A Tsunderian Perspective of the Western Invasions Via Early /wvt/ Art

Numbers or love? That is the question

  • This portraits reflect the philosophical positions of early /wvt/ in the ages of the Annoying Orange Wars. with Mori followers preaching idealism while Slugma followers preaching in favor of profits. In the first days of /vt/, /tsun/ would split and remerge with /wvt/ several times, leaving to a mixture of cultures. This is also where the exiles took refuge after the viewer-chuuba war in the Trash realm, and from there they would expand to other western territories

Time before /Tsun/: Expelled from Paradise once more.

I walk a viewer road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I watch this empty stream
On the Trash Board of Broken Dreams
Where nobody sleeps
And I'm the only viewer and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a

My schizo's the only one that walks beside me
My cock's the only thing I'm beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will DM me
'Til then I watch alone

  • One of the many viewer anthems during the viewer - chuuba war of early wvt. Vocals by Professor Bloom of /vrt/ fame, who also sings another viewer anthem for the victory song of /wvt/'s divegrass team: One thread more

  • Early viewer flags: as the population started being outnumbered by gods via apotheosis, trash /wvt/ viewers banded together as an identity of their own; eventually these viewers would be the ones migrating to /vt/'s /wvt/ known back then as "the front desk", leaving the self manifesting vtubers behind. These viewers would eventually be the founders of Tsunderia and most of the western countries.

The Early Vtubia Era: Vtuber's Manifest Destiny.

  • The /wvt/ legends speaks of two manager brothers, green troopa and pink troopa managers, who handled all the indies within /wvt/. They represented the clash of ideals within the community, but as the story goes the green troopa manager, Greema, commited suicide after being unable to handle the many indie yabs. Only his brother, pink manager, or Pinkma, survived the first viewer-chuuba war and he left for /vt/, believing the future of vtubers lied in the surface world. There he would fall in love with Umuishi Urara, who would then inherit their nicknames as well, becoming the Slug manager, or Slugma.

  • Troopas would eventually leave for their own lands, but Pinkma and his followers didn't follow them to /koopa/, instead choosing to remain within /wvt/, and eventually moving to /tsun/. There they would become one of the first Slugmaposters of /vt/, and the symbol of manager larping in all the western nations, even in other corporate threads.

  • Tsunderians would never forget their past alongside troopas and their shared mutual history. Early /koopa/ and /tsun/ considered themselves as part of the same people and thus developed a friendly relationships as rivals, which can be seen in Divegrass and other sport events. Their gods however would never interact.

The Great /auds/ War

  • /Asp/, back then known as /auds/, wasn't formed by /wvt/ chuubas but rather for vtubers who didn't want to associated with /wvt/. The common precept at the time was just screaming "stream with a png" but those who favored the vtweeter route or wished to wait for auditions founded their own nation independently from /wvt/, and very often with opposite values. They were lead by one know as IdolHopeful, who claimed to be a vtuber who already passed an audition. The company she joined however she would later decry as a "black pantheon" and cut ties with them. She would publicly approach Slugma for advice, which generated her eponymous law: "For the love of god read your goddamn contract before signing up with a corpo."

The End of the Terumi Era and the Beginning of /asp/

  • With IdolHopeful, now under the identity of Terumi from Amber Glow, withdrawing to take care of her own streams, /wvt/ viewers began to migrate to /asp/, to give advice (and to harass TBAs into streaming). They brought with them Slugma streams where she gave advice on how the corporate world worked from the inside, as well as the Mori religion and the Anya cult. The most important Slugma advice however would be repeatedly ignored, with tragic results for years to come: "discords are fucking stupid, never make one" . Yab discord leaks would eventually hurt Terumi herself, and many chuubas to come. The advice is still ignored today.

The Tiger Era of Western Vtubing: A Chicken's Life

  • The second sempai of aspies is told to be Shimada Tiger, who by then had passed the Tsunderia pantheon auditions and seemed ready to join their ranks. She mostly came by to drop advice and give chicken subs to those who sang covers for her, but, she didn't use a trip and never named herself, walking around as just another nousagi. The aspies under the so called "tiger gen" have among their ranks several successful vtubers, including one who would later become a star of the defunct Cyberlife, and later Phase connect.

  • Despite not being able to join Tsunderia in the end due to health reasons, the influence Shimada had during those days however marked much of the identity of modern /wvt/, and will be later pass down to /lig/ in the form of the duck worshipping. Most liggers however do not know about this and the relationship of their origin with a "Tsunderia Extended" member, but have embraced duckposting as part of their culture nonetheless.

End of the Tiger Age and the Beginning of the Anya Era (modern times)

  • The dark ages of /asp/: an age of discord and strife, of schizos and groomer accusations, in which Anyaposters are at war with ex corpo mods for the soul of western vtubing. But within the darkness there is also a chance for greatness, glory, and art. Who knows where these new vtubers will end? Some of their sempais have made it all the way to Holostars, after all.

The current generation actually goes by another name in /asp/, but the vtuber in question has expressed his desire for it not to be referred to it in such way, and I will oblige in these lines.

  • The connection with the kingdom of Tsunderia here is not obvious but it is known that Anya Petra is the "sister" thread of modern /tsunx/ , sharing many of their vtubers and a sizeable part of their fanbase. As noted in previous articles, these two countries have influenced each other for years, so who knows how much of tsunderian culture has been passed down to them. Where Anyas go, the cult of Slugma follows, and viceversa.

Arguably it has been pointed out that a new /asp/ exist in Flavr and more recent modern times should be referred as the "Pippa gen", but there is no consensus yet. Pippa was herself present in the country during the tiger age but she isn't considered as part of any of the past gens.

The Final Legacy from /asp/, /wvt/ and /tsunx/ Shared History: The First Wiggly Expansion.


  • According to the Book of Wigglyexodus, a group of adventurers composed from posters of /wvt/. /tsun/ and /asp/ extracted the first wiggly template, the key for making new wigglies, from the temple of Nemu in the shores of /wvt/. This triggered the first wiggly expansion, also known as The liberation. They will later take said template to the mountains of Tsunderia, where Lord Taho, the greatest wigglycrafter of the Tiger age, forged the 3rd generation wigglies. He would however not release a template of his own, so the adventurers went down to /asp/ and brought to Bodega Rrat, a first gen /asp/ie from the early Terumi era, the third gens wigglies, who would in their shape craft the "Fancy template", giving birth to modern wigglies. This started the Wiggly World Domination arc, and she would eventually make the wigglies which would be embraced by the Tempus pantheon gods who are rumored to have come from /wvt/ and /asp/.

Pub: 21 Apr 2023 00:58 UTC
Edit: 29 Apr 2023 23:40 UTC
Views: 298