credits to frillye-archived for header + icon !!

My disorder, disabilties, sexuality and gender expliations.

Disorders / Disabilites.

What is Autism?
Autism is a condition that affects how a person thinks,
feels, interacts with others, and
experiences their environment. It is estimated that one
in 70 people are on the autism spectrum.
Resource to find out more about autism: What is autism?

What is ADHD?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
is a developmental disorder that begins in early childhood.
ADHD used to be called attention deficit disorder (ADD).

Resource to find out more about ADHD: What is ADHD?

What is BPD?
Borderline personality disorder is a mental health condition that
affects the way people feel about themselves and others,
making it hard to function in everyday life.
It includes a pattern of unstable, intense relationships, as well
as impulsiveness and an unhealthy way of seeing themselves.
Impulsiveness involves having extreme emotions and acting
or doing things without thinking about them first.

Resource to find out more about BPD: What is bpd?

What is bipolar?
Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression,
is a mental health condition that causes
extreme mood swings that include emotional highs
(mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).

Resource to find out more about bipolar: What is bipolar?

What is osdd-1b?
Other Specified Disorder-1b (OSDD-1b) describes those
who have similar symptoms to DID,
but do not meet the full diagnostic criteria.
OSDD-1b applies to the lack of amnesia between headmates.
Unlike in OSDD-1a, headmates tend to differ further
instead of presenting as different facets of the same individual.

Resource to find out more about osdd-1b: What is osdd-1b?

What is OCD?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterised by
unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead to compulsive behaviours.
OCD often centres on themes such as a
fear of germs or the need to arrange objects in a specific manner.
Symptoms usually begin gradually and vary throughout life.
Treatment includes talk therapy, medication or both.

Resource to find out more about OCD: What is ocd?

What is a ED/Eating disorder?
A person experiences disordered eating
when they have an unhealthy relationship with food and eating.
This can include following a strict diet,
skipping meals, or binge eating.
A person who experiences disordered eating may also
try to make up for breaking the diet by exercising or vomiting.

Resource to find out more about ED: What is a ED?

What is PAD/Passive Agressive Disorder?
Passive-aggressive behavior is a pattern of indirectly
expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them.
There's a disconnect between what a person
who exhibits passive-aggressive behavior says and what they do.

Resource to find out more about PAD: What is PAD?

What is hypersexuality?
An obsession with sexual thoughts, urges or
behaviours that may cause distress or
that negatively affects health, job or relationships.

Resource to find out more about hypersexuality: What is hypersexuality?

What is depression?
A group of conditions associated with
the elevation or lowering of a person's mood, such as depression or bipolar disorder

Resource to find out more about depression: What is depression?

What is anxiety?
Intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations.
Fast heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating and feeling tired may occur.

Resource to find out more about hypersexuality: What is anxiety


What is alopecia?
Alopecia means hair loss.
There are different types of alopecia.
Some types can cause you to lose hair from a single area.
Other types can cause hair loss from several
areas of your head, face or body.

Resource to find out more about alopecia: What is alopecia?

Gender and Sexualities

What is transgender + transneutral?
Transgender is a broad term that can be used to
describe people whose gender identity is different
from the gender they were thought to be when they were born.
“Trans” is often used as shorthand for transgender.
Resource to find out more about transgender: What is transgender? Transneutral is a term used to describe a
transgender individual who identifies fully or partially as
a neutral, abinary, or any unaligned gender.
It can be considered umbrella term for individuals
who transition to a neutral identity.
Resource to find out more about transneutral: What is transneutral?

What is boyflux?
Boyflux, manflux, or guyflux,
is a subset of genderflux in which
one feels fluctuating intensities of manhood.
An example of a boyflux person's experience of gender
may be a boy 50% of the time, agender 25% percent
of the time, and a mix of the two in-between or around those.

Resource to find out more about boyflux: What is boyflux?

What is inter-sex?
Intersex people are individuals born with any of several
sex characteristics including chromosome patterns,
gonads, or genitals that, according to
the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights, "do not fit typical binary notions
of male or female bodies"
Resource to find out more about intersex: What is intersex?

What is gay?
we might know abt this one guys...

What is asexual?
Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others,
or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity.
It may be considered a sexual orientation or the lack thereof.
It may also be categorized more widely, to include a broad
spectrum of asexual sub-identities.

Resource to find out more about asexuality: What is asexuality?

What are xenogenders?
Xenogender (coined in 2014 by Tumblr
user Baaphomett in a submission to the
MOGAI-Archive blog, from xeno alien + "gender")
is a nonbinary gender identity
"that cannot be contained by human
understandings of gender; more concerned with crafting
other methods of gender categorization and hierarchy
such as those relating to animals, plants, or other creatures/things."

Resource to find out more about xenogenders: What are xenogenders

Pub: 24 Mar 2024 09:14 UTC
Edit: 07 Jul 2024 14:17 UTC
Views: 739