hai i am kou and this is my extended yaay :3 i use they/them only

i like associating myself with ranpo, sigma, shiho, and seals i loaavv seals yo-chan is cute

boundaries :pp

  • i’m uncomfortable with vulgar/offensive jokes used towards me (i do not gaf if you use slurs or use racist jokes js dont say it directly at ME)
  • avoid petnames and sexual comments
  • don’t try to befriend me if you’re 20+
  • do not drag me into discourse or drama
  • don’t get over-comfortable with me, especially if we’ve just met. spamming me, sending paragraphs of affection, and treating me like i’m your best friend when in reality we’ve only spoken for like 3 days is rlly awkward and uncomfortable for me…
  • for the love of god DONT EVEN TRY to start a romantic relationship with me or even flirt with me i will kill you (fake flirting is ok if we're friends)


  • i’m very shy and awkward and will get scared/paranoid of people often.. mostly around rude/toxic people... if you geniunely hate me just block me bc i don't wanna stress myself out over u ignoring me
  • i struggle with reading tone; tone tags aren’t required but are appreciated! just don’t overuse them.
  • everything i do and say is platonic!
  • make kys/kms/die jokes (not to strangers)
  • slow or dry replies do not always mean i’m mad at you! i’m just tired, in a bad mood, busy, or not in the mood to socialize.

if you have an issue with me or if i follow someone problematic/say something wrong then please privately reach out to me and explain what i did wrong (via dms or rs) so we can resolve it! ^_^

do NOOTTT interact … block me even

  • basic dni
  • toxic skk stans
  • anti-recovery
  • lolicon/shotacon
  • ranpo or ranzai haters
  • don’t be weird! i’ll block you if i dislike you

if we were mutuals and i sb/hb you it’s bc i didn’t like something u said/did so i unmooted, but usually when i think you’re okay again i’m too scared to follow first again bc of the awkwardness.. i’m sorry..

if i've softblocked/hardblocked u and u believe that you didnt do anything wrong and we should remoot then feel free to reach out ^_^ i promise that there are so many people i've sb'd and want to remoot but im scared to reach out so reaching out first would be awesome...

art guidelines
personal use/pinterest reposts ok with credit!!
don’t claim as yours, don’t repost w/o credit
do not reupload onto nft/ai sites

bsd, pjsk, nso, crk, class of '09, vocaloid, alnst, tbhk, saiki k, drawing, editing, & more…

heavy interest unfinished/behind

i lovelovelovelovelove ranzai!!!!!!!! i love them sooooo much !!!!!!!!!!

i appreciate my friends !! (´ ε ` )♡


  • art twitter: @frilledjelly
  • side twitter: @souhekiceo
  • priv twitter: @souhekiyuri
  • tiktok: @ranzai
  • discord: @chuurans i dont accept reqs from strangers im sawry

go back

Pub: 01 Aug 2022 07:17 UTC
Edit: 06 Sep 2024 22:08 UTC
Views: 612