREISER). The element that best describes their perception characteristics is water. Water is a cleansing principle. It washes away with its flow all the dirt that has accumulated in the second stage. At the same time, the foundation on which the solid building of the second quadra rises is eroded. Water spreads over the surface, filling depressions and cracks. Likewise, the character of the third quadra is characterized by inconstancy, hidden reefs, internal seething, underlying excitement, and currents invisible from above.

The third quadra professes its own special values. Firstly, they include -R. This aspect means criticism of evil, the desire to get away from bad people and negative relationships, and to protect oneself from enemies and opponents. They want to minimize negative experiences, because all repressed problems, as is known from psychoanalysis, will have to be emotionally reacted in one way or another, paying for the cleansing of the subconscious physically.

Secondly, their intuitive value is +T (future intuition). Containing their inner seething and temper, these sociotypes prefer gradual progress into the future, although they sharply abandon outdated ideas, criticizing past mistakes and delusions. Approaching the nearest, real future step by step, they generally believe in linear development, i.e., in their deepest ideas, you just need to remove the hindering obstacles - remnants of the past - and unlimited growth opportunities will immediately open up ahead. This quadra is not afraid of chaos and upheaval: they know how to do things in conditions of spontaneity, risk, and confusion.

Their next root value is -P, i.e. business logic of risk and entrepreneurship. They are characterized by the priority of abandoning the useless, petty, and familiar. This aspect is higher than accumulation and rational consumption. Sociotypes of the third quadra can successfully operate in conditions of economic deficit, when they need to get out, relying on the use of what at first glance is useless, but is available in abundance.

And finally, the sensory value of this quadra is +F - resistance and resistance. This quality indicates that quadra sociotypes are good at defending themselves and their positions. It can be difficult for them to come to power, since they have to resist the strong-willed “beta” quadra, but having seized power, they successfully retain it despite all attempts at restoration. Security, the ability to fight back, not to let go of what has been achieved is a principle that they respect. From these values, the social mission of the third quadra naturally emerges - purification, which should be understood both in the literal and figurative sense of the word. They restore violated or distorted principles, doing everything to remove barriers and restrictions that prevent rapid progress. The third quadra can be called the quadra of criticism and reform. Unlike the “fire” quadra, which is primarily politically oriented, the “water” quadra is socially oriented.

The third quadra is older than the second in terms of psychological age. Her period is mid-life, maturity. It is no secret that it is precisely upon reaching the middle of the allotted time of existence that a person deeply thinks about how he lived before and, having abandoned previous stereotypes, is able to radically change the course of his destiny. Understanding the path traveled from the height of the years lived, assessing the accumulated experience, collecting the “harvest” corresponds in essence to autumn - that time in the annual cycle when each person can see how he worked during the spring and summer and what he is objectively worth. Autumn is the time for summing up and making assessments.

After the critical work of the third quadra, the ground is cleared for the entry into the arena of the last in the cycle – the fourth quadra, or the “delta” quadra. Her perception of the world is harsh and realistic. It most closely corresponds to the element earth. This quadra includes the sociotypes LSE (HOLMES), EII (DOSTOEVSKY), IEE (HUXLEY) and SLI (GABEN). The earth is the most conservative, but at the same time the most fertile element. This is the general atmosphere of the quadra, which unites realists who value above all else the stability of existence and the inviolability of proven traditions. Among them, only HUXLEY is capable of being carried away by the unusual, and even he is focused mainly on the reverse side of familiar things in search of sensation.

The following values are inherent in the sociotypes of this quadra. Firstly, +R - good, warm relationships. The psychological factor plays a very important role for them. Without ethical values of a positive nature, such as recognition of religion, individuality and uniqueness of everyone, non-interference in the inner world of a person, concrete humanism, etc., the stability that they support in every possible way is hardly possible. The second value is -S - the presence of good working conditions, the absence of discomfort, the reluctance to change the established order of existence, the exclusion of the harmful influence of the external environment - in a word, minimizing negative feelings. In this quadra they cannot work in an emergency; the convenience of the workplace and the coherence of the team are highly valued. The most important place is given to ecology and clean products.

Thirdly, the fourth quadra is focused on the +P aspect, which means the logic of consumption and rational use of resources. This is the most zealous quadra, able to consume rationally, preferring high-quality and durable goods. Sociotypes of this quadra are not characterized by risk, emergency situations, economic chaos, or fraud. A society of high-quality consumption can only be stable.

And the fourth value of the quadra is aspect -I, meaning alternative, unusual, sensational. Despite all their groundedness, the sociotypes of this quadra respect unusual, talented people who offer an alternative. In any case, there are no obstacles to the dissemination of new information, no matter how avant-garde it may be. Therefore, in a society at the stage of the fourth quadra, some sensations periodically erupt, outbursts of interest in original people and what they preach occur, and alternative ideas for development are put forward.

The social mission of the delta quadra, therefore, is to ensure stable development and wisely use accumulated resources, thereby preparing the ground for the weak shoots of the new. The main quality of societies of this type, and most developed Western countries belong to them, is the stable consumption of material and spiritual products. Only in conditions of stability does the development and spread of new, still very fragile and unprotected initiatives, undertakings, and movements occur. In the history of Russia, such stable periods should include, for example, the reign of Catherine II, during which the “golden age” of the Russian nobility occurred. Or the industrial boom in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century before the First World War. The psychological age of this quadra is old age. It is the age of fading, dying away, calming down. The wisdom and experience that accompany the last period of a person's life underlie the respect for traditions and a significant share of conservatism, so characteristic of the sociotypes included in this quadra. Their season is winter, which they meet not empty-handed. Stability, with all its positive qualities, means a gradual cessation of life. Completely stable systems cannot exist for long – according to the law of entropy, they disintegrate and degrade. But life is extended, since it is during this period that the search for alternative paths ends – new trends are finally formed and spread, offering new trajectories of social development, denying traditionalism. One of these trends, namely the one that the decrepit society needs most for a new revival, begins to grow rapidly. A new triumphal march begins - after winter a new spring comes. In the depths of the fourth quadra, the first one inevitably unfolds and begins to take active action. The entire cycle of development repeats itself again. This is how the complex mechanism of humanity, which we call the law of social progress, works. And quadras are socio-psychological units that determine the chronology of this process.

Pub: 03 Feb 2025 14:43 UTC