


Shinji Ikari greedily drank from a 1.5 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper. The sweet, sugary, bubbly soda disappeared down his throat, his buttery double chin jiggling at the motion. The hints of a triple chin appeared from time to time.

Finally Shinji pulled the bottle from his mouth, his porcine cheeks puffing out further as he did.

"BUUUUAARRRRPPP!!!" he belched loudly and wetly, echoing through the air high off the ground. He idly scratched his vast belly, causing it to ripple.

Shinji was lounging on the balcony of the apartment he shared with Kaworu. It was summer. The sun was hot. Shinji himself was in shade, lying back on an extra-wide lounge chair under a large beach umbrella. Even in the shade, he was hot. A layer of sweat coated him, and he'd begun to consider going back indoors. He reached to the table next to him for a nacho; there was a huge platter which he had almost finished eating.

"Uuuaarrrpp," he burped a bit more softly.

Shinji continued to get fatter and fatter. He was inching towards 300 kilograms, currently tipping the scales at a vast 282. Well over 600 pounds in the standard system. He was so fat that the lounge chair he laid on was really two lounge chairs, pushed together. Only two together could accommodate his weight and girth. From his hoggish face his chins sagged downwards onto his blubbery, puddling boy boobs, huge hooters with big, brown areoles and brown nipples. His fat arms were on either side of these, though his moobs were so fat on either side that, between that and his arm fat, Shinji could no longer rest his arms at his sides. His arms were fatter around than thinner men's legs. They drooped and oozed with flab as Shinji reached for another nacho.

He was naked, but his belly was so huge that it sagged well over his penis, all the way down to his knees. A pale, monstrous mountain of flab, riddled wiith stretch marks, and at the bottom it swelled outwards even more, like a bell. In the midst of it, Shinji's belly button was deep and dark. His belly was so huge that it always led the way, and always entered a room before the rest of him.

It wrapped around him and became big, blubbery layers of back fat, which rested on the immensity of his shelf ass. Shinji's buttocks were bigger than beach balls, big and booming and bloated and covered in wrinkly cellulite. They jutted behind him, giving him quite the jiggle when viewed from the back. They were mounted to his billlowing, womanly thighs, and his broad, fat hips. His thighs touched to the knee, contributing to his pronounced waddle. His calves were like plump hams, and he had cute fat feet, with chubby toes.

He was a resplendent monument to gluttony. A soft, fat boy. Large and lardy. Even now, Shinji popped the last nacho into his mouth. He chewed. He swallowed. He took another swig of soda.

"Mmm, hmm," he hummed, drumming his fingers on his belly. He was thinking. What was Shinji thinking about? Shinji was thinking about food. What he almost always thought about. Food, drink, sleep, and sex with his boyfriend. The main subjects of his thought. On that note, he got a bit hard and horny, his undersized penis stiffening somewhat deep beneath his flab. But mostly he was just thinking about what he wanted for dinner. Or dessert. "Hmm, mmm, oooh, I could have a treat after this," he said, smacking his lips. The former Eva pilot's mind went on an adventure of desserts, filled with an urge to eat them. Cake. Pie. Pudding. Doughnuts. Cupcakes. Ice cream. Oooh, he wanted to eat them all. He wished there was a pile, a mountain, of desserts in front of him. He felt like he could eat his own weight in dessert right then, and more. Now he really was feeling hungry. His belly gurgled. Shinji drooled a little. He really, really, really wanted to eat. Right that moment.

"More nachos, dear," said Kaworu Nagisa, setting another platter beside him. Without thinking, Shinji grabbed at one of them and stuffed it into his mouth. It wasn't his dreamy dessert feast, but it would do. He needed to eat. Eating was his joy and delight.

"Mrngh," he chewed. "Mmrn, Kaworu-san," he said, finishing the nacho and reaching for another one, "do we still have a bit of, mrhgn, that banana cake left?"

"We have half of it left, my pet," said Kaworu, stroking Shinji gently along his belly.

"Oh! We do? That's great!" said Shinji. He began to eat faster; he always started to stuff himself faster when he was excited. "Ohh, mmm, Kaworu-san, I do think that the rest of the cake would make a nice snack. And maybe with, hmm, do we have some extra whipped cream?"

"We have a whole tub of whipping cream, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu gently. He smiled as the enormous boy's beady blue eyes glinted. Kaworu knew Shinji was excited to eat. And when he was excited to eat, he got excited for other things, too. So Kaworu reached his hand beneath Shinji's monstrous belly. He fished through the heavy, sweaty layers of fat and flab, through the underside of Shinji's belly, amidst his thighs, under his heavy, dark, sweaty, stinking fupa. And he found Shinji's penis. And he began to stroke.

"Mrnm," mumbled Shinji as Kaworu masturbated him. It was so pleasant. He was far too fat to reach his own penis any more, but fortunately Kaworu did it for him, at least once a day. Now he came closer and closer to climax, cramming nachos into his mouth. The meat, the beans, the cheese, the sour cream, the jalapenos, such a wonderful explosion of flavor. Eating in the midst of sexual delight was so wonderful. He was overloaded with pleasure, delicious food was on his tongue, such food, and he was almost, almost-- "Ahhhhhh," he sighed heavily as he ejaculated, waves of pleasure washing over him.

Kaworu withdrew his hand, reaching for a napkin to clean off Shinji's spunk. Shinji popped the last of the nachos into his mouth. And he thought, again, about all that he wanted to eat.

Pub: 07 Jun 2022 06:11 UTC
Views: 614