ran lovemail...heheehuehheheuhheue.
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH RAN HAITANI I THINK ABOUT MY WIFE SO MUCH i actually need to post ran more but erughhh . i love you even when youre kinda ugly i will admit youre braids were ugly but i still love you so its okay . i love you so bad ran haitani i am so not sane about you i need ranhaitani or haitaniran url on rentry please hand it over I NEED IT . i will get it one day its okay . ranlotte one year is coming up soon ... thats so exciting i might try make a cake for the special occasion . yummy ! i have loved ran forever i will always love ran she is my wife and i am her wife i actually think about her every single second of my day . i need to buy more ran related stuff and i will i bought her plushie too i just need to wait for it to arrive but thats fineee. ran is so dear to me like no one likes ran like me at all i am the only ran fan ever . i could talk about her for hours and stuff i could stare at fanart of her for hours please shes so very dear to me i am so sane and normal about my wife you guys . I LOVE YOU RAN HAITANI YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MY #1 EVEN THOUGH I DONT POST YOU MUCH (update i do now). i love fem ran so much i think about her so much fem ran lives rent free in my head i sometimes think of what she'd look like with bubble braids because i think she'd be so cute w them on .. i love rans relationship with rindou/sib. the way she cares about her little sibling so much and the way they are always matching clothes in every gang . their matching tattoos mean so much to me and in bonten too. bonten ran .. i love ran she is like an infestation in my head that won't leave and i dont want it to leave . i think about cute scenarios of me and ran and what it would be like if she was real. i think she'd be an amazing partner she would look after me take care of me make sure im okay and stuff
rans flowers are orchids ! her name actually means orchid (蘭) as well !! her last name haitani means ash (灰) (hai) & Valley (谷) (tani) !!
every tenjiku character has a different hanafuda that matches them , rans is orchid, iris !! orchids arent native to japan , they have no meaning in their own hanakotoba . his hanafuda suite is the month of may , which is linked to iris .
masc butch lesbian ran haitani is real listen to me please please please please please please please please please please
i love my lovely wife i want to inject her into my skin or live inside her spine like a little parasite! i want to be so close to her and try to get closer even when physically impossible. i want to listen to "if u think im pretty" or "the party & the after party" with her while she kisses me passionately and whispers into my ear . no one likes ran haitani like me no one will ever compare to me either
I GIGGLE AND KICK MY FEET WHEN I THINK ABOUT RAN wife has been on my mind so much lately its insane like actually i need help. im so insanely head over heels for her !!!!!!!! i think of little scenarios of me and her ,, i think he'd often take me out on fancy dates and we'd go back to his place later on and just watch movies and throw popcorn at each other while giggling and then cuddle maybe a little more than cuddling yk. i think she personally wouldnt mind me getting involved in the gang stuff he'd be slightly worried and probably super overprotective of me but also would love it because I'd be with her more and the better i get at fighting she can be like "thats my wifey for real" i think he'd call me nicknames like doll sweetheart or wifey and i would blush and giggle every time …. he would also be dragged alone to go shopping with me and forced to carry my bags . she'd also be the "not gonna argue with you, whatever you say doll" kinda girl i thinks . he would carry me home or let me ride on the back of her motorcycle after a date depending how far away we are ^___^ if anyone hurt me she would literally go out and hunt them down and torture them brutally before killing them . he'd make sure rindou stayed with me during it so i was not lonely either because she is a sweetheart and i love her so fucking much . i relate her with a few songs , "if you think im pretty" , "i want it all" , "breezeblocks" etc !!!!! i could talk about her all day the other day i was giggling and blushing while reading fanfics of her and looking at fanart of him because he makes me so unbelievably fucking happy . i am like actually in love with a fictional character because im fucking deranged but it is okay because my wife is so pretty i wish i could kiss her pretty face i want a life size cut out of her oh my god dont get me started on our height difference she is so much taller than me a whole ass foot taller and its so fucking attractive i love when my favs are taller than me i need more ran art before i actually kill myself
