Suprise attack

19:46] Malice, sensing the surge of power emanating from Rahl Folhammar, smirked beneath his hooded cloak. The audacity of the young warrior to challenge him directly only fueled Malice's desire to break his spirit. He gripped his scythe tightly, the occultic energies swirling around the blade, ready to be unleashed upon his adversary.

"Ah, A Folhammar, A valiant defender of your people," Malice hissed, his voice dripping with derision. "But you underestimate the darkness that courses through my veins. Your attempts to wield the tides against me shall prove futile. I shall do to you what my people did to your pathetic nation.

Destroy it."

As Rahl rushed forward, his aura crackling with the power of thunder, Malice's crimson eyes gleamed with anticipation. He welcomed the challenge, relishing the opportunity to crush the spirit of this courageous warrior.

With a swift motion, Malice swung his scythe, aiming to intercept Rahl's advance. The blade sliced through the air with supernatural speed and precision, seeking to cleave through the defenses of the Folhammar warrior.

But Rahl was not deterred. The bridge beneath them trembled as the surging water obeyed his command, rising to his aid. The unleashed force of the tides threatened to engulf Malice, to drown him in its relentless power. But the undead harbinger was no stranger to elemental forces.

Calling upon his dark powers, Malice conjured a shield of shadow, deflecting the raging waters that crashed against him. The clash of thunder and shadow reverberated through the air as the two forces collided.

As the battle raged on, sparks of lightning and tendrils of shadow intertwined, illuminating the darkness that surrounded them. The bridge became a battleground of elemental might, each combatant pushing their powers to the limit.

But Malice was not content with a mere display of power. With a wicked grin, he aimed his scythe towards Rahl, channeling the occult energies into a devastating strike. The blade sliced through the air, leaving a trail of dark energy in its wake as it sought to inflict a wound that would haunt Rahl's spirit.

As it made contact with the giants chest, a massive cleave of blackened flesh would be left in its wake, as rivers of fresh blood spilled from the wound. The occultic energies from within the blade singed his mana circuits, leaving a prevelant bite of darkness.

"No... you are weak. you are NOTHING compared to the fires of the occult."

Turning to the rest of the group, Malice thought oncemore of Varrach, he thought of how he had been slain, and Malice thought of his vow for revenge.

With a clenched fist, Malice unleashed his fury upon the world. The air crackled with arcane energy as his crimson eyes blazed with an otherworldly intensity. Shadows swirled around him, twisting and contorting into ethereal forms.

Drawing upon the depthsof his dark magic, Malice channeled his anger into a concentrated force. He summoned the ancient knowledge and forbidden secrets that dwelled within him, harnessing them to manifest his wrath in a tangible form.

And then it happened.

From his outstretched palm, purple flames erupted, dancing and flickering with an otherworldly glow. The flames defied the laws of nature, burning with an intensity that surpassed any ordinary fire. They seemed to possess a life of their own, fueled by Malice's anger and amplified by his arcane abilities.

The purple flames engulfed him, forming a halo of searing energy around his body. The heat was intense, yet Malice remained untouched by the inferno he had unleashed. The flames pulsed with dark power, radiating an aura of menace that sent shivers down the spines of any who beheld them.

In this state of occult super mage fury, Malice became an avatar of destruction. His every movement crackled with potent energy, leavingtrails of purple flames in his wake. He was a force to be reckoned with, a harbinger of chaos and despair.


And so Malice readied his staff, prepared for whatever were to come next

[19:52] The mass of billowing cloth turns their head towards Phoenix, hollow eyes of amber examine them closely without any word or more thought, the feral beast took it's first step toward its new life. It's destiny was set in stone from the very first moment it drew breath. The air around it slowly began to rise, although the max capacity of it's mana was relatively infinitesimal compared to his betters- With a claw raised.

It hissed and sought to maul what was before them. The Altan would face Kodiak!
(Kodiak Red)

[19:54] Xanaxa says, "Look at him go."
[19:59] Koirooma says, "OOC Realy"
[20:00] Laziness was what I had felt upon re-entering the battlefields. It was a Scythe that alone carried him into battle on that bridge, wielding his Tome to fight the Undead. For if it were someone else then the warrior, Vali or Sunny would take care of him.

