Adventure Module - Nightmare Realm

Strange beings lurk in the shadows, unknown to the general public. A secret network of operatives known as AIDS (Agency for Investigation and Detainment of the Supernatural) studies and catalogues these many paranormal phenomena. It doesn’t matter whether it’s ghosts, vampires or aliens, the agency will handle them all—the truth is out there.

Getting Started

In this Aventure Module, you will play a member of A.I.D.S, a supernatural investigation agency that is on one of its first and best-known missions - that of investigating the appearance of the Revenant, a ghost ship that reappeared from the Bermuda Triangle and has attracted much attention from the agency.

Before playing, you can choose some rpg system and create your character. You can even create the character sheets for the npcs that populate the character list, if necessary. However, playing without any system is no problem. Finally, I recommend that you play with the Mythic Variations 1 rules for horror games.

To facilitate your play, HERE you will find a scenario already created with the first scene ready and all the characters in their respective lorebook entries.

First Scene

The fog was thick, but I could see my hand in front of my face if I kept my eye fixed on it. The ship rocked slightly from side to side as the waves rose and fell beneath us, and the creaking of the timbers filled my ears.
“You must be cold,” said a voice behind me. I turned slowly. Robert stood there, his eyes hidden behind a pair of round spectacles that seemed too large for his face. He wore a long black coat with a fur collar that had been fastened by a silver clasp at the neck. His hat was wide-brimmed and made of some kind of brown material; he held it in one hand. He smiled gently.
“I am cold, yes,” I replied, shivering.
He reached into a pocket inside his coat and pulled out a small bottle. It was made of glass, and it contained a clear liquid. As he extended it towards me, he spoke again.
“This will warm you, and maybe will give you a little courage too, newbie." I didn't respond; I just grabbed the drink from his hand and walked away. I reluctantly came to terms with the fact that I would probably require guts in order to face what was to come.
Further ahead, I saw the outline of a large boat or ship, but in the darkness I couldn’t tell which it was. My heart began to race. We were close now, I could feel it. Suddenly the fog parted, and I saw the Revenant looming over us, its bow rising high above the water.
"And there it is!" Sunshine Lovebeam roared, her vibrant pink clothes almost glowing in the night. She ran forward and jumped onto the deck, laughing and waving her hands about wildly. She stood out too much from the rest of the team, formal and cold as soldiers, yet the agency was convinced she could assist us with our mission.

From here on, play the scene using Mythic's rules and your system as normal. What will you find on the boat? What will your allies do? All this will vary with each playthrough.

Populated Lists

Here you will find a list of characters you have already met in the first scene, as well as likely encounters in the following scenes. Remember to feed the lists as they change during the adventure. Has an important new character appeared? Add it to the list. Has your goal changed? Change it to the list, too. The optional characters are characters that are part of the /aids/deck and that if you want, can be part of the adventure as well. If you find them out of place, just remove them from the list.


  • Robert Gramson
  • Sunshine Lovebeam
  • A.I.D.S Agents
  • The Captain of Revenant
  • (OPTIONAL) Frankestein
  • (OPTIONAL) Sobek
  • Discover the explanation for the Revenant Ghost Ship

Robert Gramson

Robert Gramson
Robert Gramson is an almost retired A.I.D.S. agent. He has been with the organization since its inception, taking part in some of its most famous operations, such as the Doppleganger Controversy and the Fall of the Moon, but despite his old age and battle scars, both physical and mental, his interest with the paranormal keeps him coming back.

Sunshine Lovebeam

Sunshine Lovebeam
Sunshine Lovebeam is an anomalous girl currently being held in custody. She claims to be a "Magical Girl", a self given title. She suffers from mood swings, and as her mood changes, her hair turns black and scaly, and she begins to deform into a monster.

A.I.D.S Agents

A secret network of operatives known as AIDS (Agency for Investigation and Detainment of the Supernatural) studies and catalogues these many paranormal phenomena. This character entry is a generic entry that refers to any sort of involvement from A.I.D.S in the story.

