Pizza Cola Potato Chips Dango

Denki Member: Iroha~ About the rabbit plushies' arrangement, does this seem fine~?

Iroha: ~~~ It's perfect!

Iroha: Especially these two... This is recreating the legendary tea party scene with Euclid added to the Karyuu disc-exclusive compilation, isn't it? The love is deep, it's too deep, it's the best!

Denki Member: Are these signs for the dango hand-made by Mito-chan?

Mito: Y, yeah... I thought it'd be nice... To properly...
Know which dango came from where...

Denki Member: Good job! The dango is the star of the party, after all~

Kamira: Hmmm, thinking about what'd sell, should this be the background?
Come in from the side, like this. It'll be serious if you get on screen.

Denki Member: OKOK. Lessee how that goes.
I'll leave the check to the Kamyamya Camera.

Tsubomi: Hum, it seems there is no seam in the barrier— O, oi!
Why is th-th-th-th-there a Bunny Cosplay (bunny costume)!?

Denki Member: Oh no! We were found out too quickly!

Towa: (Even if this is after lessons, they're really going at it.

Towa: Oh, a rare draw. Lucky~)

Towa: ... Tch, a trash one, huh?

Denki Member: Towa-cha~n.
We're gonna use that area, so head to the lazy zone over there~

Towa: Yeah, yeah. Thanks for your hard work~

Towa: (Well, they're doing stuff on their own. I can take it easy, so it's fine)

Denki Member: Towa-cha~n. Kamira was asking~
We'll use it as material, so can you take some pictures of the setup?

Towa: Eeeeh~ Can't be helped.

Towa: (They said it'd be some bo~ring thing like a dango party, but there's properly pizza and cola and potato chips. Someone gets it~)

Towa: (Rolling around on a beanbag chair with pizza and cola is the best.
Pizza and cola are the greatest marriage created by mankind~)

Kamira: Towa~ I wanna take some pictures for PR, so can you change into the Alice costume?

Towa: Can't be helped, huh? Take them all in one shot.

Kamira: Understood!

Denki Member: We're gonna take pictures along with the video.
Take some poses while holding this rabbit plushie!

Kamira: So, here we go~ ... Oh~ As expected of Towa! Flawless, ain't it!?
This is really hyping me up! I'll keep snapping pictures! Just pose however~!

Towa: (I feel kinda bad for Iroha, but I really don't care for dango~

Towa: Come to think of it, some kind of big-shot brought high quality dango one time)

Towa: (That was pretty good, though.
Well, even if it can't win against the great pizza and cola, it can't be helped. They're the strongest, after all)

Towa: (Then, potato chips are also the strongest. With the strongest and the strongest, it's already invincible.

Towa: Aah, I wanna hurry up and do the infinite loop of pizza, cola, and potato chips~)

Iroha: — Eh, why Alice!?

Towa: Eh? ... Eh?! Why!?

Kamira: Haah, haah... Towa, thanks...
I've got a huge haul of material that seems like it'd make a huge buzz...

Towa: I'm changing!

Iroha: Whyy.
I also want to cosplay.

Mito: Mito also wants to match with Alice...!

Costume Person: That's a great idea! Is what I want to say, but it'd be bad to get the stage costumes dirty, so it's no good~

Iroha: Ugh... No way...

Mito: Let's stay strong... Until the cosplay karaoke...
Let's sing both... The first and second seasons...

Kamira: How 'bout it! This is today's star!
Dango for the night of the full moon~!

Towa: ...... Eh?

Tsubomi: O, ooh......

Towa: There was... This much dango!?

Tsubomi: This is... An amount rivaling the World's End...

Kamira: It legit increased way more than we planned.
Looking at it like this, it's pretty harsh, lol.

Iroha: Ugh... Sorry my place's Chef Hayashi caused this trouble...

Mito: It's not... Chef Hayashi's fault.
Everyone was just too kind... Is all.

Towa: Eh, seriously, what happened?

Iroha: Were I to provide explanation in regards to the kindness of the world, it seems it would require an entire lifetime, so please allow me to save it for later...

Mito: But can we... Eat this much...?

Tsubomi: It is not a question of whether we can eat it. We shall eat it!
One's own defeated figure is not something that should be envisioned before the fight!

Denki Member: YES! If you give up, the competition ends there!
Everyone has their plates, yes? Let's go~!

Iroha: Let the full moon party, begin!

Denki Members: Delish! Even with 4 types, knowing they have different flavors, they're all good!
I like this shop's dango combined with Mito-chan's and this red bean paste.

Tsubomi: Hum... This is... Hm!

Iroha: Hm, this dango... It has Mito-chan's flavor!

Mito: Ah... You figured it out? Mito also helped with making the soy glaze.
I tried arranging it... How Iroha-chan likes it.

Towa: It loses to potato chips, but, well, it's not bad.

Kamira: Eeh, no way. All the dango is hella awesome.

Kamira: I could eat it all day!!

Kamira: ... Well, I got all excited, but.
Honestly I'm getting kinda tired...

Tsubomi: World's End... Does this mean it was too early for us of humankind...!?

Mito: Maybe it was because we had two flavors... Red bean paste and soy glazed...?
Being able to coordinate the flavors ourselves was good, though...

Iroha: But if we run away to something with strong flavors like potato chips now, we surely won't be able to return...

Kamira: Speaking of, where're the boss and the rest...?

Denki Member: Socializing with the adults.
It's an important job, after all, going around greeting all the sponsors.

Denki Members: Thank you, sponsors!
It's thanks to you that we can live happily!

Towa: ... Scary. They said every word in unison.

Kamira: Or like, this isn't really the time to be escaping reality?
There's still a bunch... If we bring them back, they'll get hard...

Towa: Welp, good luck.

Denki Member: Waiwaiwaaaiit! Don't go opening a bag of potato chips!
Dango, you have to eat dango!

Iroha: With that said, it's all been sweets, after all.
It makes you want something salty...

Mito: Oh right... Wait a bit.

Mito: Iroha-chan, try putting this on... And eating it.

Iroha: Th, that's, the ultimate green perilla paste?

Tsubomi: The legendary seasoning that held Denki captive during the Flavor Wars boom, and that Mito kept making each time it ran out!?

Mito: It might be nice and refreshing, is what I was thinking.

Iroha: Ooh... Oooohh...
My mouth is full of Mito-chan's love...

Towa: Heeeh... So how is it?

Kamira: ... Uwah, it's hella good!?

Kamira: It matches great with the sweetness of the dango!

Iroha: ... I see, changing the flavor. Such a method was possible, huh?
In other words, everyone... You understand, right?

Denki Members: (nod)

Tsubomi: — And now, the Warfront of Created Flavors, Dango Final Battle Arc begins!

Denki Members: Uwooooooooh!

Towa: (Oh... Here it is. This kinda development, I've been waiting for it)

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Pub: 30 Sep 2024 19:20 UTC
Edit: 30 Sep 2024 21:41 UTC
Views: 138