The Teams Team Up: Part 3

We have succeeded! We climbed Mt. Thunder and, despite the many scares and close calls, emerged with the key to an honest-to-god wish! The road to actually making the wish sounds too hard for Wooper and I right now, but maybe someday...
The four of us make the long trek back to Pokemon Square. By the time we start walking away from Mt. Thunder, it is sometime in the afternoon. It isn't too long before we come upon the forest from earlier. No doubt about it, we have to travel through Mystical Forest once again. Something about what Squishy said yesterday about this place has me a little curious, though.

“Hey, is it alright it Wooper and I take the lead here? You guys say it's the easiest dungeon ever, and I want to see what it's like.”
Berry nods. “Mmm, go right ahead, Chespin. Wouldn't mind taking it easy.”
“Ahh, wanting a little power trip after Mt. Thunder? Be my guest!” Squishy slows down, allowing Wooper and I to take the lead.
I turn to Wooper. Bringing my fist in front of my face, I say “Ready for this, Wooper? We're gonna have some fun with this one!”
“You betcha! Wait until I put the chill on 'em!”
I feel a jolt of fear run through me due to Wooper's words. I don't think I'm ready to see him do that stuff in a fight, what if he did something bad?! “Umm...yeah, let's beat some guys up.”

The sky darkens as we enter the dungeon proper. It isn't long before we see our first foe, a Skiddo. It still unnerves me, seeing the empty look in a dungeonmon's eyes, their almost-robotic movements...It's like they're nothing more than biological machines made by the dungeon itself. It's really creepy, especially after having spent so long around normal Pokemon, who always seem so full of life. What makes this even creepier is...I know a Skiddo, and he's part of the guild! But this isn't the same one, I know it!
The Skiddo fires a series of sharp-looking leaves towards Wooper. I jump in front of Wooper to take the hit, the pointed attack registering as nothing more than the tiniest of scratches. Glaring at the grassy goat, I charge forward, leaping head-first into it! The force of my attack sends the Skiddo sailing into a tree, colliding into it with a loud SMACK! They fall to the ground, becoming nothing more than a dark cloud before blowing away into nothingness.

“Man, seeing that gives me the creeps.” I turn back to Wooper. “Do all the normal enemies in dungeons do that?”
Wooper nods. “They're some kinda defense mechanism made by the dungeon. They're not really 'alive' like any of us are.”
So my suspicions were correct. “Any idea how the dungeon does that?”
“Nope, they're called MYSTERY Dungeons for a reason, Chespin!”
Figures. I still can't believe they seriously call them that in this world. “Well, mystery or not, we gotta get through this place.”

We walk for a few more minutes, running across a Spearow next. I clench my fist, and as I recall the thunderstorm atop the mountain, it begins to spark. Oh yeah, time to test out my new trick!
The bird flies directly at me, its eyes devoid of all thought. Normally I'd be dodging out of the way by now, but in a dungeon like this, it should be okay. I stand still, waiting for the perfect moment. Wait for it...wait for it...NOW!
Just before my avian enemy flies beak-first into me, I throw an uppercut Thunderpunch with all my might! A loud thunderclap echoes through the forest as my attack connects, causing a bright flash! The Spearow's body crackles from the jolt, electricity arcing through its body as it flies upwards, poofing into the same dark cloud as the Skiddo from before!

“Oh hell YES!” As far as fighting goes, that's gotta be one of the most satisfying things ever! That thunderclap is music to my ears!
“Wow, Chespin! That punch of yours is so cool! Oh! Speaking of cool, can I try my new move out?”
Oh no. Oh no. “I uh...don't you think we should practice it out some other time?”
Wooper groans. “Aww, c'mon Chespin! You got to do your thing, why can't I?”
“I-You know how I am with ice! It''s a tool of evil!”
“But I'm not evil, Chespin!”
Why's he gotta be so PUSHY?! “Well, what if you aim wrong? Y-you could hit me with it! You almost DID earlier!”
A frown forms on Wooper's face as he stares me down. “Well, I'm doing it against the next enemy we see, okay? If you're so scared of it, stand behind me!” He sounds really annoyed now, something I've almost never heard from him.

