Rat Fuck

Scape (Hentaifoundry)

Desc: Left for dead by the Witch-Hunter Victoria Slutzpyre. You are captured by the Skaven forces of Ubersreik and offered as a sacrifice to their god, the horned rat.

Reborn with a new body and a new purpose you seek vengeance on the one who's fault it is.

A Warhammer Vermintide story.

Warning, contains: Excessive cum, Futa on futa, rape, cum inflation, docking, forced impregnation and a half thought out attempt at emulating the Kill la Kill visual style in a warhammer story.

Chapter 1 - Bitch-Hunter

“They’re at the docks!” Someone yells, scrabbling down from the rooftops as you and the few surviving townsfolk fight through the hordes of rat-men clawing their way up from the depths beneath Ubersreik.
Dropping over a wall, you find a party of women cutting their way towards a boat. An elf woman turns, drawing her bow as she spots you. Her arms move in a blur, drawing and firing arrows at such ferocious speed that all you can hear is the rapid twang of the bow.

There’s a series of shrill squeals and thumping sounds. You turn to find the building behind you covered in arrow impaled Skaven.

A woman in a breast plate tosses a barrel of black powder into a boat and turns, drawing a two-handed hammer. With a grunt she swings the weapon in a wide arc, sending rats flying, smashing through wooden walls.

A glowing glass ball arcs through the air, smashing to the ground and releasing a wave of glowing green gas that sweeps over the townsfolk.

“Gas rat!” A dwarf calls, pointing with a shield nearly as big as she is as people collapse to the ground, coughing. Green bullets rip through the air at the dwarf, pinging off her shield. “Rattling gunner!” She yells hiding behind her shield, charging forward as a pack of rats charge towards her, their red, beady eyes flashing in triumph.
With a yell the dwarf turns, aiming the ricocheting bullets sweeping through the pack and towards the Globadier rat. The bullets strike the pestilent rat and it topples over dead. “Gas Rat’s dead!” The dwarf calls, still pinned down behind her shield her hobnailed boots leaving deep scratches in the wooden dock as she’s pushed back by the sheer volume of arcane ammo glancing off her shield.

A tall, lean woman in a sweeping black sleeveless leather coat, forearm length black leather gloves, thigh high black leather high heeled boots, an equally tall and lean hat steps forward, raising a pair of flintlock pistols. Shots ring out as she fires the pistols in turn, dropping them and drawing more from her coat.

The Ratling gunner’s head snaps back as the first shots hit him. The woman grins as she keeps firing, the force of the bullets lifting the dead rats body and sending him flying upwards, spinning end over end as she uses the corpse for target practice. It disappears over a building and the woman turns, her huge breasts bouncing, Nipples barely covered by a leather belt.
“Fear not, your lives have been saved by Victoria Slutzpyre, Witch-hunter of Sigmar.” She calls in a slightly nasally voice as she takes a bow, firing off a shot with her outstretched hand and taking out another Skaven.

To your amazement, people are clapping and applauding, even a few of them throw coins and panties at the witch hunter’s feet.
“Get on the boat!” You yell. People stare at you in confusion for a moment before seeming to realize that the city is still under attack.

A pack of rats appears behind the crowd and you run towards them, raising your stave. The sturdy wooden focus creaks as you catch the clumsily made swords meant for the townsfolk. “Go!” You yell, jumping back and firing a blast of explosive magic from the tip of your stave, sending the Skaven flying and catching them on fire.

Behind you the people have reached the boat, but as you turn an enormous monstrosity drops from the sky, lumbering towards the boat. “Rat Ogre!” Someone cries in fear as the adventurers on the boat unload into the beast with everything they have.

Brushing a few strands of your white hair from your eyes you gather your energy, white hot magic flowing from the stave to your hand and forming a spear of cracking energy. Throwing the spell, you watch, guiding it with your mind as it slams into the Rat Ogre and erupts from the other side. The lance of energy arcs from rat to rat, cutting them down one by one.
Something wraps around your neck, breaking your concentration and the magical spear fades into nothing. You cry for help and the Witch hunter turns, her eyes narrowing in on you.
“Cast off.” She calls. People blink at her, looking to you as you struggle.
“But, that mage helped us.” Someone offers weakly.
With a sigh the witch hunter draws a pair of pistols, shooting the protester in the head and then cutting the mooring rope with a shot.
“Farewell, Heretic. Perhaps Sigmar will be merciful and you won’t suffer. I wouldn’t count on it though.” She says with a laugh as she pushes against the dock with a black stiletto boot.

