Kim grimaced at the salad before her. She was invited to dinner by her boyfriend, Basil. However, she didn't expect Polly to ONLY make plants but.... she couldn't say no to that happy face. Kim bit down on the lettuce, trying her best to ingonre the awful taste before swallowing. Kim put on a fake smile and said. "It's great. I love it." Basil smiled as he took a bite of a tomato. Kim had the urge to vomit. She remembered who she was doing this for. "You're doing this for him. You're doing this for him. You're doing this for him." she repeated to herself as she bit into a small tomato, then carrot. As Kim bit down on said carrot, Polly walked in the room - holding a bowl of tofu. Kim's dread became higher...
"Thanks for the food, flower boy." Kim hugged Basil goodbye before waving and walking away. Once she was out of view, she immediately ran for the bushed and puked her guts out. When Kim was done dry-heaving, she made her to Gino's. Walking inside, she walked towards the counter, slamming her money on it. "One meat-lover's pizza please!"

Pub: 24 Mar 2022 07:08 UTC
Views: 468