WHY REALITY CHECKING SHOULD NOT BE DEMONIZED. made by anonymous, for "irls" who believe that reality checking is "ableist", "evil", or "not helping".

NOTE: Please do not take this rentry the wrong way. This rentry is to raise awareness and to educate others on this matter. I'm using rentry since it's easier for me.

TABLE OF CONTENTS - SECTION 1: Ableism and what it is. - SECTION 2: Resources and information. - SECTION 3: When reality checking is harmful. - SECTION 4: Why is reality checking so important? - SECTION 5: Why is it necessary for "IRLs" to stop feeding into other delusions? - SECTION 6: How can you help yourself? - SECTION 7: How to act around and interact with an "IRL".


SECTION 1: Ableism and what it is.

Lets start off with what ableism really is. Ableism is discrimination towards those who are disabled, either mentally or physically. Ableism is usually an act committed by those who are able-bodied (people who aren't disabled), or sometimes even other disabled people.

Examples of ableism: Terms/slurs, such as the c-word & the r-slur. Using "autistic", "disabled", "deaf", "blind", or other words that are from disabilites, as insults. Mocking those who are disabled, this includes mocking speech impediments (stutters, etc.), tics & stims. Faking a disability, either for clout, fun, sympathy, or "fantasy". Speaking over disabled people when they try to educate you on a topic speaking of disabilities. Using disabilities as the punch line of your jokes. More serious acts of ableism would be; violence/hate crimes towards the disabled, verbal & emotional bullying (offline or online), taking away something that helps a disabled person perform daily tasks; such as walking (mobility aids, etc..), denying access to an area or place just because someone is disabled (this includes places that are completely inaccessible for those who use mobility aids), accusing someone of not being disabled because they "don't look disabled" (an act of microaggression), ...

Now that you know what ableism is, and examples of ableism... Take a good look at what I've said so far. Does reality checking others seriously fall under ableism?

No, it doesn't. It's simply something that is done for others safety. Please stop throwing the word "ableist"/"ableism" around, it's harmful to those who are actually disabled & have experienced ableism.


SECTION 2: Resources and information.

Information on schizophrenia, psychosis, reality checking/testing, delusions/hallucinations, other disorders, and etc. Information on psychosis. Having trouble reality testing yourself? Read this.


SECTION 3: When reality checking is harmful.

How reality checking can be harmful.

Reality checking a person experiencing genuine delusions/hallucinations can be harmful, if the person did not consent to it before. Reality checking should only be done by professionals & people that one is close with. Randomly reality checking someone you do not know can be very harmful. Please make sure that the person you are going to reality check has consented beforehand.

The only time it is okay to reality check a random person, is if you see them doing something such as harming others and/or themselves. However, make sure that you are educated on reality checking, that way your approach on said person can be less harmful, and more helpful.

Otherwise, reality checking is completely okay to do.

SECTION 4: Why is reality checking so important?

In the most simple way to put it--reality checking can save others. Their mental stability, health, relationships, and their life.
Many people who have experienced psychosis have ended up self-harming or committing suicide.

Please do not stand by and watch others lose themselves to delusions. The more you stand back, the more they get worse, and then, the more they get close to doing the unthinkable.

If you or someone that you know is suicidal, please view the hotlines linked here.

Here's what to do when you or someone you know is considering suicide.


SECTION 5: Why is it necessary for "IRLs" to stop feeding into other delusions?

"IRLs", also known as those with "delusional attachments"/"D/A's" (...other medical terms), are people--usually with psychosis--who believe that they are a character, or thing, "in real life".

"IRLs" need to stop feeding into other "IRLs" delusions, even those who are not "IRLs" and just experience different delusions / hallucinations. By encouraging your friends delusions, you are participating in making their delusions worse. Encouraging it so much to the point where they might start harming themself and/or others, including you.


SECTION 6: How can you help yourself?

  1. Speak to a professional, if you can.

Can't get help from a professional?

  1. Ask others that you are close with to reality check you when you are having delusions/hallucinations.
    " Hey close person, I would appreciate if you would start reality checking me. Thanks, it'll help me a lot. "

Don't want to be reality checked just yet?

  1. As seen from "IRLs" on discord, please stop using PLURALKIT/TUPPER for your IRLs. Using these can encourage/feed into your delusions.
    " tul!delete "name" "
    " pk;s delete " / " pk;m delete name "
  2. Talk about your "IRLs" less, and distance yourself from it.
  3. Again, speak to a professional if you can.
  4. Stop believing in "doubles". "Doubles" are not possible, as everyone is different.
  5. Stay away from any "IRL" spaces, or spaces that encourages "IRLs".
  6. Listen to others stories (as talked about here), and do research. Realize how it is affecting you as well--and others around you; but with patience. Do not rush into these things if you are not ready.


SECTION 7: How to act around and interact with an "IRL".

REMEMBER: Do NOT reality check an IRL without clear consent beforehand! If you are not someone they have given consent to, or a professional, do NOT try to reality check them. I've mentioned this before. It can be harmful to them, not helpful. Please read back to the section speaking about this if you're still confused.

  1. Do not call them their name from said delusion, and avoid referring to them from anything related to this delusion.
  2. Treat them like a normal person. Do not treat them as the character or thing that they say they are.


Now that you've read all of this, I hope you understand why reality checking is not ableist, and rather, really helpful.


UPDATED: FEB 16TH, 2024, 4:46 AM

Pub: 26 Dec 2022 03:17 UTC
Edit: 16 Feb 2024 09:46 UTC
Views: 3329