You yell and scream as your dragged away by your neck, the boat disappearing into the distance.

“We eat this one?” A Skaven asks as they swarm around you, tearing at your clothes, checking for the juiciest portions of you.
“No!” The Skaven dragging you yells, smacking a rat licking his lips to the ground. “This one has white hair; Grey rat know what do with it.”

You awake naked in a vat of bubbling green liquid that comes up to your chest. Above you a grate is locked in place, keeping you from escaping the confines. Pressing your ace against the bars you can see your in a huge cavern, burrowed out of the middle of the city. Homes and stores line the lip of the cavern and Skaven in armor prowl restlessly, carrying steel weapons. Looking around you can spot strange warp stone machinery while high above you the moon glows with an unnatural light.

“Great horned rat, take this creature as an offering. Grant me power to take my revenge!” A grey furred Skaven wearing what looks like a ram’s skull and a blood-spattered robe cries from the middle of a circle of arcane symbols in front of a church of gnawed human bones.

The air shifts, filling with power and your skin crawls as you feel the unmistakeable sensation of something unnatural trying to force its way into reality. A bolt of green lightning shoots down from the sky above you, striking the cauldron.

You scream out in pain as unfathomable energy pours into you, ripping your body apart. The sound of breaking bones and tearing sinew fills the air. The pain overwhelms you, shattering your mind as for a moment your consciousness inhabits a body and soul torn to shreds.
In the same instant the pieces of your body smash back together, reformed in the blinding energy of the lightning bolt.

“Is that a sign?” A Skaven asks.

Reaching up you grab the bent bars, still crackling with green electricity, and pause. Your hands are covered in a layer of fine white fur and your pink fingers end in long, sharp black claws. Pulling yourself to your feet you hear the Grey seer chanting joyously as you look over your new body.
“Praise to the horned rat!”
Ignoring him you run your hands down your body, admiring the short smooth fur covering your body as well as the large breasts capped with sensitive pink nipples. Moving lower you run your fingers of the thick length of cock jutting several feet from between your legs, covered in fleshy spikes, while a pair of enormous veiny, leathery balls balls gurgle with foul cum.
“Mirror.” You demand, your voice coming out a strange, slightly high-pitched tone. A few moments later a Skaven scuttles up to you, clutching a shard or mirror fearfully. Snatching the mirror up you gaze into it as the rat scurries away. Through the dirty reflection you can see your face, a strange mixture of human and Skaven, covered in short white fur, while a pair of spiraling goat horns circle around behind your long, rat like ears. Long, sharp teeth, perfect for gnawing and crushing fill your mouth and your red eyes glow.

“She will make an excellent breeder for my army!” The grey seer continues.
Taking one last glance at your new body, you toss the shard of mirror away and turn. A cruel laugh pours from your lips like poison and you can feel the Skaven around you shrinking away in fear. You can feel fragments of your previous life, memories of places and faces that seem strange and pathetic compared to the glorious purpose that now fills you.

“You have failed to take the city and you think you’re being rewarded with a concubine?” You laugh, watching the wheels slowly turn in the failure’s head.
“Traitorous wretch! I’ll kill you for this betrayal.” He cries, raising a shield of glowing energy.
You take a step, falling to the ground, unused to your knew legs.
“You can’t even walk, and you intend to usurp me?” He cackles, circling about slowly as you push yourself to your feet, standing shakily.

You turn and thrust your arm out, sharp claws piercing through the barrier and burying into the Grey seer’s belly. Your body may be new and strange, but it certainly isn’t weak.

“Don’t worry. I still have a use for you.” You smile as your fingers wrap around something hard inside. Energy blooms in your hand and the Seer screams as green flames sprout from within, burning his body to ash, until all that remains is a macabre stave forged from his skull and spine.

“Now then. Does anyone else think I’m going to be their breeding toy?” You ask, turning to the pack of cowering rats, raising the newly created magical focus.

“I didn’t think so. Now get me some clothes!”


