Red Panda DILF by anonymous

You've been dating your girlfriend for a few months now, and things are going great.
She's smart, funny, and beautiful, and you can't help but feel lucky to have her in your life.
But there's one thing that's been on your mind lately - her dad.
The first time you met him was on Thanksgiving.
Your girlfriend suggested that the two of you spend it over at her parent's place since all the rest of her family would be there.
Upon opening the door, you were shockingly greeted by a towering, muscular red panda, arms held high above his head looking at you with a predatory glare.
You were frozen with fear, afraid that the red panda was going to maul you to death.
Resigning to your fate you closed your eyes, hoping your girlfriend would have enough time to run away.
Instead, you heard laughter.
Your girlfriend quickly came to intercept the scene and chastised the red panda, who you should have figured out earlier was her dad, considering she was also a red panda.
Still embarrassed, you stood back getting a better look at the chuckling panda while your girlfriend rolled her eyes.
Without the raised arms, the red panda looked less intimidating, and much more friendly…even kind of cute.
He approached you, one hand scratching behind his head while the other was out for a handshake.
He apologized, “Sorry about earlier. I’m Arthur, you must be anon, right?”
He smirked mischievously and whispered into your ear, “I’ve heard lots about you~”
Who the hell was this DILF!?! H-he can’t just do that to you! Never mind in front of his own daughter whom you were dating!
After that, he gave another guffaw and put a heavy warm hand on your shoulder.
You chuckled along with him albeit very quietly.
Your heart was still racing, and you were pretty sure your face was as flushed as the red on his fur.
Your girlfriend ushered you both in, but even as the day went on, you kept thinking about him and what he said.
It didn’t help that he referred to you as “son” or “buddy,” which kept making you feel a little gooey on the inside.
You don't have a daddy kink and you’re not gay. You don't have a daddy kink and you’re not gay. You don't have a daddy kink and you’re not gay. You don't have a daddy kink and you’re not gay! Is what you kept telling yourself, but it was getting harder and harder to deny.
You admired his slight bulkiness a little too much, and the way the light would make his fluffy, red fur shimmer just made him that much more handsome.
Not to mention the way his cute white tipped ears would flick and perk up when you talked to him, or how contagious his laughter was, and how considerate and caring he was towards you.
Jesus! Get it together Anon! You have a girlfriend! This is wrong!
But it was no use.
When it was finally time for the big dinner you sat between your girlfriend and Arthur.
As dinner went on, you felt your girlfriend's clawed hand smoothen out as it rubbed your left thigh making you shiver slightly at the ticklish feeling.
You looked over to see her still talking to her cousins as if she didn’t know what she was doing.
Suddenly, a much bigger and warmer hand landed on your right thigh, squeezing it and reaching ever so closer to your groin.
looking up at the other red panda, he was talking to his friends across the table smiling.
”like father like daughter like daughter” you guessed.
The stimulation from both was causing a growing bulge in your pants (obviously), and making your breath hitch.
They both kept going even when you were asked questions, trying to hide your flustered face and scooching your chair just a bit further in.
Your girlfriend gave one final stroke before lifting her hands off you.
Arthur seemed to notice, and took the opportunity to lightly squeeze and cup your bulge.
Looking back at the memory, you were pretty sure he was sitting right next to his wife.
Your underwear most likely had a splotch of pre staining the front by the time he let go.
After dinner was over, you excused yourself to the restroom to adjust your pants, almost debating to finish yourself off in there.
Too busy focusing on getting your raging erection to soften, you hear the bathroom door creek open.
Jumping a little as the same large, warm hands reached under your shirt, exploring your chest, you gave a short gasp when he teased a nipple.
”feels good right? I’m gonna make you wish you were with me instead~”
One hand reached further down, unzipped your pants, and pulled the seams of your underwear off to fondle your balls, giving light squeezes to keep you gasping.
God! His hands were just insatiable. He somehow knew how to hit every spot, making you lean back into him more.
The slight roughness of paw pads wasn’t particularly new to you, of course, but why did his feel so… real? His movements were so smooth, it was as if he was stirring melting chocolate.
You were so caught up in the sensations you forgot if the door had ever closed.
And being tightly embraced close to his soft body made you unable to turn around, but knowing Arthur he definitely did it on purpose.
The next thing you knew he was slowly stroking your length eliciting soft moans out of you.
Shit, why’d Arthur have to be so good. Someones gonna hear you!
licking your neck and nibbling your ear he shushed you.
“Shhhh, don’t want my daughter to hear, don’t you~?”
Then something unexpected happened… Well, unexpected to you.
He put a hand behind your head and twisted your face to his, and before you could react your lips met.
His tongue was on the offense, forcing you to submit and enjoy his ministrations and MAN! Was it heavenly!
He was still stroking you, your pre slickening his hand.
There was no doubt that he had kissed you to keep your moans hidden as your only outlet was into his mouth.