Our argument is cut off by a lone Chikorita wandering down a path towards us. Wooper turns to face it, and as he begins to inhale, I turn my back, ducking my head and humming loudly to drown out all other sounds. I feel a cool breeze from behind me, the sensation making my heart skip a beat.
I don't know how long I say like that, but I feel Wooper nudging me with his tail. Picking my head up, I make the mistake of looking over where the Chikorita was. I gasp and cringe at the sight of ice on the ground as I begin to imagine what it must have looked like when that enemy got hit. What if Wooper had somehow missed? What if he had somehow messed up so badly he hit me?!
Looking away from the scene, I say, “Okay you did it, now can you PLEASE not do that again until we're back at the guild?”
Wooper frowns again, saying, “Okay, fine...But it was really neat! I shot a beam of icy energy and the Chikor-”
“STOP! You're gonna give me nightmares!” I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I know it's excessive, but nothing scares me the way ice does! “Just...please, for my sake, okay Wooper?”
“...Okay, I get it, Chespin. But once this is all over, we gotta try getting you past that fear!”

We trek through the rest of the dungeon, every foe as easy as the last. Wooper holds true to his promise, only firing the occasional Hydro Pump while I beat the dungeonmons down with either my vines or my charged-up fists. Despite the moment of panic earlier, I find myself enjoying the rest of the mini-adventure. It feels good to fight such one-sided battles in my favor for once!
We come out the other side of the forest, the sky a beautiful shade of orange as the sun begins to set behind us. Squishy speaks up for the first time in awhile, saying, “Good work, you two. How'd your little power trip feel?”
I give a thumbs-up, or at least the closest thing to one I can do now. “Pretty great! It's a pretty sweet feeling, punching something so hard they vaporize!”
Wooper nods. “Yeah!”
“Ohoho...Power trips are fun, but they shouldn't be the only adventures you two go on. Gotta challenge yourselves a little more than that.” Squishy lets out a long yawn, following with, “We should camp here for tonight. We can check out Pokemon Square in the morning.”

The next morning, we continue our journey towards Pokemon Square, arriving roughly an hour later. As we enter the town, I wonder why they call it a 'square' when the town is so much larger than just a central plaza. It seems to be roughly the size of Capim Town, with all sorts of shops, stalls, and restaurants along the road. It's a pretty lively scene, one that reminds me of the tourist trap towns from the human world.

We stop for a quick snack at a bakery, staffed by a strange Pokemon, one that looks like a cross between a pink cupcake and a dog. Looking at the displays, I gasp as I see something I thought I'd never see again.
“They have glazed donuts?!”
Wooper shoots me a confused look. “Why wouldn't they? It's a bakery.”
“Wait...These are common?”
“Yeah? Haven't you ever gone to a bakery in Capim?”
“I...” Have I really been overlooking this stuff for all these months? “...Nevermind, just get a few of them.” How much of this world have I been missing out on, even after all this time?
Berry pays for everybody's snacks, and I eagerly bite into my donut. The intense sweetness of the glaze paired with the soft dough makes for one of the most delicious things I've eaten in a long time. I remain silent as the four of us eat, content to simply savor the moment. I grip another donut in my vine, helping Wooper out as usual.

Afterwards, Team Marsh leads us westward, out of the town and into a very strange landscape. I spot deserts, ponds, fields on fire, ancient ruins, and pristine ponds, all within mere minutes of one another! In each area, I see small houses built here and there, no doubt holding the area's residents.
“What's up with this area?” I ask. “None of these places make a bit of sense!”
Squishy speaks as he continues to lead us. “It may look a little strange, but it's a wonderful little spot of land. The hero that saved the world from a falling star helped create this area, so that Pokemon of all kinds could live comfortably. It is said that they would call upon Pokemon from these areas to assist them in their adventures.”
As we enter a gloomy-looking swamp, Squishy continues. “Gourd Swamp...Berry and I lived here during our adventuring days. Just being here brings back so many memories...”
I clear my throat, trying to snap him out of it. “These places are cool and all, but...I haven't seen any that seem like they'd be ideal. For me, I mean.”
“Ohoho, of course, Chespin! Why, there's one place I'm sure you'll enjoy.”

