rain and water genders
gloomyrainic: a gender that feels as if it's a gloomy, rainy day that's always raining or looks like it's about to. the gender can seem foggy from the dark clouds or fluid from the raindrops.
cealokaic: a gender which is connected to the coldness of a fresh morning, foggy backroads, and the glimmer of dew on dead grass.
maglian: a gender related to misty or foggy bodies of water. may be related to foggy seas, a sense of loneliness, unclear water, and the cold.
tsukikagean: a gender connected to the moonlight shinning on a forest pond, the chirping of crickets as time moves slowly on, the "hoo" of an owl in an old oak tree, the frogs croaking on the pond shore, and the pitter-patter of rain on the pond surface.
necrosinlakegender: a gender related to light being shone out on a lake, black water, bodies and things decomposing in the water, and dissociation and/or derealization.
mugetsunian: a gender connected to the obscure moonlight caused by clouds, rain, or something else that can obscure the moonlight, the floating of the clouds throughout the sky as night moves on, the scent of petrichor and fresh air, the sound of a gentle breeze rushing against the trees, and the calmness of a cloudy night. this gender is incredibly peaceful, placated, and relaxed compared to many genders.
thisimageic: a gender related to the image in the flag above.