息が吸いたくて、産声を上げて 生き辛くなってまた泣いて喚いて

traded / given to me &. most likely not trade &. [] old &. * comment (see bottom)

carrd related tbh.crd []1bitheart.crd []mfy.crd []vocapix.crd

milgram notmusfault fuutakin muukin futaz kazuiz tr1age b4ckdr4ft 4fterpain allknowing-and-allagony

project sekai / colorful stage sh1h0 wondrrhoy mafuyucoded kasacoded shihocoded aktcoded akitokin mfykin kasakin shihokin breakthechaingacha star-melody glowdusk lastshowtime truefeeling embracewithkindness whereis-heart whereish3art goodbyetomasked

the stanley parable (ultra deluxe) marked is LITERALLY off limits, everything else is still very iffy theend-isnever memoryz0ne thestanleyunbearable stanleyunbearable narratorz curatorz bucketz mariellaz timekeeperz sincerelynarrator sincerelycurator sincerelybucket sincerelystanley sincerelymariella sincerelytimekeeper id427 id432 doorontheright doorontheleft mariella []code2845 []parabIe (capital i) sillyparable whiteboard-ending buttonheaven essenceofdivineart broom-closet infinite-hole y3llowzone bl4nkdecay blue-lies gearling gearlings

generation loss / the social experiments gogoobie cabinspirit slimespirit g3n1oss showfalltapes squigglez showfallpuzzler []code1852 code3120 code8523 code7914 thegenloser gen-losses

the first to die / they both die at the end will most likely give none of these away unless good offer, names are Off the Table mateoz rufuz valentinoz or1on mateotorrez rufusemeterio valentinoprince orionpagan deathcastscall deathcast-

genshin impact fontaine-magician [] magiciankitty phantasmagoriamagic fontainemagic lyneykin lyneycoded lynettekin lynettecoded fuscusfelis windybard tighnaritism

honkai star rail danheng- stardust-ace trailblazerz arlanz 7thmarch astralexpress- receptaclecaelus receptaclestelle

musical related sincerelyevan sincerelyjared sincerelyconnor

the amazing digital circus kingerqueener digitalizedcircus pomnify jaxify

misc olivegardens batteryburnt gladoz h0ledwelling magicfacade [] 2ndalice theritz

main rentry

Pub: 09 Jul 2023 03:46 UTC
Edit: 23 Oct 2023 04:42 UTC
Views: 450