Squishy leads us through the strange landscape for a little while longer, and that's when I see it.
In front of me lies a meadow, filled with lush green grass, vibrant flowers and clear sparkling ponds. Off in the distance I can see a small lake, with a rainbow arching over the horizon. Small, humble houses are scattered across the scene, as well as a couple of trees.
Just standing among it all fills me with a strange sensation, one of pure contentment. Setting down my bag, I can't stop myself from lying in a bed of flowers next to the lake, basking in the sunlight. It's like...I was meant to be here! If I wasn't already part of a guild, I'd definitely get a house here! The guild's garden doesn't even come close to this place!
“Oh yeah, this place is the best...I could fall asleep here right now...” I sigh as I stretch my arms, trying to get more sunlight to hit my body. Out of the corners of my eyes, I can see the green parts of my body beginning to glow.
“I guess the water looks alright.” Wooper doesn't sound as enthusiastic about this place as I do. “I'll go sit in the lake for a bit, okay?” I head a small splash shortly after.
I pick my head up, Berry looking right at me. “Hmm...You look too comfortable to bother, Chespin. Perhaps you should enjoy a nap for a little while, mmm?”
“Oh, you bet I'm gonna enjoy it...” Even though it's only been a minute or two, I feel myself dozing off. The sunlight is pleasantly warm, filling me with an indescribable sensation, as though every nerve in my body is thanking me. On top of that, the flowers smell delightful. Even the ground itself feels nice and comfortable, almost like a soft bedsheet. I could spend the rest of my life laying right here...

By the time I wake back up, it is sometime in the afternoon. I stare up at the sky, content to continue laying in the bed of flowers for a little while longer.
“Chespin? You awake?”
Well, guess I can't lay here forever. I force myself to stand up, looking over at Wooper. “Yeah, I'm awake.” Stretching my arms, I say, “Man, this place is amazing! If only we could make the garden at the guild a bit closer to this...”
I look down at the flower bed, getting an idea. I pick a decent assortment of flowers, sticking them in my bag. “There's flowers everywhere, they won't miss these too badly.” Turning my attention back to Wooper, I ask, “So uh, where are your parents?”
“I think they went to go visit the swamp? They'll be back before long, I bet!”
I shrug, going back to lie among the flowers. I'm not worried about them. Team Marsh wouldn't ditch us, and on top of that, this meadow feels like the safest place I've ever been in in my entire life.

I sunbathe for a little longer, content to simply let the sun work its magic. But it isn't long before I hear the familiar voice of Squishy approaching. “So, how do you feel, Chespin?”
I stand back up once again, dusting myself off. “Fantastic! I feel like I could take on anything!”
For a moment, I swear I can see a shine in one of Squishy's eyes. “Anything, you say? Well then...FACE ME IN BATTLE!”
His sudden shout catches me off-guard. “Wh-what?! I-I can't fight you, you're Wooper's dad!”
“No matter! It'll just be a friendly little match.”
For a moment there, I thought I was in some serious trouble. Does he really have to be so dramatic?! “Why the sudden challenge?”
“During our little excursion, I found myself surprised at how you battle. Focusing more on defending your allies, yet still being capable of being a heavy hitter if need be.” Squishy lowers his head, a look of determination on his face. “I want to see how you fight when it's just you!”
At first, I'm intimidated, but then I remember the scene on Mt. Thunder. Squishy went down to a single attack to that Ferrothorn, but I was able to tank a few hits from it without much issue. If I can hit him with one good blast, I could win right away! I raise my fist, letting it spark up. “Then get ready, because I ain't gonna hold back!”

The two of us make our way to a spot in the meadow clear of any flowers. Squishy takes his spot, saying, “Berry and Woopy will watch us. The fighting ends when one of us is knocked out. Berry will assist us afterwards.” From his position, Squishy yells, “Chespin! Show me what a former human is capable of!”

With a shout, I shoot my vines out, grappling onto Squishy. Slingshotting myself towards him, I throw a full-force Thunderpunch right into his face. To my dismay, the attack's impact is unthinkably weak! I don't even hear the thunderclap or see the flash that's supposed to accompany it!
“Electricity does not harm me, Chespin!” Before I can retract my vines and try to get away, Squishy blasts a powerful jet of water directly into my chest!
I tuck myself into a defensive curl just before I hit the ground, tumbling across the meadow. Feeling a little dazed from how fast I was tumbling, I stand back up, holding a hand to my stinging chest. The force knocked me real far back, but I've taken worse hits!
I look up at the sun. Just one good hit is all I need, and the sunlight seems brighter than usual right now! I hold my hands skyward, tensing up my arms as I draw in power from the sun's rays. To my delight, I find that my attack is charging faster than ever before! With a shout, I thrust my hands forward, unleashing my energy!
Squishy fires off a Hydro Pump at the same time, our attacks colliding with one another! His attack is too forceful for my beam to break through, punching right through it! I leap out of the way just in time, the torrent of water narrowly missing me. “You'll need more than that to break through!”