i think she likes straight whisky or red wine i can not decide. maybe both ! i have been going more crazy about ran lately. i think shes such an interesting character. shes kinda insane tbh buts its okay I still love her . errmrmmm ran facts because why not she actually went to juvenile when she was like 12 i think . thats when she became a member of s-62 gen aaaa her image colour is a deep purple, she likes yves saint laurent and mont blanc, she dislikes staying up all night (my opposite! i like staying up all night!!) she is good at making a good impression thats one of her special skills , she admires/respects kakucho ! i think theyre also like found family core tbh . she dislikes/fears are kisaki and hanma. i doubt she fears them ! my girl can beat anyone in a fight trust me. her dream is to be a celebrity!!! she sleeps a lot , her favourite spot is her bed and her failure story is sleeping for 24 hours once. she also takes great care of her hair and goes to beauty salons in harajuku too !! shes so princess core fr . she also asked her hairstylist to give her a hairstyle give of the same feeling as the latest piano song by miles davis !! the hair stylist had to remind him that davis is a trumpet player. love my stupid gf fr. she ranked first in the best runner/athlete poll ! my girl is stupid, sleepy, princess coded, and fast !! ran also gets close to people when they talk like 1cm away and thats because shes near sighted. did i also say her favourite place is her bed (same girl) i have her nui shes attached to my phone forever too i also never shut up about ran my friend draws me and her for me and ive commissioned 2 people to draw me and her so far! my girl is tall and lanky too which is perfect for me because im short and i like taller people. our height difference is 1 foot (shes 183cm and im 153cm!!) her eyes are small and downturned. and theyre purple, i love my girls purple eyes. i sometimes stare at her for ages and i just look at different parts of her face and try to find something new. i also think ran would looooove ane gyaru my ane gyaru gf trust me me and ran are agejo gyaru and ane gyaru gfs guys .. i also think ran would look better with bubble braids . and i love her matching tattoo witg rindou ohmygoddddd its so mmm. i want to eat it ! shes also known to be a more stylish delinquent along with rindou too which is soooo cool like actually. also her and rindou always have their uniforms tailored to be different from everyone else its so funny. also my girl is a little embarrassing when that one scene where she closed kakuchos eyes… it was also kinda sad when you think about it but its funny too. i actually get mad when people claim theyre rans best fan but only find her attractive like thats my princess fr i would have to carry HER to bed (and i would fall over trying). my girl is whimsical too !!!! shes silly goofy funny i love her so bad actually!! even tho shes princess coded shes also independent but i still think she'd want princess treatment and thats because i said so. she doesnt have a lot of people close to her i think but she is fine with the few people she has ^^ she cares more about rindou (and me) than anyone else too which is so sweet i love siblings guys . she has little care to the degree of injuries she inflicts on her opponents. shes also probably got a personality disorder but i genuinely cant figure out which one it is. if someone would help me with that id appreciate it ^^ her personality type is also istp !! she also used to rule over roppongi with rindou,, when she was 13 too . she and rindou got into a fight with the biggest gang in Tokyo at that time . the fight was called "roppongi battle of the ashes". i like that name BECAUSE HER LAST NAME MEANS ASH VALLEY rans name reference okay sorry. ran and rindou easilyyyyy defeated the leader obviously. rindou locked the vice captains limbs while ran threw punches to his face too ^_^ go girl!!! they died shortly after .. my girl might have gotten a bit carried away THATS OKAY WE SUPPORT GIRL WRONGS. i might add more onto this i really like my girl a lot her blood type is a and she weighs 70kg her birthday is may 26th, 1987, shes a Gemini, shes also a 9w8
i actually start giggling and twirling my hair when i hear a song and think of her . i am not normal i go feral literally when it comes to her. i think the reason she doesnt have her own motorcycle either is because of her bad eyesight. good for her i wanna get one !!!
photos of my plushie + nui of ran
charlotte of 13thofthefog
happy 1 year of ranlotte