weeee! my friends! luv u!

finn hi padre! hey there loser! we dont talk as much as we used to
but i still think you're very cool and awesome! i genuinely
admire you as a person, whether i should.. idk! but you're
an idol of mine no matter how weird it sounds
have a cool day swagger, keep your chin up ur crown is falling!

jupiter hi jackmanifold :3 hi jupiter! we used to be best friends in the early
days of the otherside.. i still consider you a close friend of
mine even if we've drifted apart a little over the year!
you're super cool!! rock on super star!

colby haha ur ginger dawg you're the coolest ginger person i know!!
ur one of the og's from the otherside so that's pretty cool!
err we don't talk that much but ur still supr
silly! ok im done talking abt you .

isopod sooo goofy wassup brah! literally never stop drawing your art
is so good!! thank you for the silly sea creatures you
post in your channels, i thoroughly enjoy viewing them
i hope you're having a good day, u deserve it!

aster imagine getting hit by a car LOOOL i love you /p your SOOOOO silly and funny youre
never online anymore but when you are you light up my day!
i hope you read this and smile because i mean what i said!
you're awesome, don't forget it

luca slingshot deez nuts hi luca :3 we don't talk that much but you're still AWESOME
i love your art, it's so silly and expressive! /gen thank
you for drawing me that one time it was rather
nice of you :p have a good day pal!

movin on up!

my LOOOOVE!!! I LUVVVV YOU!! hie 12/28/23 and counting... hi boy girl friend :333 i love you even if i dont say it
all the time! u are my favorite person in the world and
i wish you nothing but happiness and love in the future
thank you spending your time on me, i really do
appreciate it. i hope you're having a good day 💖

Pub: 28 Jun 2023 01:27 UTC
Edit: 28 Jun 2023 01:46 UTC
Views: 158