And yet that opponent Rahl chose him. The darkness emanated from his body, and the Scythe in front of the dead face made it clear how imposing that fellow became. The tides rose up like Tsunamis and lashed out at his opponent, when everything was leading him backwards. But he was a swift swordsman and it was therefore that he managed to overcome every backlash that Rahl put on the dead man. And it was a truth that with every passing second the Folhammar's blood was being lost, controlled, and joined the tides he himself controlled only to end in a tight surprise. Joining for the opposite side thus finishing with the Giant.

So, again, the Giant had been cut down by the magic of death. Blackened, infected, a cut that left the skin affected, and the flesh, dark.
When he was pushed back. With his hands touching the ground but he seemed to be lying down, bloody.

"Hah... weak." The smile that showed on his face at such a statement.
Like a warrior he swallowed the words. For it only gave the victor the right to speak and the loser the right to silence. Perhaps it was a gesture of pride.

Now what led him to defeat. Thunder struck from above Rahl to teleport him to a tree somewhat distant but close to his companions.
(Rahl Folhammar)

[20:00] Sunny watched as the battle ranges on, the large Folhammar taking on the undead- she had such hope for him as he narrowed the beast with his water dragon, yet.. It seemed the undead was far more powerful that she had thought.

Watching that disgusting thing bring down the giant was unbearable to Sunny, though she did not know him well she still cared for him. And seeing him now wounded.. Well this did not sit right with her as she gripped her staff and walked forward.

"Listen here, god damn monster- that man is not weak. Get those words out of your disgusting mouth!" She stepped between the monster and the group, this monster would not hurt anyone else here. Not while she while she stood.

"Try yourself against me!" With every bit of courage she could muster he young faeborne born girl stood tall before the undead. She was ready to go next.

[20:03] The priestess caught by surprise by the lower ranking demon, her hand reaching to her weapon on her back a bit to late before it lunged at her getting the drop on her.


She let out sounding almost like a cat as she tried to float backwards using her weapon to block the strike from the creature. Her holy magic flaring up around her as she moved to lower into her fighting stance and fend off her attacker. With all that was going on around her capture and killing was the last thing on her mind as for right now she only wished to regain control of the situation.

Separated from the group now she let her magic's come to life, small shards of ice and a thick snow blowing in as they would converge around the priestess glistening with a holy light.
(Phoenix Altan)

[20:04] Xanaxa says, "Oh my god I hope it mauls this one."
[20:04] Xanaxa says, "I hope it fucking mauls this one. Mori please."
[20:04] Koirooma says, "..."
[20:05] Koirooma asks, "Is that food or a real person?"
[20:05] Xanaxa says, "WHICH ONE."
[20:05] Koirooma says, "The cat."
[20:06] Koirooma says, "Then eat it..."
[20:08] Just out of the shell. Slick with blood of nearby prey, there was a rise in temperature. The heat of his form let out plumes of steam. "Eahh…" His current prey was a feline, the same eyes that gently glowed amber would not come to a boil. A raging flame fueled by a heart of darkness, although a tiny frame... Red had the bloodline of the bloodthirsty. The imp cried, "SLAAAA!"

It sought to plunge it's claws deep into their opponent after secluding the mfrom the rest of the magi within. It had no form of stance, no knowledge or forethought of strategy or tactic. It was instinctual, primordial in it's attack. And it would bathe in blood, whether theirs or its own.
(Kodiak Red)

[20:12] {Won Aggressive RPB against Kodiak Red}
[20:12] Phoenix Altan has inflicted an injury upon Kodiak Red. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "")
[20:12] Xanaxa says, "YOU DELUSIONAL CHILD."
[20:12] Xanaxa says, "IM A JELLY-FISH."
[20:13] Xanaxa says, "ON THE CONTRARY. I DO BOTH."
[20:14] Xanaxa says, "SILENCE. "
[20:18] Koirooma says, "Emote "
[20:20] The beast looks at the child.

Like as if they were devoid of a brain. The beast begins to communicate with them with their mental abilities. Screaming into their head from afar while glaring at them with the myriad of eyes.

[20:21] The fight would not last long to say the least, the holy magic and icy blasts of the priestess bringing the advances of the small demon to a halt. An accumulation of ice and snow concentrated into the center of her palm was thrown forward as the demon tried to close the gap between them. Using small explosion's and bursts of magma to upset her footing as it made it's approach.

