do not interact if you are/participate in ANY of the following
if you interact with someone that is/does any of these you're just as bad.

the list is as follows: homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, acephobic, etc. , racist, against blm, nazi or hold nazi beliefs, maps / pedophiles / groomers, sexualize minors, justifying illegal, abusive or unhealthy relationships in any way, mlm/wlw relationship fetishizers, justifying or indulging in stalking, TERF, transmed, endogenic + anything similar, romanticize / demonize mental illness, ableist, proship/anti-anti, zoophile, believe fiction does not effect reality, sexist, saying slurs you cannot reclaim, joking about anything that you are unable to joke about ("dark humor"), enjoy incest, using someone's trauma or triggers against them, doxxers, death-threat senders, suibaiters

"ableist" includes: fakeclaiming, anti-recovery, using someone's illness / symptoms / disorder against them, joking about disorders you don't have, speaking over people with physical/mental illness / disorders

Pub: 22 Feb 2023 08:03 UTC
Edit: 04 Apr 2023 07:56 UTC
Views: 118