why rcta is invalid⠀⠀⠀⠀

if you disagree bite a brick. this applies to all races some person wants to be, black, asian, white, any race. bet you this wont change anyones minds, but might give you a reality check or even better an existential crisis. if you find a video of someone ranting about their "racist" rcta experience just show me. also hall of shame at the end if anyone tries and attacks me for having a reasonable opinion. i am aware some of these are joke accounts, but it only encourages people who partake in rcta to believe that its okay.

links are underlined.


first of all, regardless of what your race is, your culture has a rich history and beauty behind it. changing that completely disregards, and diminishes all your ancestors because you find korea or japan to be aesthetic, which is just fetishising their culture.


It is quite literally impossible to change your race, because you cant change your genetics or your dna, can you? If you cant even change the race in your dna, why even bother trying to reach something thats impossible because you find it aesthetic.


actual idiot gets surgery to look "asian" This is just tragic.

  • the fact he paid money to get this surgery
  • how a surgeon even agreed to do this, but props to them for making him look demented
    • mf looks like a gacha character more than anything :sob:
  • he spent around $2338 USD to "become asian" , and it took bro 10 procedures to look like shit
  • according to ibtimes.co.uk he literally only spent 1 YEAR. In South Korea and determined this was his race now.
  • this dude was Brazillian before, and geniunely looked pretty handsome, but his idiotic ass thought he'd get more women being asian
  • an excerpt from ibtimes.co.uk quotes
    • "Koreans have many surgeries to modify the shape of their eyes and become more like Westerners. It was easy to tell when one of them had done it, walking on the street wearing sunglasses and a surgical mask."

i think this ones even worse :sob: .. why do they look like one of those old roblox music videos with those sunken in eyes


the attempt at arguing “well why is being transgender valid, but transracial isnt.” is actually amusing. there have been several scientic studys to prove that during pregnancies hormonses of the opposite sex segregate in the womens uterus, thus causing the child to be more prone to being transgender.

rcta on the other hand is not caused by anything biological or hormonial, or any other scientific reasons that can be tested. you have simply seen the “aesthetic” side of asian social media, felt influended, and have felt a false, misleading and idiotic desire to becoming another race.


lets say you unfortunately managed to biologically change race, you will not be prepared for the immense amount of racism, and discrimination which would come your way. you'd probably cry on spot praying to be your original race again, then flee to either twitter, bluesky, tiktok or tumblr to whine about your racist experience.


also just to mention, why do rctasian people only know of 3 countries in asia.. those being china, japan and south korea? what if i told them about cambodia.. vietnam.. or kazakhstan :disappointed_relieved: theres 48 countries in asia.. they only know 6.25% of countries in asia :broken_heart:

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀hall of shame⠀⠀⠀⠀

middle image appears to be a joke.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀final words⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

peepee poopoo if you think youre rcta you can rethink your life too!! no but seriously get a mental health check, and actually show your parents your social media accounts where you claim to be rcta, theyd like to know about how idiotic their kid is

Pub: 27 Feb 2023 17:57 UTC
Edit: 26 Feb 2025 10:25 UTC
Views: 386