www . ranniesext . com

byf -
i make kys/kms jokes and they can get pretty graphic but i wont make them with u if we aren't close or if you're uncomfy
i can be pretty pushy with my character headcanons but it's usually not on purpose
i'm not that good with words so ill find it hard to word things sometimes
i don't like talking about myself a lot nothing against you just personal preference
i believe in good-faith identities and contradictory labels so if you don't like that leave
don't ask me about my relationship status it just pisses me off
i reclaim slurs only around people i'm comfortable with
i don't like nicknames unless we're close i'll just block you

Pub: 05 Mar 2024 22:35 UTC
Edit: 06 Mar 2024 21:39 UTC
Views: 38