C'mon, think! Solarbeam's the best I have right now, and he can just block it with his own attack, what do I do?! Lacking options, I raise my arms to charge up another shot. I can see that Squishy is preparing his own attack at the same time. If only I could catch him between attacks...Wait a moment, I know what I can do!
With a loud yell, I throw my hands forward, but this time I clench them into fists tightly, preventing the beam from being fired! As Squishy blasts another Hydro Pump in retaliation, I leap to the side, rolling a little before standing back up. “GOTCHA!” With another cry, I fire my second Solarbeam for real, not giving Squishy a chance to answer it!

“OOOUGH...!” My attack hits home, the forceful strike sending Squishy flying backwards into a tree, the impact shaking the branches hard enough to cause a few apples to fall!
“YES!” I pump my fist in the air, reveling in my victory. “Did you see THAT, Wooper?!” I walk towards Squishy, his body glowing brightly. That's strange, my Solarbeams have never done that before.
As I walk closer, I get a better look at Squishy. The scorch marks from my attack are...vanishing?! “Wha...?”
Squishy picks his head up, looking full of energy once again! “Rookie mistake! Never approach your foes until you know they're down for the count!”
H-he's healed? HOW?! I'm so stunned that I don't notice the red lights streaking towards me until it's too late. The ground underneath me erupts like a volcano, knocking me into the air! As I grit my teeth to keep from crying out, I see Squishy fire forth a purple glob of poison up at me! I curl up as best as I can, but I'm not quick enough. The blob of sludge explodes on contact, knocking me across the meadow once again!

When I finally come to a stop, I let out a loud groan of pain. Everything hurts...How can he do two insanely powerful attacks that quickly? How is he hitting so hard?! My entire body cries out for me to stop as I lie there, holding my head as I try to regain my focus. Just as I'm about to slump down into the grass and throw in the towel, I hear a familiar voice.
“Chespin! Don't give up, please! I know you can do it!” It's Wooper, and I can hear the concern in his voice.
I can worry about the pain later. I've gotta win this for Wooper's sake! I force myself to stand back up, my breath catching in my throat as I see my entire body glow a bright green. That's right, the last-ditch power up! I don't know why it only shows up when I'm about to lose, but it definitely makes me feel more confident!
I draw in more power from the sun, the ball of energy growing larger than ever before! I scream at the top of my lungs as I throw my hands forward one final time. Squishy answers with another Hydro Pump, but this time, my beam smashes right through it! Squishy lets out a cry of surprise as the attack scores a direct hit on him! I keep a close eye on Squishy, and when I finally see his head slump down to the ground, only then do I ease up.
Berry waves an arm in my direction. “Chespin wins, mmmhmm!”

I fall to my knees as I catch my breath, still stunned at what happened. “I...won?”
“CHESPIN, YOU DID IT! THAT WAS THE COOLEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN! THAT WAS SO INCREDIBLY INCREDIBLE!!” Wooper runs up to me, a look of pure happiness and amazement on his face. He's awfully happy for someone who just saw his dad get shot.
I pull Wooper into a tight hug, still tired and battered from the hard battle. “I won, Wooper...See what the...power of the sun can do...?” I can't remain upright, and fall onto my back. God, that took so much out of me.
Just as I feel my head begin to go light, Berry places an Oran Berry in my hand. With the last of my energy, I stuff the whole thing in my mouth. In a matter of seconds, all the soreness and dizziness melts away. I let out a sigh of relief as I stand back up, thanking Berry.
“Not a problem, mhmm!” Berry walks over towards Squishy, reaching into her bag.

Now that my mind isn't focused on my aching body, I feel a rush of emotions flood into me. I'm amazed that I actually managed to win, against Squishy of all opponents. I feel a great sense of relief that the battle is over. But most of all, I feel, joyous that I pulled it off while Wooper was watching! I can't stop myself from picking Wooper up in my vines, spinning him around in celebration! I can't believe I really did it!

