The Four Kingdoms of Pertunjukan


The Pertunjukanesi were the most powerful group of the SEA peoples that arrived in Warung Kopi in 1045. Coming from the Alivirian Continent, due to overcrowding at home and persecution, the sheer number of them overwhelmed the Kingdom of Dilupakan in the desolate central part of the old Kingdom and effectively forced them to give up their claims on the east and center alone. While Nijisanji saved the Kingdom, the reality was that once the Pertunjukanesi were settled in, they turned out to be quite friendly to the Nijiinesi people.

Before the Kobo invasion, Pertunjukan Empire was the most powerful state in the confederation but the invasion itself would fracture the state as a whole into 4 separate Kingdoms, based largely on their affinity with their Goddesses. The Kingdom of Ayunda benefit the most from this, as the Warsunesi did not lose much land at all. The former Kingdoms of Tungku and Menempa were forced to unify into one state, the Kingdom of Tungkumenempa,in the Northwest, largely on the old lands of the Tungku Kingdom. Likewise the Kingdoms of Belati and Zombi were forced to merge into the Kingdom of Belatiapi in the Northeast. The former Emperors of the Bulan Dynasty be reduced to the capital region and the Princedom of Airani stayed loyal to the old Emperor. The current Emperor, Anusapati, still maintains that he rules over all of his former Empire but his claims of grandeur are useless, as the Tungkumenempa and Belatiapi Kingdoms pay lip service to him while the Warsunesi refuse outright.

The chaos of trying to resettle large groups of people and landgrabs by the Warsunesi have the former Empire in disarray, and they can count their lucky stars that the Kobonesi have run out of steam in their conquest.

Bulan Empire


The Bulani Empire was the hardest hit of the four states, losing most of its crown land along the Moona River and along the Southern Coast. It has lost pretty much all of its power to other petty breakaway states and has lost lands to the Warsunesi along the Ayunda River. Many migrants have poured into their lands searching for new opportunies and many died as a result of the Kobonesi.


The Empire's economy is in dire straits, with substantial loss of their tax base and runaway inflation causing the Emperor great issues dealing with the current problems he faces.

It is fortunate however that the Moona River valley is a fertile ground for crop growth in the desolate lands. Moona herself was said to have blessed region with its odd temperatures cycles that allow wheat, barley and potatoes to be grown, along with other vegetables. The food grown here is crucial for the survival of the Kingdoms of Tungkemenempa and Belatiapi, given their lack of true ability to farm properly. However, what the Empire has in food it lacks in raw materials, thus the relationship between the Empire and the two aforementioned Kingdoms is one of mutual benefit. This is likely the reason why these states pay the emperor lip service.

The pelt trade is one of the few ways the Empire makes profit, along with the limited extraction of gemstones from the mines near Soreang.

All in all, major economic reforms must be undertaken for the Empire's survival. The public works projects and objects of Imperial Splendour may have to fall into decay or in the latters case, sold.


The Empire's professional army was crushed at the Battle of Lamongan in 1122 by the Kobonesi, effectively forcing the Empire to rely on diplomacy and feudal levies to survive. It is also fortunate that the region around the capital of Purabaya was well fortified prior to the invasion. For the army to be fix however, the economy must be first.


Prior to the invasion, the Empire was a hub of artistic and culture in the region. Purabaya is a beautfiul city with countless pieces of art and architecture dedicated to the Goddess Moona. Likewise the Principality of Airani is a hub of artists within the former Empire. As such, the traditions still remain despite the inability to really pay for new works.

The worship of Moona and Iofi is the popular religion of the rump state, with the internal schisms over the other divines resulting in them becoming minor deities in the realm.

Kingdom of Tungkumenempa


The former Kingdoms used to be close allies with the Kobonesi in the former Empire until the Great Horde arrived and turned on them. As such, the former Kingdom of Menempa was practically destroyed and her people displaced to their close friends in Tungku. As a result of the refugees, Tungku was unable to maintain its own population and starvation claimed the lives of many along with an outbreak of smallpox. As a result, the new Kingdom of Tungkumenempa is rather depopulated. The actions of the Warsuners claiming some of the better farmland in the Kingdom certainly didn't help either and as such, the Kingdom relies on others for its survival


While the local food production is rather poor, being limited largely to hunting and gathering, the import of food from the Empire has certainly provided at last stability to the realm. This helps as the realm has a notably rich minerals, including Iron, Anthracite and Bituminous Coal, Gold, Silver, Jade, Tasmanite, Aluminium, and Rubies. Mining has always been a key part the former Kingdom of Tungku and the world renown blacksmiths of Menemempa have really solidified their regional control on the production of fine tools, weapons, armor and other metal products. Some of the most advanced metullurgy is found within the secrets of the Menempasi people.

Logging is also important in the region as are the quarries.


The combined armies of the two former Kingdoms, while not able to match the Warsunesi, are formidable in their own right thanks the extremely high-quality steel they are made from. They also have one of the greater intelligence agencies in the world V7, which not only helps the Kingdom out but has pledged to all the other Kingdoms their assistance.


Finely produced Jewelry and well-crafted metal objects are very culturally significant to the Kingdom. Ornate Swords, Armor, and other objects are prized possessions for every noble.

The Worship of the Two Goddess, Zeta and Kaela, is the most common form of worship in the Kingdom.

Kingdom of Belaiapi


Hard hit by the Kobonesi, this Kingdom was a state of anarchy as a result of both of its Kings being killed in battle and the forced union for survival. The new King, Sanjaya, worked hard to unite these people into one people and early on it is showing its benefits. The lands of the Kingdom are sparse, but it is their lack of development that Belatisi and the Zombisi look to rebound in.


Given the regions lack of food as said before, the Kingdom relies on the Empire for its food. In exchange, it provides the much needed wood and other natural resources to the Empire.

Logging is the most important industry in the realm, but there are also some copper, iron and coal deposits that are also exploited. the Belatisi are famed for their finely crafted daggers and swords, which are on part with that of the Menempasi and are considered finer by others.


Their army, like the Imperial Army, was crushed at Lamongan and they have had to resort to assymetical warfare to survive, with hit and run tactics and the use of assassins to kill Kobonesi Commanders. This has been effective in the sort term but it is not sustainable long term, and their King realizes this and has started to try to rebuild the army in some way.


The Cult of the Undead and the Cult of the Dagger are popular religious festivals within the realm. Like their other Pertunjukan comrades, their focus is upon the two Goddess significant to their own people.

Kingdom of Ayunda


Probably the most formidable of the Pertunjukanesi are the Warsunesi. These people are formidable fighters that have repelled all Kobonesi attacks and have taken land from their neighbors. They are not well recieved by the other Pertunjukanesi, who see them as opportunists, but the fact that their state is the most stable speaks volumes about their society.


The Warsunesi, by their conquests, have obtained an effective autarky. They have good fertile land that has been blessed by Ayunda in the Ayunda River Valley; have solid iron, coal, copper, and tin deposits in the north of their state; and have a stable logging sector as well.

Being the most developed of the other states, they also have a stable secondary sector that funds their war machine quite well and their cultural ethos against excess is most vital to their success.

Pub: 09 Aug 2022 15:06 UTC
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