ross' rules

BYI i have typing quirks , i have adhd and autism , im a sensitive person , osdd system , im an irl of ross and devil ! if you try to separate me from them i will probably block u ... robert and king dice are fictional others i am Not comfortable with sharing .

DNI bold = block
italics = thin ice
proship , endo sys , zionist , 13 under / 25 up , if you say you are ross / devil , if you say you're dating robert / king dice , rude to me , our sys , my bf ( depending on situation ) , " simp " for ross / devil , skid x pump , roybert // I BLOCK FREELY

triggers . . . oc / sona x ross , roys uncle , roybert , sa / sh / ed mentions , spiders , " im in ur house / walls " , willy wonka , calling me delusional , cupheadlore , the angel from cuphead dlc // will add more if needed
people ? people . everybody people ... everybody making a sound .....


Pub: 06 Jun 2024 05:40 UTC
Edit: 25 Jun 2024 13:21 UTC
Views: 181