She appeared like a sudden spring shower, her hair the color of the deep ocean, her white suit the only cloud amongst the clear blue sky. You hiked up the hill towards her - but as you stumbled, so did she, stuttering as she asked, "a-are you okay?" You giggled, and her face flushed bright red as she averted her eyes.

Over the next few months, the two of you began spending more and more time together. You began dating in earnest, and before long the two of you were sharing a place together. While you were busy with your own work, she too was busy with hers. She came and went often, floating like a leaf in the wind. "Time flies, and so must I," she would tell you. You laughed, gave her a kiss on the forehead, and waved her goodbye. You knew she would return before long.

One night, you were woken up by the thundering of a stranger barging into your house. You grabbed a kitchen knife before investigating, but all you found was your dear lover, her neck oozing a torrent of blood. She was cold to the touch, paler than you had ever seen her. Yet her eyes were locked tightly to yours, in her hands a crumpled slip of paper, its contents faded by the passage of time. You held her as her chest stopped moving, yet the fierce determination in her eyes never wavered.

When you were startled awake the next morning drenched in a cold sweat, she was staring at you, a smirk on her face. "You were crying in your sleep," she said. "I thought I'd surprise you, but I didn't know you'd be such a mess without me." You weren't sure how to respond.

As the two of you wandered into the kitchen, you saw that there was no sign of what you had thought had happened the night before. Still a little shaken, you sat down at the counter, your head in your hands as she brought you a cup of coffee. "Must've been some nightmare, eh?"

As time went on the memory faded, a fleeting dream like any other. When one day you found a small slip of paper, you had a slight sense of deja vu - but it slipped away just as quickly. You stood there for a moment, then scribbled a quick three words on it, before sliding it in her jacket pocket. A little present for her to find later.

Pub: 26 May 2022 16:39 UTC
Views: 227