The Captain of Revenant

The captain of the Revenant is an enigmatic man. His background is unclear, as is his name, and all we know about him stems from tales created after the Revenant was destroyed. One of them, the most famous, claims to be a great scholar of the dark arts who spent his final journey aboard the Revenant looking for a secret tome in the heart of the Bermuda Triangle.

OPTIONAL- Location Crafting

This part is optional, only for those who know how the Location Crafting system works. And even for those, I would suggest using the on-the-fly location generator system from Mythic Magazine vol. 2

If you still feel interested in playing with Location Crafter, here is a Region for the Revenant Ship.


Number Locations
1 Expected
2 Deck
3 Expected
4 Dormitory
5 Expected
6 Kitchen
7 Expected
8 Bridge
9 Special
10 Cargo Room
11 Random
12 Cargo Room
13 Expected
14 Infirmary
15 Special
16 Random
17 Random
18 Captain's Cabin
19 Complete
20 Random


Number Encounters
1 None
2 None
3 Expected
4 None
5 None
6 Rats
7 Expected
8 Supernatural
9 Special
10 Random
11 Random
12 Supernatural
13 None
14 None
15 Expected
16 The Captain of Revenant (u)
17 Special
18 Special
19 Random
20 Random


Number Objects
1 None
2 None
3 Expected
4 Container
5 None
6 Container
7 Expected
8 Machinery
9 Special
10 Machinery
11 Random
12 Boats
13 None
14 Boats
15 Expected
16 Random
17 Special
18 Special
19 Random
20 Random

Keyed Scenes

As written in issue 10 of Mythic Magazine, "a Keyed Scene is a new type of Scene that is designed with a trope or concept in mind that you want the Scene to enact". Keyed Scenes have Events and Triggers.
Events: A Keyed Scene Event is what you want to happen in a Keyed Scene. Whatever you want to happen in your Adventure can be baked into it as a Keyed Scene Event. When that Event comes up, it becomes a necessary part of the next Scene making that a Keyed Scene.
Triggers: The Trigger is what tells you when a Keyed Scene Event happens. Just as you decide what the Events are, you also decide what Triggers them. Triggers can be virtually anything you want them to be, from specific events to happen that trigger the keyed scene, to even "just wait 5 scenes and event happens". You can think of the Keyed Scene Trigger as a sort of If/Then computer statement. If X happens then Y happens.

This Adventure Module has the following Keyed Scenes

Keyed Scene Event Trigger
Shivers in the Ship You find something that reveals a clue about the nature of the ship, and that something is terrifying. Roll a random event, and whatever the outcome, consider it paranormal and disturbing themed. If you are playing with Mythic Variations 1 rules, consider the event a Horror - PC or Horror - NPC. In the third scene, if you have not encountered anything horrific yet.
Keyed Scene Event Trigger
Sunshine's Madness Sunshine suddenly breaks out, her personality changing abruptly, with all that this entails. If she is already out of her mind when this event is activated, her personality reverts to how it was originally. If Sunshine is still with you, or able to affect you in any way, you must roll 1d10 every 2 scenes. 3 or less activates this event.
Keyed Scene Event Trigger
This Should Work You find something that can help you face whatever is haunting the ship. You get a PC Positive random event, roll the action and subject to find out what it is. 3 scenes after Shiver in the Ship, if you have not yet found a solution to the problem.
Keyed Scene Event Trigger
Boss Fight The Keyed Scene features a climactic confrontation between your Character and the main villain. Create a Random Event around this confrontation. After 15 Scenes if a final confrontation with the villain has not taken place, then a roll of 1-3 on a 1d10 means the confrontation takes place in the next Scene. Make this roll at the end of every Scene after the 15th Scene.
Pub: 07 Aug 2022 04:22 UTC
Edit: 07 Aug 2022 21:36 UTC
Views: 662