Her ice and holy light blasted forward through the air, turning the molten rock and flames into a layer of ice before connecting with the torso of the creature.

The skin on it's body hardening as it was pushed back away from the priestess, her attention then moving from the smaller demon to look around at her surroundings. It was safe to say she was frankly on her own for this endeavor.

"Nya... Oh boy."

She said waiting to see what would happen next, two other's having been close by enough to see the small skirmish
(Phoenix Altan)

[20:22] Xanaxa says, "Oh. Understandable."
[20:22] Xanaxa says, "Now excuse me. While I do respect such."
[20:22] Xanaxa says, "I have something to do."
[20:28] The middling magical techniques of the demon were nullified. The occultic energies that culminated into the being known as 'Kodiak Red' were quickly overtaken by the blessed powers that be within the Altan's mana supply. He was dismantled, his own mana was buried underneath a mountain of ice, it struck like a glacier and brought him low. His own explosions could not even crack the surface of the ice. Ultimately, he was juggled across the battlefield while his own molten magics sought to boil it down. It did not seem to work. Not at all in fact.

The impish animal would collapse to the floor, near frozen solid but alive. A faint flame but it continued. It was fueled by rage, by anger, by the desire to consume and conquer and consolidate all it sought for.

And soon enough, he would rise from the ground. The felinae had wounded him, and although it had yet to develop a pride it would remember a predator akin to he. He backed off for now, realizing his loss.
(Kodiak Red)

[20:33] Obliteration's occultic hunger begins to ravage the area around them. The flow of time perishing from it's mere existence- The ground beneath them wilting as it's vital energy feeds the beast.





It's myriad of eyes appear. The sharp angular vision deliverer's in the hundereds. Before occultic ink is spewed from it's mouth concealing the battlefield and absorbing all natrual light.

[20:34] Koirooma says, ". . ."
[20:42] Koirooma says, "This will be fun.."
[20:43] The words of the demon struck a chord in the young priestess, a deep breath then being taken as she tightened the grip on the hilt of her sword. The blade resting in her left hand as she would let soft sapphire iris's come to meet the creature's gaze. "You are right, for to long has this happened."

Her right hand raising up as her body would slowly shift into a stance as she set herself down onto the ground. Her right hand remaining open as dredges of holy and ice mana would be seen swirling in the center of her palm's. The raw energy radiating from her figure would combat the feelings of dread and terror that filled the area.

The feeling of her heart beating fiercely in her chest begin to cause something to stir in the priestess. Not only the will of Aschea being drawn forth by the demon's words and action's but the words in themselves touching a little to close to home for her.

"Better me then those I love, I have already watched the outcome of such happen to my own brother."

A hum resonating throughout the forest now as she readied herself, a heavy breath taken in before she began to speak her next words. Them being addressed not to the demon but to Athelios themselves.

"Athelios, son of Ymir."

"Head the words of my voice and grant me the strength."

"Let my blade cast judgment on this creature of the night."

Her words coming forth with small pauses as if she was reciting a poem, the radiance of holy magic around her growing yet stronger as she continued to pray.

"May your protection see to it that I may win this battle and claim victory in thy name."

"For this is why I pray."


A flicker of light erupting into a bright flash danced through the air as the fight would begin and the priestess aimed to fend off her next attacker.
(Phoenix Altan)

[20:50] {Won Dangerous RPB against Xanaxa}
[20:50] Phoenix Altan has inflicted an injury upon Xanaxa. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-10 Vit)")
[20:56] And the approach of the swordsman would be met with the flames of hel. The blade the faeborn wielded would kick up and be forcefully put down upon the wytm with a icy hand dishing out the damage to be done. Winds picked up and as per usual they'd land blows of massive power upon the dragon. Though her hide was tough, strong...not one to be easily penetrated.

Flames encroached and surrounded the two in what seemed to be an arena of fire. An epic setting for the swordsman who sought to slay a dragon.

A task that not many would ever dream of accomplishing.

"Ah, you still seem to not know the power you face. You believe swinging a blade around and throwing some ice will land you in a position of victory but I am here to assure you my power is beyond what this realm comprehends as strength!"