Fireworks explode in the skies above and the smell of roasting meats fills the air as cheering townsfolk fill their mugs. Pulling your cloak tighter to your body, you smile from beneath the shadowy cowl as you make your way through the crowded streets. A few people notice you, stepping out of your way quickly. The cloak goes all the way to your feet, hiding your amazing new form as you step to the door of the Red Moon inn and raise your hand to knock. Your knuckles stop a hairs breadth from striking the wood and you instead raise a foot. Balancing on one of your steel platform stilettos, you kick your other foot into the door, ripping it off its hinges and sending chunks of wood and splinters raining through the inn.

“Have I missed the celebration?” You ask, pulling back the cloak.
Your Skaven minions had done an acceptable job finding or making your clothing. A long leather loin cloth, studded with bones etched with arcane symbols is draped loosely on your waist, while a chest piece of ribs and other large bones adorns your chest, likewise etched with magical symbols and drawing attention to your magnificent bare breasts than providing physical protection.
Bullets and arrows ricochet off a green bubble of magic shielding you as the adventurers fire on you with everything they have. Amidst the hail of arrows and the billow of black powder, you spot the inn keeper ducking behind the bar far quicker than his age would imply possible.

“Foul monster!” The soldier woman screams, lunging at you as she brings a heavy hammer down towards your head.
Letting the magical barrier fall, you smile at her as the head of the hammer slams into your forehead hard enough for the hobnails in your heels to leave jagged furrows in the wood floors as you’re pushed back a few inches.
“Is that all you’ve got?” You hiss, grinning toothily at the look of surprise on the woman’s face. With a roar she rears back, bringing the hammer down once again. As it strikes your horns, metal and wood shatter, leaving the battle-hardened soldier holding a useless stick.
“My turn.” You laugh as you curl a hand into a fist and draw back. Your fist flies into the metal breastplate so quickly that you leave an after image and strikes so forcefully that you can feel the thick metal wrapped around your fist like cloth as the woman is bent double by the impact.
For a fragment of a second she’s still, gasping as the breath is knocked from her. The metal armor shatters like glass suddenly and her body launches away from you so fast it creates a shockwave that shatters bottles and tears flyers from the walls. The woman rockets away from you, leaving a faint vapor trail as she crashes through the stone wall so hard that the building next to the inn is half destroyed by the flying shards of stone.

“Sergeant!” The witch-hunter cries, turning to run towards her compatriot.
Launching from the ground you grab a low hanging rafter and push off it with your hands, launching yourself towards the object of your revenge with single minded glee as you aim the dagger sharp heels of your shoes at Slutzpyre’s back.
A circle of metal slides between you and her and sparks fly as the sharpened heels strike the shield.
“Y’er gonna hafta go troo me first!” The pigtailed dwarf woman grunts, visibly straining under a shield supporting your entire weight.

“Ahahaha, half pint, I’m going to wear you as a cock sleeve and when I’m through with you I’ll turn you over to my minions to pass around like a toy.” You laugh as you hear the din of battle from outside.
With a cruel cackle you stomp your heels against the shield, the sharp blade at the heel sliding through the steel as you get closer and closer to the grip. A heel slides through the metal and the shield shifts as you cut one of the leather straps holding it. With a grunt the dwarf pivots on her heels throwing the shield, and you, across the room.

Taking a foot off the shield you catch yourself, sparks flying from your steel shoe and letting out a deafening screech as you skid to a stop, leaving behind a trail of deep scratches in the floor.
The Elf draws her bow and you kick your leg up, raising the shield by the heel stuck in the metal as a volley of arrows flies towards you.

“How have you managed to survive this long with such poor aim?” You taunt at the elf, moving the shield to catch arrow after arrow.

The elf reaches to her quiver, her eyes going wide behind her cowl as she finds nothing there.

Freeing your foot from the shield, you spin it around, snatching an arrow from it. Holding it like a dart, you take aim and throw. The hand thrown arrow catches the edge of the elf’s wayfarer’s garb and pins her to the wall by her shoulder. Grabbing more arrows, you take aim, pinning her piece by piece to the wall until there are no more arrows left.
“Elf?” Slutzpyre calls.

“Och, I’m alright. It’s just the cloth, but ah canna move!” The elf grunts, trying to break free.