Out of the corner of my eyes, I spot Squishy picking his head back up. I set down Wooper as he approaches.
“OhohoAHAHAHA! You never cease to amaze me, Chespin. Why, I'm so happy I could cry!”
I rub the back of my head. “You're happy you lost a fight?”
“It's not about losing, it's about watching you give it your all. The slingshot punch, that rolling dodge, that fake out with the first Solarbeam, and that final attack? Marvelous! To think that I finally got to battle a former human...and he managed to win against me...” Tears begin to form in his three eyes...Wait, THREE eyes? I thought that one in the middle was just a weird looking spot!
Feeling pretty unnerved by this new discovery, I say, “Well...If you weren't as vulnerable to the beams as you are, and it wasn't as sunny as it is right now, there wouldn't have been any chance of me winning. If that last beam didn't do it, you'd have gotten me.”
“Ah, but that's just it, isn't it? That beam DID do the trick. A win's a win, after all! BUT!” Squishy's voice takes on a slightly more serious tone. “You still have much to learn. Electricity does not harm ground-based opponents, after all. Getting that close to me was very risky, as well.”
I let out a sigh. “Yeah, I should have known. I got caught up in the moment, I guess.”
“That being said, you fought very well! There's not a doubt in my mind that you and Woopy are a great team, one that'll accomplish all manner of amazing things. Now!” Squishy motions towards Pokemon Square with his head. “What say you to a little celebration?”
“You got it!”

It hurts to say goodbye to the meadow I've spent most of the day in, but maybe Wooper and I can take a little trip out here on our own someday to relax for a few days. Team Marsh leads us into Pokemon Square once more. The streets are even busier in the late afternoon, with Pokemon either hurrying home or heading out for dinner. The four of us turn down a few roads before stopping at a colorful-looking door, adorned with spiral swirl patterns. Above it I spot a sign that reads 'Spinda's Sips and Snoozes.' Below it I see smaller letting, reading 'formerly Avalugg's Chug and Snug.' I do a double-take, formerly WHAT now?! ...No, it's just gotta be some crazy coincidence. Berry opens the door for us, and we walk on in.

The interior looks...a lot like the bars from the human world, but more rustic. The wood floor is a light shade of brown, and the walls a darker shade. The place is lit by a series of candles and torches. On the walls, I can see paintings of what I can only assume are faraway lands, as well as a few shelves of various little trinkets placed as decoration. The bar counter itself is tiered, with some sections at different heights to allow Pokemon of varying heights to comfortably sit. The sounds of chatter and silverware clinking against plates echo through the room, and the air is filled with the scents of bitter fruits and fresh baked goods.

Squishy turns to us. “It may have a new owner these days, but Berry and I used to come here after many an adventure! There ain't a better place to relax after a long adventure than right here. Come, let us find a spot.”
Squishy leads us over to a table. On one side are a few cushions to sit on, while the other has chairs. I pick Wooper up, setting him on a chair. Climbing onto one myself, I wait for our order to be taken.
A Lilligant walks up to the table. “Good evening what can I ge-” She glances as Squishy's scarf, gasping. “Team Marsh?!”
Squishy nods. “That's right.”
“Goodness, it's been a long time! I see Woopy's as well as ever. And...oh?” The Lilligant looks over at me. “I've never seen this one with you before.”
Squishy continues, saying, “Ah, Chespin here is a h-” He must have seen the look on my face, because he coughs loudly, saying, “Chespin is part of Woopy's own team!” I sigh, glad that Squishy at least didn't blab about my poorly-kept secret to the entire room.
With a happy-sounding voice, the Lilligant says, “My my, how accomplished! So, the usual then?”
Squishy nods. “Right you are. But make enough for all four of us. And bring some of Spinda's drinks for all of us.”
“Certainly!” The Lilligant gives a small bow, walking off towards the kitchen.

I'm not terribly thrilled that I didn't even get a chance to order for myself, especially since I have no idea what 'the usual' is. I'm also not fond of feeling like a kid whose parents just ordered for him, either. Though to be honest, I wouldn't know what to order in the first place. It ain't like burgers and fries exist in this world...right?

Squishy turns to me. “By the way, I've been meaning to ask. How did you learn a powerful attack such as Solarbeam?”
That's right, I never told him about that story. “Oh, that came from capturing our one and only outlaw. It was a Smeargle that robbed people and...”
“Hmm? What's wrong? Please, continue.”
Well, it's not like he can get upset about this, hopefully. “He had some sort of special power, he used it to switch our bodies the first time we went after him!”
“H-he WHAT?!” Squishy sounds more surprised than angry, thankfully. “So, Woopy was in your body, and you...”
Wooper speaks up. “It was kinda cool for a bit, actually. I got to see what being Chespin was like for a couple days! But we had to relearn everything before we went back, tricked him into swapping us back, and beat him up!”
“Fighting off a wanted criminal even though your bodies were not your own...incredible!”
I rest an elbow on the table, resting my head on it. “Well, even this body wasn't really my own in the first place, considering...Anyways, we beat him down, tied him up, brought him in, and we got a bunch of cash and one of those weird discs that taught me how to use Solarbeam.”
“A worthy reward for bringing in such a crook, I should say!”

