




INSPO ! — Fantasy, parallel universe, mystical humanoid creatures

icon Moriah is the name of a parallel universe to the human realm, inhabited by creatures such as elfs, sirens, satyrs and dryads, collectively referred to as fae. Fae used to live in the same realm as humans, but have long moved since then due to being hunted down by the catholic church. Legend states that this universe was created similar to a whalefall, where the body of a murdered fae created the world they now inhabit, with everyone walking and feeding off of its dead corpse. Things such as liminal spaces and mushroom rings can be used as passage ways to Moriah. Humans are not allowed in Moriah unless taken there by a fae to act as a slave, and relationships between faes and humans are highly frowned upon.


icon Long after the separation from humans, fae were divided into two racially segradaded courts — the Seelie Court, with elfs, aetheriums and satyrs, and the Unseelie Court, with sirens, daimisos and pixies. Dryads are the only subspecies not tied to any court. That segregation led to a war between King Oberon of the Seelie and Queen Titania of the Unseelie. The war ended after a decade with the marriage of the two and the birth of their two twins, Prince Abaddon and Princess Lilith. Although the courts have now been united into one, there's still some lingering animosity from both parties.

Several people weren't happy with the union of the courts and the obvious remaining bias from both sides and decided to move out of the kingdom entirely to form their own anarchist community, known as the Wild Hunt.




(apologies for the shit art)



icon They are generally the most similar to humans, being differentiated only by their extreme height, long and pointed ears, horns that imitate tree branches and eyes without irises or pupils that take on a light yellow hue. Most elves stay just above the seven-foot margin, not much beyond that.

icon Culturally speaking, they are very conservative and vain. Cutting your hair is taboo in their society and from time to time even used as punishment - an elf with short hair is a sign that the individual is a thief or criminal who was caught during the act, and is therefore something shameful for them.



icon Creatures that are half human and half goat or sheep. They have horns and hair on their bodies, and their pupils have a rectangular shape, kind of like a horse. They are medium or even small in size compared to humans, normally around 1,60-1,70 cm.

icon Satyrs have a reputation as party animals, being always associated with parties, drinks, music and sex, which gives them a not very serious reputation - something that can be frustrating for some individuals of the species. Furthermore, they have a great aptitude for anything that involves art, such as music, painting, poetry, acting, etc.



icon They appear to be human-bird hybrids, having functional wings connected to their arms, hollow and fragile bones and feet similar to bird claws. They can take on the characteristics of any species of bird that inhabits the human world, such as an owl, toucan, pigeon, peacock, etc.

icon They are generally an antisocial species and very community-oriented, but they also have a reputation for being extremely beautiful, their quiet nature adding even more to their charm. There is a rumor that aetheriums derived from white doves were the inspiration of both the church and the media for the appearance of angels.





icon An amphibious species, capable of breathing in and out of water. They are extremely physically strong and have tough skin to withstand the pressure of great sea depths. Their skin tends to be grayer and with less pigmentation due to having evolved for so many years without direct contact with sunlight and, like elves, their eyes do not have irises or pupils. They have very sharp teeth and nails and are natural carnivores and hunters. They also have a tail, gills on the neck, and thin skin at the corners of the mouth that goes up to the ears and can contract so that they open their mouths up to 5x wider than a human is capable (used to hunt medium-sized or large prey) (drawing below). Finally, they have natural marks all over their bodies that are bioluminescent, something that they use to communicate underwater with something similar to morse code. They can have characteristics of any species of fish or amphibian (shark, frog, beta fish, octopus, etc.). They are relatively small physically, normally being between 1,60-1,70 cm, however this can vary depending on which marine species they have traits (for example, a whale siren would be huge).

icon They are known for being very aggressive, antisocial and even narcissistic. They tend to be polyamorous and children are raised by the entire community instead of just their parents. Furthermore, cannibalism is not seen as a bad thing and is even encouraged among younger members so that they can learn to hunt, as they believe in "survival of the fittest".



icon The beings that were the inspiration for the appearance of demons in Catholicism and human media in general. They can have more than one pair of eyes, with the sclera being completely black, as are their horns. On their back, they have something similar to a spine and ribs that are on the outside of the body that extends and forms a long black tail. Their skin on their legs, arms and even the end of their neck is completely dark so that they camouflage themselves better at night, being hunting and nocturnal creatures. Like sirens, they have sharp teeth and nails.

icon They have a reputation very similar to sirens, but they tend to be more playful and less narcissistic, despite being just as dangerous (while sirens are unbeatable in the water, daimisos are the same in the forests). They also have nothing against cannibalism.



icon The smallest species of Fae, the vast majority being less than a meter tall. Their eyes do not have a pupil or iris and the sclera is completely black and may have more than one pair, in addition to not having a visible nose. They have wings and antennae and can have traits of any insect found in the human world (bee, spider, wasp, moth, ladybug, etc.).

icon Playful and generally extremely naughty creatures, being the species that communicates the most with humans, even if it's just to make fun of them. Masters of pranks and don't know how to take anything seriously. A pixie almost always comes with a huge headache for the poor individual who has to deal with them.



icon The most interesting and curious species found in Moriah. They are extremely tall creatures, the smallest ever found being around two and a half meters tall, in addition to being the rarest and therefore extremely valuable. They are asexual, their only way of creation being a very specific event that I will explain shortly. They are already "born" (or rather, created) as adults, being formed by one of the four elements - earth, fire, water or air (most commonly earth, as it is the most abundant element). Its body is made up of any organic material found around it - for example, an earth dryad is made up of grass, twigs, roots, rocks, and moss. There are not many limitations on your appearance.

icon Dryads can only be created when another Fae experiences an absurd level of pain and emotional despair. They are created by Moriah itself in an attempt to help heal the broken heart of someone in great need. Dryads will always follow the Fae who gave birth to them and are considered family. A Dryad cannot exist by itself.


Pub: 27 Nov 2023 09:30 UTC
Edit: 02 Jun 2024 17:35 UTC
Views: 1386