The dwarf rushes towards her, axe in hand and you spin around, hurling the shield at them both. A shot rings out, deflecting the shield and sending it ricocheting around the bar.
“Get the elf and go. Take the Sergeant and find someplace to hole up. I’ll handle this…rodent.” Slutzpyre calls, still holding the smoking pistol. Drawing another pistol, she aims in on you, firing off shots in rapid succession.

You raise your protective shield, but cannot move while it is in place. Shot after shot pings off the surface and you can do nothing as the dwarf’s axe flashes out, cutting the arrow hafts and freeing the elf. Your anger boils and festers as you watch them gather up the unconscious soldier and make their escape.

“I remember you!” Slutzpyre calls over the sound of gunfire. “You’re that filthy heretic I left for dead. I can’t say I’m entirely surprised to find you cavorting with rodents.

She reaches for another pistol and her eyes widen in surprise as her hand came up empty. Letting the barrier drop, you slash at her with your claws. Reaching to her side, Slutzpyre draws a rapier, catching your claws on the flat of the blade and grimacing as your strength pushes her backwards.

“Killing you is too light of a punishment!” You hiss, grinning with glee as she takes another step back, losing ground before you. Batting her sword aside, you grab her by the throat, throwing her through the hole in the wall and into the battle raging through the streets.

Rolling to her feet, the witch hunter’s rapier flashes, cutting a swath through the Skaven surrounding her.

Throwing Skaven and humans aside, you make your way towards her.
Turning to face you she clutches a small talisman to her chest. “Sigmar grant me strength!”

You lunge towards her, putting enough force behind your claws to snap that puny blade. Your claws hit the blade and stop. Your eyes widen in surprise as you see Slutzpyre’s sword glowing with power.

Twisting the blade, she slashes at you and you backflip out of the way.

“It seems first blood is mine.” Slutzpyre grins, holding up her rapier so you can see the drops of your blood boiling off the blade.

You reach up to your face, feeling the cut along your cheek and smile as the wound closes under your fingertips. With a hiss you launch towards her, slashing wildly.

Claw meets steel with an impact that sends humans and rat men flying from the pressure wave. Slutzpyre slashes and you deflect it, slashing at her ribs as you do. Blood drips down her side and you scowl as you see the wounds glow and close within moments.

Over and over you strike at each other with such force that the cobblestones crack from the pressure. You claw at her and she ducks to the side as the force of your attack rends roads and buildings with five slash marks for blocks. Slutzpyre slashes at you, missing and slicing a building in half at a diagonal. After a moment the upper half slides away, crumbling into nothing.

“Vermin whore!”
“Self righteous cow!”
The area around you is demolished more and more as the two of you fight, just the pressure waves of the blocked attacks is enough to crush stone and rend wood.

As you lunge towards her, Slutzpyre’s blade snaps under your attack and you hiss in victory. The celebration is cut short as a fist smashes into your face, stunning you with the audacity of it for a moment.

“The loss of a sword is inconsequential! The true instrument of Sigmar’s will, IS ME!” She screams, her body starting to glow with mystical energy.

Curling your hand into a fist you punch at her. It’s not enough to just slash her to ribbons. She needs to be made example of. You can feel power flowing through you and your body glows with a pale green light as the two of you trade blows so powerful that the cobblestones around you are pulverized to dust, wood is reduced to splinters. Each impact is accompanied by a flurry of magical sparks, fire, ice and lightning exploding from the sheer energy the two of you are wielding.

Your fists smash into each other’s faces, stomachs; anywhere that either of you can land a blow and healing just as quickly. As you fight you can see the glow taking form behind her in the shape of a flaming twin tailed comet. At this distance you can see the reflection in Slutzpyre’s eyes of a glowing rat skull with two pairs of curling horns in the air behind you.

With a scream you smash your fist into her face with all your strength at the same moment she does the same to you.

The air around the two of you explodes in a shockwave the levels the city for a half mile in every direction and throwing the two of you apart.

Climbing to your feet you look through the haze to see Slutzpyre climbing to hers. With a cry you race towards her, fist drawn back. Slutzpyre charges at you, likewise ready to continue. As the two of you get close enough to strike she topples forward, face down on the ground, her full toned ass facing upwards from where she landed, unconscious.


