★ ⸮! BYFI
i make kys/die jokes with close friends, i am extremely paranoid at times, i might suddenly block you and unblock you the next day, i have bad memory and forget to reply often so plzplz just dm me again if i havent responded for an hour, i do not condone anything bad my favs have done (esp south park and kpop ppl), i need tone tags especially if we arent close, i usually pair platonically or lightheartedly, i am critical of all my interests, i play mobile legends
★ ⸮! DNFI
fakeclaimers, jae apologists, proshippers, people who make fun of my interests and comforts, nft supporters, you don't support neos and xenogenders, basic dni, people who self dx because its "cute", nsfw, not in the 12-22 yo age range unless i interact first, you associate with these people


Pub: 21 Jul 2022 08:10 UTC
Edit: 24 Jun 2024 09:09 UTC
Views: 381