What is RAMCOA?

RAMCOA stands for Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, and Organized Abuse, a broad label for rare forms of planned sadistic abuse. Each term has a slightly different meaning, and while all RA and MC is OA, not all OA is RA or MC. It's best to visualize the acronym as boxes stacked ontop of one another, with MC at the very top, and OA at the bottom, encompassing everything.

OA - Organized Abuse. This is a term for any and all abuse that is conducted in an organized fashion; by multiple abusers working together, to create repeated, planned abuse towards the victims in order to manipulate them into a specific goal. This is most commonly seen in churches, trafficking rings, schools, daycares, camps, and any group where several individuals in positions of power over a victim may be able to conduct abuse together.

RA - Ritual Abuse. A mixture of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse aimed to control the behavior and thoughts of victims through usage of cues and conditioning. The name comes from ritualistic abuse: planned abuse performed over and over in the same or a similar way to achieve an ultimate end goal. This abuse is often (but not always) spiritual or religious in nature, and may have a hierarchy of members inside the group.

MC - Mind Control. A shortened form of TBMC, standing for Torture Based Mind Control. MC is also known as programming, where victims are repeatedly tortured starting at a very young age to intentionally cause a system of dissociated parts that function perfectly to suit the abusers' needs. Triggers will be implemented to bring certain parts out at certain times and cue different behaviors. The amnesia inherent to DID will be used to the abusers advantage, and manipulated to help hide the system from itself. MC, unlike RA and OA, cannot be properly started on teens or adults, as it is reliant on the nature of DID to function.

"What are handlers?"
The people who carry out programming are referred to as programmers or handlers. There are also internal programmers/handlers, which are alters put into programmed systems to keep the programming in check and running, and to automatically program new parts who split without the external handlers' knowledge.


"what is a side system / second system?"
side or second systems are a phenomena specific to ramcoa survivors where another system exists within the body, often without the knowledge of the main system. these systems have very heavy dissociative barriers between them and the main system and typically serve different purposes for the handlers. they are seperate from subsystems as while a subsystem is best visualized as a system within the system, side systems present as something entirely seperate. disclaimer : while side system is the more commonly used term to describe these systems, it's also a term coined by endogenics. ultimately, it's up to the individual survivor on what terms they want to use though!

"what is a system reset / epochal division?"
these terms describe a phenomena also specific to ramcoa systems in which all or most of the active parts go dormant or are moved to a side system, and new parts are brought to front to take their place. this is most commonly triggered as an anti therapy defense, but can happen through other means as well. disclaimer : in a same scenario as above, the term system reset is endo coined as well and primarily used in their spaces, whereas epochal division is the medically used terminology.

"what is a screen memory?"
screen memories are something handlers do to help hide the abuse from victims and those close to the victim, by providing false memories to explain things that otherwise would strike worry. for example, giving a child a screen memory of playing outside with friends all day to explain how they ended up with bruises everywhere, or giving them memories of taking a nap and falling asleep to explain the gaps in memory they might have.

"how many scripts can you have?"
typically, only 1-3 scripts are implemented into a system. there are, of course, exceptions to this statement, but the more scripts a system has, the more likely they are to be dysfunctional or have clashing / broken / otherwise failing programming. because of this, handlers tend to only stick to one or two, if any. ultimately, there is no set limit however, as each system and group will function differently.

"is [insert vague thing] indicative of ramcoa?"
not necessarily! is it true that ramcoa survivors are more likely to have certain phobias, behaviors, disorders, etc. but it doesn't mean we all do, or that you exhibiting such behavior means you're a survivor. there is no 'ramcoa checklist' that can accurately tell you what you've been through or not.

"i found out what ramcoa is and now i'm breaking down, please help!"
slow down. take some deep breaths. hearing about horrific torture and abuse will be triggering to just about anyone. take a break and go ground yourself. this doesn't mean you're necessarily a victim of ramcoa. if you truly suspect something might be going on, bring this up with a therapist in a safe, private area. some strangers online will not be able to help you figure out whether you're a survivor or not.

"how do i tell if i'm having false memories or not?"
ultimately, only you can know whether a memory is real or not. ramcoa is designed to seem strange, magical, or impossible from an outside perspective, and it's common for survivors to doubt memories they have. if it'd be safe for you to do, try looking for physical evidence of the things you remember going through. working through memories with the help of therapists also may help clear things up.

"can programming result in osdd1b or osdd1a instead of did?"
yes, although this isn't exactly ideal for handlers and typically occurs unintentionally / by accident. it is also worth noting that did systems can have alot of similar alters, or alot of parts with good memory between one another, and this may cause them to present somewhat like an osdd system when they aren't.

"what are randomizers?"
randomizers : parts that are unable to speak the language known best by the body, and may not know any languages at all. they mostly communicate nonverbally or thru a taught code, and have nonverbal programming. these parts are trained to retraumatize the victim by spitting out random trigger phrases from lists provided by the handlers.

This rentry is mostly copy & pasted from https://ramcoaresource.carrd.co/# made by transfemstars on Discord. This archive was made because RAMCOA resource carrds have historically been hacked and taken down by people claiming that spreading info about RAMCOA online is dangerous to survivors. These resources are very, very useful, so this archive is up incase people need them.

Pub: 02 May 2022 19:45 UTC
Edit: 28 Dec 2023 02:35 UTC
Views: 968