You smile as you watch Slutzpyre slowly returns to consciousness to find herself chained between a pair of pillars holding up the great bell you’ve had your minions working on ever since the battle. The bell is a marvel of arcane engineering, etched with foul symbols that befoul the air.
“Where am I?” She groans. “What did you do to me?” She demands, looking down at the generous endowment you’ve blessed her with. It’s absolutely massive, nearly dwarfing yours in size and covered in glowing green veins. The same soft green glow can be seen in her skin as the arcane chemicals in her blood work their magics. Below her fleshy pillar, a pair of cannonballs sized testes gurgle and slosh with backed up liquid while a strong, heady musk emanates continuously from between the huge oily nuts.
“Do you like it?” You grin, sharp teeth flashing as you step towards her, pulling aside your loin cloth. The chains rattle as she tries to flinch away from you as you touch a clawed finger to her throat, drawing an arcane rune upon the skin.
“What have you done to me!?” She screams, stopping as her voice echoes forth in her own head from the great bell, ringing across the length and breadth of Ubersreik.

“I’ve found a use befitting one such as you.” You grin grabbing her by her hips and lifting, your own voice reverberates in your head as the bell carries your words directly into the minds of every sentient creature in range.
She screams as you line the tip of her monstrously huge cock up with the slick folds under her pussy. “You’re going to be my personal breeder. I’m going to take immense pleasure in ravaging every hole in your body until you beg me for more.”
“No! Stop!” You ignore her, driving yourself forward. Slutzpyre screams as the spikes drag against her sensitive folds, bulging her stomach and making her stomach dance as you power your way inside her. Her legs clench, toes curling as she throws her head back in a scream of agony that the entire city can hear.
“Your witch hunter is currently impaled upon almost three feet of my cock.” You say, your words amplified by the bell. “Soon I’m going to fill her with my seed and make her one of us.”

“NO!” Slutzpyre screams, thrashing as hard as she can. You tighten your grip and jerk your hips forward, shoving another couple inches inside.

“It’s breaking! My pussy is breaking!” She howls.

“Ha, as if I’d let you off that easily. Your body can handle everything I give it and more.” You punctuate the statement by jamming the rest of your cock inside. You can feel her womb wrapped around the tip of your cock and can actually see it, the spikes bulging her flesh as her navel is pushed out from below her ribcage. Her stomach is stretched so far that you can’t resist grabbing her huge tits and wrapping them around your protruding length.
“Ooh, you have such a tight cunt. Maybe I’ll try your ass next. I’ll have to get a couple rat ogres to drag that stick out of it first.”

“F-fuck you!” She grunts, helpless to do anything as you drag your cock backwards, watching her stomach shrink before you slam it back in.
With each thrust you can see her resolve crumbling, her resistance eroding little by little as the potent arcane chemicals you injected her with to give her unnatural elasticity and flexibility, also cause her body to be hypersensitive to pleasure.

Giving her hard nipples a cruel twist you smile as her gasp of pain is tinged with just a hint of pleasure. Slowly her screams begin to change tone, becoming softer and the occasional moan works its way into her rotation of curses, insults and sobs.

Her pussy is gushing around your length and she lets out a warbling cry as she begins to shake. You pull back until just the tip is in and stop.

Slutzpyre gasps, her hips still moving on their own, trying to draw your huge babymaker deep inside. “Wha? What are you doing?” She gasps, her body soaked in sweat.

You grin at her and begin moving once again. Her moans echo across the city as she approaches climax once again; and once again you stop, just as she’s building towards release.

“Curse you, you insufferable rodent! Let me cum!” She screams, body trembling so hard with need that her chains are shaking.

“Beg for my cum.” You say into her ear and a shudder goes up her spine as the bell echoes it across the entirety of the city.

“Never!” She growls defiantly.

With a smile you wrap your hands around her throat, squeezing down and laughing as her face begins to turn red from the lack of oxygen. She kicks and thrashes, her body going into spasms as she fights to remain conscious. Her pussy flutters around your cock as her muscles begin to fire randomly. You can see her eyes beginning to cross and her head drooping as she starts to lose consciousness.
You release your grip and she gasps for air, dragging in ragged lungfuls. Panic fills her eyes as you grab her throat once more and begin thrusting into her again. You can see pleasure, and pain dueling across her face as her body starts to shake around you in an oxygen deprived climax.
You release her once again and she gasps for air, eyes almost pleading with you to finish her off, one way or the other.

