basic dni criteria bigots, zionists, antisemites, pedophiles, zoophiles, & proshitters. dont be a shitty person thanks if you side with oppressors or stay neutral/silent during the ongoing genocides, educate yourself. theres tons and tons of information easily available everywhere on all social media sites. your silence and ignorance kills. if you purposely interfere with boycotts. its the least you can do and your fuckass starbucks coffee can wait, support local businesses instead dream asskissers bootlickers & parasocial relationship mfs anti recovery + mental illness fakers/romanticizers if you self diagnose without doing proper research or if you never intend to get it professionally looked at later on


Pub: 03 Feb 2023 20:48 UTC
Edit: 23 Feb 2024 22:57 UTC
Views: 246