About Gdrive Oauth

What the fuck is OAuth? look like black magic to me!!! Hell no i will touch that things! look so complicated!

Well I don't know either fools. Go google it if you want to know more about it . Just do as we recommended, so yo ass no more crying about failing downloads, file forbidden and Invalid PFS0 Magic.. Google drive is a very bad sharing file for non-authenticated user, get yo ass authenticated witj tjos guide. i'm drunk asf

How to Setup Gdrive Oauth

  1. Run NUT
  2. Click Setup GDrive Oauth
  3. Follow the steps on the webpage that opens to "Create a project and enable the API" for Drive.
  4. Click step 1 on the Creat a project and enable the API steps that says "Open the Google Cloud Console".
  5. Click +New Project (the previous page had more detailed steps if you can't figure this out, or watch the video below).
  6. Name the project any unique name.
  7. Click on API and Services, search for Google Drive API and enabled it.
  8. Click on API and Services and click on Credentials.
  9. Click +Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID.
  10. Configure OAuth consent: Select External, name it whatever, put your email in the required fields, and publish to production (do not leave in testing)
  11. Click +Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID, make a desktop credential and download the OAuth Client ID credentials
  12. Rename the OAuth secret-[random characters].json to credentials.json and place in the same directory as nut.exe
  13. Click Setup Gdrive Oauth in nut.exe again
  14. Click Yes, choose the google account that you created the project with and select Advanced/Trust and Allow
  15. Copy the gdrive.token and credentials.json from the folder with nut.exe to your Nintendo Switch SD's /switch/tinfoil/ folder
  16. Add new file location in Tinfoil's file browser with blank gdrive protocol (no path) and make sure you see your google drive folder/files and if not that mean you still not succeed setup Oauth and you should question your existence .. try the above steps again or follow the video guide below.

Too Complicated?

Follow Video Guide here 📺 View

Credit to TITZ SHOP for the tutorial (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥

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Pub: 30 Apr 2021 14:24 UTC
Edit: 30 Apr 2021 15:15 UTC
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