The four of us chat a bit longer about various things. About the recent excursion to Mt. Thunder, about what life is like at the Clover Guild and what we've done for it, and so on.
It isn't long before the Lilligant brings us a few bottles of Spinda's special drinks, straws accompanying two of them. I grab hold of one, but just as I manage to get the cork off, the Lilligant returns with several plates of food, leaving us with a bow.
I look at the food set before me. It is a bunch of golden-brown, tube-shaped...somethings, with a strange red sauce on the side. Whatever it is, it looks...fried? They can fry things in this world?! Now that I think about it, even the smell seems a little familiar. Could it be...? Curious, I grab one, breaking it in half. My eyes go wide as I see what the insides are made of.

the holy grail

I gasp loudly, my heart racing as the realization slams into me. “Th-these exist here?!”
Squishy lets out a laugh at my reactions. “Cheese sticks! You won't find a better place to eat them then right here. Best recipe on the continent!”
Berry lets out a small chuckle as well. “Is this something the humans have, hmm?”
“Oh, you bet!” Without taste testing the strange sauce, I dunk the cheese stick and stuff the whole thing in my mouth. Cheesy, gooey, tasty, a little doubt about it, this is the real deal! But the sauce seems weirdly spicy. Maybe it's made from Cheri Berries? I wish it was just marinara sauce instead, but beggars can't be choosers. “'s been so long since I've had these!” Just how many of my old favorite foods still exist in this world, after all? Once this is all over, I gotta get Beast to try frying some things! I reach a vine over to Wooper's plate, helping him out as he eats.

I take my time eating, grateful to eat the closest thing to unhealthy human food I've seen in a long time. Berry finishes her food first. Standing up, she says, “Mmm, I'll be back in a little bit,” and walks out the door.
“What's she up to?” I can't help but ask.
“Worry not, Chespin. It won't take her more than but a few minutes.” Squishy finishes the rest of his plate.
I take another look around the tavern as I wait. Were it not for all the Pokemon, I could mistake this for a place in the human world. All it's missing is a pool table and a jukebox. Between the food and the scene before me, I find myself thinking back on my old world again. It's been several months at this point, hasn't it? I wonder if anybody misses me? Or even if any time has passed at all over there. What if I were to wake up one day and be back there? The thought of it fills me with...fear? But...why?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Berry returning to the table. She places a small, cut-up cake in the center of the table. The dessert has green frosting, but looks rather plain otherwise.
“This is to celebrate Team Marshmellow's successful climb of Mt. Thunder, mmhmm!” Berry begins to dish out slices to each of us. I watch as Wooper gobbles up his slice in a hurry, a big smile on his face. Berry begins to slowly eat her slice, reaching over to help out Squishy occasionally.

I look down at the cake in front of me. The cake looks all kinds of simple, but I'm not one to turn down sweets. Grabbing my fork, I take a big bite of it. Once more, the taste takes me by surprise. It has a hint of bitterness, but tastes of sweet limes and kiwis. Almost like...a Grass Gummi? Is that how they make frosting in this world? Whatever it is, it's good!
That reminds me, we have Gummi drinks as well. Popping the cork off my bottle, I take a big, long swig from it. It tastes of strangely sour oranges, not unlike some of the candies I used to get as a kid. It's a good kind of sour, so I take another long chug from it.
Squishy glances at the bottle in my hand. “Oho! Quite the drinker, 'eh Chespin?”
I shrug, taking another sip. “Reminds me of some kinda candy from the human world.” Finishing off the bottle, I say, “Maybe I should get another...” I begin to feel a little warm, did a Fire type walk in or something?

Squishy gives me a curious look. “Careful with those drinks, they're alcoholic.”
I give a dismissive hand wave. “Ah, relax, humans were practically made for drinking!”
“Are they truly?”
“You betcha.” I look around, Wooper giving me a skeptical look. “I can handle way more than just that one bottle!”
A smirk forms on Squishy's face as he sips down his drink in one go. “Is that a challenge I hear?”
“Pfff, I could drink you under th' table.”
Wooper glances at me again. “Chespin, you're doing it aga-”
Squishy cuts him off. “WAITRESS! Another round of drinks, over here!”
The Lilligant from earlier sets down a few more Gummi drinks at the table, a straw placed in Squishy's set. He stares me down, saying, “Overconfidence will be your downfall.”
I pop open the bottle, downing the whole thing in one prolonged chug. It tastes a little like fizzy apples. I slam the bottle down on the table, chuckling. “'O'erconfidence will be yer downfall' yeah yeah, you don' know who yer messin' with, old man!” The room begins to wobble as I watch Squishy sip down the contents of his bottle.