The roar of the beast bellowed again and the life of all nearby became drained. Icy fields soon became evaporated and the blizzards ceased, directly after the roar of life draining origin? Flames emerged from the maw of the beast and showered the faeborn where they stood.

Grishas goal was not to simply scorch, she was attempting to reduce them to ash.

And should they fail to remove themselves from the inferno in time this would surely be the case.

[21:13] Phoenix could feel the tension in the air surrounding this demon, remembering having seen it before with her now departed dear friend. "Laz... Watch over me... You to sister."

A small glimmer of faith as she would begin her assault upon the creature, her blade drawn to knock back the various tentacle's that would move to strike at her. Armed with both the power of Chrono statis and lightning. Both her holy and ice magic being pushed to their limits as she moved back and forth narrowly evading lethal blow's that would render her incapable of continuing forth.

Time and time again her blade would strike true weakly widdling down the stamina of the creature as her own slowly dwindled. All the while the feeling of utter bliss slowly making it's way through her vein's, trigging what could only be described as a euphoria of emotions. Having never indulged in the activation of the crystal's In her heart for this long the woman was feeling the effects of them fully upon her emotions.

The very world around her would respond in kind, her flow of magic reaching out to resonate with the energy of nature before her. Bolstering the remainder of her strength. "By the testament of Athelios, I condemn you foul creature to a life of judgment by his ever watchful gaze. May this seal placed upon you be a beacon for his army of faceless to find you in the night."

Her words once more sounding like something read from a poem, the remainder of her strength reaching out to the mana around her and taking in all that she could from the life stream. Motes of golden light forming as she ran past, the last traces of mana at her disposal being directed to her palm as it began to draw in the scattered lights.

With blade in left hand and light in the right she made her last charge, her stamina at it's limit's as she pushed forth the priestess finally taking her first steps forward to combat the demon horde that plagued the lands of her home.

A small fragile looking hand from what appered to be a small fragile child came into contact with the skin of Xanaxa, the light sinking into their skin before a bright flash erupted forth separating the two in the confusion of battle as each were blasted back from the explosion of holy energy that was made upon placing the seal upon the fel creature.

"N-Nya... T-Time to fly."

She stated as she tried to regain her composure and make a hasty retreat from the area.

(Phoenix Altan)

[21:17] There were times he's faced against the flames of many. And yet there's only a few who's brought trouble to the mastery of his ice and swordsmanship.

What flames wielded weren't of any kind however, there was much of a difference between that of the norm. As what graced the skin was something sickening to the Aurora that dwells within.

"There will be a day where your head will be severed by this here blade alone. The same shall be of those who follow you."

Another large swing of the blade, bringing the earth to tremble under feet. An icy storm formed as the winter weeps, conjuring up a massive wave of ice to crash against the barreling of flames forced by the Dragon.

And it's proven even the strength of the Olbrante has come to no prevail as those flames easily vanquished the lands of any ice. What's instinctively done is the raising of his blade, allowing it to nullify the wretched flames that nearly brought him to ashes. Thus only tainted by the flames.

With smoke rising, it allowed the Olbrante to make a swift escape.
(Elvyn Olbrante)

[21:18] It was not often Obliteration lost such battles.

Especially since it evolved. But alas- Sometimes a reminder to stay in tip top shape was needed. Especially after such a close bout.

It's myriad of tricks nearly overcoming the Athelios faithful only for them to be marked like some sort of item from the grocery store.

"Your silly words..." It growls.

"Will mark the end of your loved ones. Mori's gaze is far wider. " In it's defeat- Something happens. Pure untapped hatred begins to flow from it's body in response to the seal. Causing the figure of the jelly-fish too seem almost ethereal.

It's hatred emerging from the flash of the explosion tainting the land around it. Bringing horrific rot unlike most had seen to the world-scape around it.

Phoenix had become a target.
Hatred refined was an element only abominations desired. Her deeds and duties as a priestess had now gained her a grudge.

Obliteration spins like a top- Vanishing into the ink beneath it.

This wasn't over. It would have it's victory. She would taste it's hatred. But for now her might had overcame and that was something she should be proud of.

Pub: 18 Jun 2023 08:23 UTC
Views: 139