Extended extended because I felt this extended was too much for the extended. ok
Hi I'm Cassiel blah blah blah. this is basically just a longer BYI and blocklist
Daily Click
I am mentally unstable and am prone to mood swings and dissociation, which will sometimes cause inactivity but doesn't often affect interactions. Do not idolize me whatsoever. (I'm literally just person #4,203,712,583.) I'm emotionally private and try not to talk about myself very often. Very low social battery in general. I have quite severe social anxiety and might distance myself or delete things for this reason. I do not like being comforted, don't try to, it just pisses me off. Distraction is a better technique.
I pretty much only talk about my interests. Do not hate on my interests, and do not compete with me over them. My tone may come across as flat at times. Jokes often fly over my head. I tend to forget to answer DMs and such (or I chose not to respond because I had nothing else to say). Please be upfront if you have a problem with me in some way.
I hardblock over anything and everything under the sun... You're only really safe if you're a friend. Actually in most cases if you're blocked you've probably done nothing wrong... I just personally don't want to interact with you. You might be blocked because we don't share any interests and I don't want to interact with you because there'd be nothing for us to talk about. It's not a personal slight. For this reason, if you're blocked, you can still ask to trade URLs and such... Unless I've blocked you there too