Squishy and I start downing bottles while Berry and Wooper watch us. For every drink he finishes, I slam down one as well. They might be slightly bitter, but the sweetness keeps me going, as does my desire to beat Squishy at something else. My dizziness intensifies, but through it all, I can see that Squishy is starting to have trouble looking straight at me.
“Gon' giv up, gran'pa?” I say, taunting my foe.
“Ohoho, ye got some fight in ya!” Squishy keeps sipping.
Talk about a heavyweight, that's his seventh drink! And mine, too. I pop the cork off my eighth drink, finding it hard to hold it steady. I bring the bottle to my lips, drinking in the sweetness. I set the bottle down on the table, my hand shaking.
“Yesh...datsh the schtuff...shee 'ow much a humin kin drin-”

As I reach for another bottle, I lose my balance. I tumble off the chair, the whole world spinning as I land with a thud. I hear a few gasps from all around as my vision begins to blur. The last thing I see before I black out is a pair of blue arms scooping me up.

I wake up in a strange room, my head pounding. I'm wrapped up in my blanket, Wooper snoozing right next to me. Whatever is underneath my blanket feels awfully uncomfortable, making my back feel all sore. How did I...get here? Letting out a groan of pain from my headache, I stand up. It still looks like the tavern from last night, maybe a room in the inn? Wherever it is, Team Marsh ain't here. Looking back at Wooper, I spot the reason for my sore back.

“Ugh, are you kidding me...they have ALL this stuff in the tavern and they cheap out on the BEDS?!” I only make my own headache worse as I raise my voice.
Wincing in pain, I see Wooper stir awake. He picks his head up, looking at me with an amused grin on his face. “Mornin', Arthur. You were kinda funny last night! Do all humans get wasted and challenge others to drinking contests to the point of falling over and passing out?”
I feel the blood drain from my face, I did WHAT?! “I-No! No...What got into me?!”
Wooper chuckles at my expense. “I saw the label of that first drink you had. Did you know Orange Gummi drinks can make somebody feel more competitive? Pretty crazy, huh Arthur?”
I slap my forehead with my hand, shaking my head. “Are you serious? It happened again?! I gotta start reading those labels or something...So uh, did I win the drinking contest?”
“Nnnnnnope! Arthur, my dad's like four times your size AND heals from drinks, of COURSE you didn't win!”
“What? So he challenged me knowing it was an easy win? That CHEATER!”
“He didn't cheat, Arthur! You just took on a challenge you couldn't possibly have won.”
“...Don't go telling others at the guild about this, okay?” I spot my bag on a nearby table. Slinging it around my shoulder, I say, “Go find your parents, I'm headed outside to try and fix this headache. And make sure they grab my blanket!”

I leave the room I woke up in. Looks like I'm on the second floor. I hop down the stairs, heading through the tavern and out the door. The morning sunlight only serves to make my headache even more painful, forcing me to shield my eyes with my arm.
Despite this, I focus as much attention on the light as I can, letting out a loud sigh of relief as the pain and soreness is finally washed away by the sun's rays. Drunkards back home WISH they had a hangover cure like this! I sit on a nearby stump, taking in more sun as I wait for the others to come out.
Thankfully, I only have to wait a few minutes. I try not to look directly at Squishy as he exits the tavern, accompanied by Wooper and Berry. I spot my blanket poking out of Berry's bag.

“Good morning, Chespin! Looks like you drank more than you could handle last night, 'eh?”
I cross my arms, looking down the road. “I uh...forgot that I can't drink as much in this body, okay? I was way bigger before all this, after all. And that first drink was the only reason I challenged you to begin with!”
“Ohoho, it's all in good fun!” Squishy slithers up to the road. “Well, this journey has been fun, but it's time to head home. Come, let us make the trip across the sea!”