“Victoria? Are you alright? You’re looking a bit winded.” You tease as she gasps.

“Please, I’ll-I’ll do anything you say, just please, let me cum. It hurts.” She moans.

Your eyes travel down to her hugs balls, swollen to nearly twice their previous size, the veins throbbing a magical green color. You grab one in your hand, rolling it around as she hisses in pain. You can feel the contents gurgling in your palm, shifting heavily, like oatmeal.

“Beg for my seed. Beg for the privilege of being my toy.”

“P-Please, give me your seed.” She groans, hanging her head in shame.
You grab her throat one more and the sound of her anguished gasps fill the minds of all in the city once again.
“Please! I want to be your toy!” She gasps, a bit more quickly as you let go.

“Somehow I doubt your sincerity.” You laugh, reaching for her throat once more.

“I’ll be your toy! I’ll bear your spawn! Please, breed me!” She cries out, twisting away from your grasp.

With a grin you tighten your grip on her throat once again and thrust into her with all your might. Her stomach dances and you can feel the touch of her smooth belly against yours, distended horribly by your cock spikes.
“Yes, take it all my little breeding whore!” You cry out as you feel your heavy balls drawing up. You can see Slutzpyre hovering on the brink of unconsciousness again and release your grip.

She gasps for air as the first spurts of your vile seeds slam into her womb, making it bloat and bloat until her belly is pushing against you. As you continue to pour your hot, magically infused cum into her, she continues to expand, or at least her stomach does. The rest of her stays the same proportion, her belly just filling and stretching like a wine skin until it’s spilling to the sides, jiggling and wobbling with each slam of your hips.

You moan in satisfaction and revenge as your full balls unload into your hated nemesis, impregnating her with our abominations.

“I can feel it! I can feel your seed taking hold!” She cries in joy and horror.

Slutzpyre’s eyes roll back and her body contracts hard in climax. Her newly grown cock flexes and spurts it’s thick, hot load of greenish cum over your toned belly. You ignore the mess and continue thrusting, laughing as she begins foaming at the mouth, her mind breaking from the overwhelming pleasure, pain, and fear hijacking her soul.
Grabbing hold of her cock you stroke the sensitive member furiously and she hisses in pleasure and pain as she stares at the liquid that just erupted from her in confusion, trying to force her eyes to focus.

“Wha-I did? Wha?” She groans, trying to make sense of the magical jizz sticking to your fur and leaving long streamers between the two of you every time you thrust.

“You didn’t think I’d really let you impregnate one of my army with your useless seed, did you?” You tease, dragging your cock free and laughing as cum pours from the over filled womb. “That’s not to say you won’t be getting fucked by my insatiable slut rats.” You go on, grabbing her cock and pulling the slit open with your thumbs. “But it’ll be my cum filling their greedy holes. Now open wide!”

Slutzpyre screams as you drive your cock inside, moaning at the feel of the soft bumps lining the inside of her cock massage your length. Each one of them is more sensitive than her clit and the stimulation has her thrusting her cock against you before you even reach the base.

“Your balls are filled with a special concoction that will make my cum even more potent and make my slut rats produce stronger, more numerous litters. Now cum for me!”

Slutzpyre howls as her balls contract so loud you can hear the slap as they hit her thighs. Her cock clamps down around your length and you feel something tickling the tip. Relaxing your muscles, you throw your head back as the thick, potent chemical pours down your cock, stretching your urethra and filling your balls with so much of the hot catalyst that you’re nearly brought to your knees.

The already overgrown sperm tanks swell even larger, doubling, then tripling in size and you moan in pleasure as your swimmers go into a frenzy, thrashing so hard you can feel them buzzing. The scent of your musk fills the air and you can see it rising from your balls like steam.
There’s a soft scrabbling noise and a Skaven female is suddenly on her knees before you, grabbing hold of one of your huge, oily, leather balls and slathering her wet tongue all over it.

