
Dotted Underline : Link
Please address me by Meier, or any other names listed here.
I tend to favor both feminine and masculine terms, but my preference fluctuates.
He / Thou pronouns strictly, unless I know you. I consider myself genderless,
but masculine in nature.
I am heavily connected to arctic foxes, or foxes in general.

I am autistic with low empathy. This does not mean i dont care about
your feelings.
I care deeply for my friends— I would not consider myself "cold".
I can become attached to people easily. Playful insults are my love language.
I adore my friends. If you have a personal vendetta against them,
we will not get along.

My romantic preference lies in men or anyone with a masculine-aligned gender.
this shouldn't matter to you, however, as I am happily taken. I always jokingly
flirt with my close friends.
This is nothing more than a joke. Do not 'ship us'. You're weird
and she's a lesbian with a girlfriend LEAVE MY FINGER FRIEND ALONE

I have RSD, aswell as suspected NPD & BPD. This will effect our interactions together.
Please mind your wording when speaking to me,
I am highly sensitive.
I am extremely protective and passionate over my special interests. I will be
annoying about them.
Don't bother competing with me. I will laugh at you
and pray you find some honest truth in your life.

I am Latino (Boricua) and Indigenous (Taíno) + Moreno/Brown.
I will make jokes about my race and skin color. No, I am not racist. Sorry.
I identify as characters, aswell as yume. I am non-sharing
with most of my yumes, but exceptions are made for those I am less
attached to,
or are from more popular/mainstream medias.
♡: Rogier, Accardi, Trevor, Zagreus, Gale, Hassel, Aymeric, Hythlodaeus
I dont share these ure too ugly for them to love yoy (Not seirous)

Here is my girthy DNI list. Read it or forever be constipated.
< Sobie, Bongle Fatnozzle, Ivan's #1 Fan, P Diddy, Fat Brown Alcoholic, bitesonmynativeneck, Bute Bormal Birl, 3
Tittle Hate = Dairy Digit Pump, Death by BMI Scale

Pub: 03 Sep 2021 10:00 UTC
Edit: 16 Sep 2024 12:58 UTC
Views: 3788