The trip back to Capim is uneventful. Once again, it feels like being on a boring road trip, since there's nothing to see in the middle of the ocean. Docking back in Capim, the four of us walk to the crossroads outside the Clover Guild.
“It's been a long time since Berry and I have been on an adventure like that. Perhaps Team Marsh should come out of retirement after all.”
Wooper eagerly nods. “You should! The bad guys around here wouldn't know what hit 'em!”
Berry reaches down for Wooper, picking him up in a hug. “Hmmm, we'll stop by more often from now on, Woopy.” As she sets him down, I let out a gasp as Berry picks me up, hugging me as well! “You and Woopy will continue to be a fantastic team, mhmm!” She grabs my blanket from her bag, handing it down to me. “Don't forget, hmm?”
Flustered, I can't help but look around the area, hoping none of the other guild members saw that. “Ahh...Yeah, I wouldn't mind traveling back to that place again someday.”
Between the things the two of them say and how they act towards me, it really does feel like Team Marsh sees me as a second son. It feels all kinds of bizarre to me, and feels almost reassuring? I hold the blanket in my arms, taking care not to let it drag on the ground. Composing myself again, I say, “Anyways, stop on by whenever. I'm sure there's some guild members who would love to tackle a mission alongside you guys!”
“Bye Mom, bye Dad! Come around whenever.” Wooper turns to me, smiling. “Let's tell everybody about our adventure!”
I wave as Team Marsh returns home. It had been a longer trip than expected, but it was a big success. Someday, we'll be able to make a real wish!

Wooper and I enter the main guild hall, ready to tell others about our successful trip. But the guild seems pretty barren, this being the time of day most of them are out doing whatever. There's one member in particular I want to see, though...
I knock on the storeroom door. “Toge, you in there? It's Team Cozy.”
The door cracks open slightly. “Y-you're safe and s-sound? C-come in!”

Wooper and I walk in. As I shut the door behind me, Toge falls to his knees, his face in his hands. “Oh, I'm so stupid, I'm sorry I went and told Wooper's parents about Team Cozy's secret the other day! I'm so so sorry! Please don't stop just because I was stupid enough to open my big mouth! I don't want you two to be less cozy because of my mistake!” I can see tears forming in his eyes.
Wooper seems surprised by Toge's outburst. “Oh, they already knew.”
Toge wipes his eyes. “R-really?”
I nod. “Yeah, they knew way before that. Now, nobody else at the guild knows...right?”
“N-no!” He looks around nervously. “J-just m-me...”
“So...why were you looking in our room when we were asleep?”
“R-remember when I c-covered for you t-two for drinking th-that cooking wine? You d-dropped your badges a-and that's when I saw...I-I also r-restock everybody's b-bags w-when they aren't l-looking...”
“Oh...Oh, right!” Setting the blanket down, I pull out the Blast Wand from my bag. “I got your little message. Talk about coming in clutch!”
Toge looks up from the floor. “I-it helped you?!”
“You bet! Wasn't an ice-type, but it was something I couldn't hurt. Then I saw this bad boy. Let me tell you, shooting fireballs at it? Awesome.” I give the wand a little twirl, sticking it back in my bag. “This'll definitely get some good use from now on.”
“I-it helped...I-I'm so gl-glad...!” Toge lets out a big sigh of relief. “S-so...H-how was the t-trip?”

“It went great! Check out what I learned!” I raise my right hand. Clenching it into a fist, I let it sparkle with electricity.”
“Oh, oh! Look what I learned too!” Wooper begins to inhale.
WOOPER, DON'T!” I flinch, a sudden jolt of fear running through me. Letting out a shaky breath, I say, “...Maybe you can see it later, I don't think I'm ready to see it again.”
“I-It must b-be really sc-scary, Chespin.”
“You don't know the half of it...” I pick my blanket back up. “Anyhow, thanks again for the wand.” Toge awkwardly waves at the two of us as we leave the darkness of the storeroom.

The moonlight streams into the room as Wooper and I drift off to sleep. Compared to the past few days, sleeping in my own bed once again is in a league all its own. The only thing that comes close is sleeping in that meadow from the other day...Wait, I took flowers from there. I gotta plant those first thing tomorrow morning!
I let out a long yawn, rolling over on my stomach as I wrap an arm around Wooper. It's still really embarrassing that someone else found out about this all, but...this is cozy. And coziness is what our team is all about. I'm not gonna let someone finding out about it stop me! As my eyelids grow heavy, I have one final thought before I fall asleep.
“This is really nice...”

Pub: 06 Jun 2023 07:56 UTC
Edit: 25 Jul 2023 09:46 UTC
Views: 514