you know where to find me
and i know where to
i am giggling and smiling as i type this , i truly love ran so bad. she is and always be my #1 just a few more days until shes been with me for 300 days. you guys could never compare to me when it comes to loving ran haitani, that is just a fact
! i plan to buy more stuff of her, so far all i have is her nui and another plush of her thats coming. i think about her every day, i like to think of cute little scenarios of me and her and stuff like that. ive commissioned a few artists to draw her for me
i could stare at fanarts of her for hours, shes so pretty to me. but shes also kinda ugly !!!! but its okay, i love my girl either way. i have a playlist of songs that remind me of her , some of them i literally start giggling and stuff when i hear them because shes the first thing that i think of listening to them. i will add more onto this on ranlotte 300 days guys sorry
20/5/24 last edited