“Mistress, please no kill. Breeder could not watch any longer. Breeder needs Mistresses cum.” The Skaven pleads, masterfully able to speak even while trying to fit a nut larger than her head into her mouth.
“You’ll have your mistresses seed, but it’ll come out of her.” You laugh, grabbing hold of Slutzpyre’s cock and thrusting inside.
The breeder between your legs continues to suck and nuzzle on your balls, eyes rolling back as she gets lost in the heady aroma. You can feel your balls begging for release and with a howl you cum.
Slutzpyre’s eyes cross and the wind explodes out of her as though she’s been punched in the gut. Her balls swell so quickly that they push against Breeder’s head, shoving her face harder against your barely shrinking sack. Over and over you cum, forcing the witch hunter’s balls so huge that her legs are spread apart by the growing orbs.

“It hurts! Your cum hurts…it hurts so good!” The former witch hunter’s howls echo throughout the city as her balls continue to swell, bulging in spots as your cum tries to swim out of their prison in search of ripe mates. A green glow lights the ground as the thick veins along the balls pulse with energy.

Over and over you cum, filling her balls until they are so heavy that she collapses atop them, bouncing and wobbling over the still growing orbs. You pull your cock free, still cumming and spraying your hot load all over the naked adventurers body.

With a loud grunt, Slutzpyre clenches down, forcing the monstrously huge load of magical cum upwards, only nothing comes out.

“Oh no my toy. You don’t get to cum unless I say so.” You laugh as she thrusts her hips, trying to force the cum from her body.
Grabbing breeders head with one hand, you push her between your balls and lean forward to run the fingers of your other hand over her soaked and swollen pussy.

“You want this don’t you?”

Slutzpyre’s cock bobs and jerks as she bites her lip.

“It’s so wet and smooth. This bitch is so desperate she’s pulling my fingers in.” You tease, allowing your fingers to be swallowed up to the knuckle by the rat woman’s hungry cunt.

“P-please.” Slutzpyre begs, her voice lacking any of the haughty pride it contained earlier. “Please let me breed her.” She pleads, eyes desperate with need.

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”

She takes a deep, ragged breath. “Please let me breed her with these balls full of rat cum!” She cries out and you smile, knowing that ever human hold out in the city has heard their champion fall.

Pulling Breeder away from your balls you spin her around and she reaches back, pulling the lips of her quivering pussy apart.

“Give! Give!” She hisses.

Slutzpyre tries to move towards her, but the sheer size and weight of her balls makes it impossible.

“It seems I have to do everything around here.” You chuckle as you move behind Slutzpyre and line your cock up with her ass.

“Please, give it to me mistress!” She begs, leaning over and presenting herself to you.

With a thrust of your hips you bury the entirety of your cock inside her and flex. The woman impaled upon your length screams in pain, pleasure and surprise, as she is lifted up by your steel hard length.

“Yes! Yes!” She screams, grabbing hold of her cock with both hands to aim as you direct her into Breeder’s sopping mound.

“I’m inside!” Slutzpyre screams, gasping and laughing as you shove her balls deep into the Skaven breeding slut.

“Breeder so full!” The Skaven pants, thrusting back against you both.

“I can’t take…much…more…I…fuck…fuck..Fuck…FUCK!” Slutzpyre screams, thrusting forward into breeder and then back against you with such rampant, mindless lust that it’s as though she’s trying to fuck herself to pieces.

“Finally broken, have we?” You ask, gazing with pleasure at the look of mindless lust in her eyes. “Then CUM!” you cry out as you unleash your torrential load.

At your words her eyes fly open staring straight up at the pale moon as her belly gurgles and swells with your enormous loud.
Her own balls draw up with a thick pumping sound and you can see Breeder’s stomach swelling as cum pours into her.
“More!” She begs, and you slam your cock into Slutzpyre harder, grounding against her prostate and forcing even more cum out of her even as her swelling belly pushes upwards.

“So full! Give me all!” Breeder hisses, twitching and writhing in pleasure.

Slutzpyre wordlessly reaches up to her neck, running her fingers along the skin and you laugh as her throat bulges from the direction of her collar bone. Her head lulls back, eyes staring at nothing as your hot, thick cum bubbles up from her throat, spilling out over her plump lips and dripping down her huge breasts to splatter across Breeder’s back.

“Don’t waste!” The Skaven hisses, turning herself around on Slutzpyre’s cock to catch the falling seed in her open mouth.

Your laughter echoes out into the night, filling the remaining townsfolk with fear as you claim the first of your harem.

Pub: 19 Dec 2021 22:09 UTC
Views: 397