Yet, even with the amazing kiss, you could hear your girlfriend calling for you.
You freaked out when the shouting got closer, but before you could clean yourself up Arthur was already swiftly stuffing your dick back into your pants, zipping up, and licking up the pre on his hands.
Nudging you out of the bathroom, you shut the door and were immediately face to face with your girlfriend.
”Have you seen my dad? I was going to say bye to him.”
”NO! N-no”
”hmmm, oh well, I’ll just text him. You ready to go?” she asked, holding out a hand.
Still trying to calm down after the incident, you said your goodbye and thank you's to her family and before exiting, a furred hand plopped on your shoulder.
”No goodbye for me? Aww c'mon Anon, I’m practically your dad if you're dating my daughter!”
With your face flushed, you gave him a curt apology, unable to look back at his eyes after the intimate moment in the restroom.
Then his demeanor changed and he gave you that mischievous grin.
”Y’know, I think our session ended a little too soon~ tell my daughter I invited you on a “fishing trip” and we can do whatever you want~” he said winking.
“I’ll see you soon, Anon~.”
When you drove home all you could manage to do was imagine the possibilities with Arthur.
It wasn’t the most comfortable feeling, driving with a hard on.
As much as you were excited, a part of you felt a lot of guilt.
You kissed and almost had sex with your girlfriend’s dad for christ sake! That’s gotta be extremely taboo! Oh, god what if she finds out!
Looking at your sleeping girlfriend you felt intense guilt.
You knew that what you were doing was so wrong… But it felt so good!
So, here you are now… Walking to Arthur’s car… noticing a distinct absence of “fishing gear.”
You talked to your girlfriend about the fishing trip who quickly agreed since it was “father, son bonding time,” though as far as you knew Arthur never fished. He liked soccer though…
You found it weird that she didn’t know about this considering that she’s Arthur’s daughter, but you were too excited and nervous to dwell on it.
Arthur got out of his car and opened his arms wide for a hug.
You graciously accepted it but were still unable to look him in the eye after yesterday.
The hug turned into something more when he stuck a hand under your shirt to drag his claws along your back making you shiver at the electric touch.
You felt his hot breath near your ear.
You nodded, but were you really ready? Are you really going to do… Whatever Arthur had in mind? Were you really going to cheat with your girlfriend’s married dad?!?
”You alright son?”
Dammit, stop saying that you stupid sexy DILF! This isn’t helping your morals!
Locking your decision in, you get into his car, waving goodbye to your girlfriend who has no clue about where this “father-son bonding time” might actually take place.
Settling in and turning to look at Arthur, he gives you a sultry look while licking his chops.
He reached over your shoulder, pulled you close, and gave you another deep kiss.
Shocked that he was advancing so soon, you looked over at the front door to see your girlfriend already gone.
Though there wasn’t any time to relax as he slipped a hand into your pants, grinding it against your dick, once again making you moan into his mouth as he kept up his advances.
The moment lasted as long as it started, and when he broke off you involuntarily whined.
”Awww, sorry buddy. Trust me, I’m just as excited to resume our little escapade as you are. Just thought I’d do something to ‘keep you up~’”
This fucker is doing this on purpose!
You turned to face the window, wiping the slobber off your mouth, muttering about how stupidly alluring and unfairly seductive this red panda was.
Once again, you were uncomfortably sitting in a car with an erection, but at least it wasn’t long till you got to your “pond”
It felt awkward walking into the hotel when you knew exactly what was about to happen next.
When you looked up to Arthur though, he appeared to have this cheery, almost jolly mood.
With each footstep inching towards his room, your anxiety grew.
Your head began to fill with thoughts of guilt, regret, and betrayal. Maybe you should back out now?
You reach the room swallowing the lump in your throat.
No… You wanted this. You wanted this bad.
Walking to the bed, heart racing, you turned to face him.
Words fumbled out of your mouth, your cheeks heated up, and you were clearly shaking a little trying to say something flirty.
C’mon, you’ve had sex plenty of times before. Get your shit together!
Arthur eyed you, giving you that damn mischievous grin again!
He slowly strutted over to you, undressing himself as he went, and especially giving you a show as he slipped out of his pants.
A penis has never looked so gorgeous before.
Arthur was certainly well endowed and staring at it longer only made you more jealous of his wife.
”Like what you see?”
He pushes you on the bed, sitting you down and spreading your legs, licking his chops as he unzips your fly and pulls down your pants.
”Oh yeah~”
You could feel his hot breath tickle your already stiff dick, making you shiver just a little.
Oh god... this is really happening. You’re going to fuck your girlfriend’s dad.
And in one swift motion, Arthur engulfed your length, the sensation tilting your head back slightly.
Now, you aren’t as big as Arthur, but you definitely knew you were bigger than average.
So it came with a little surprise that Arthur was definitely trained despite him having a wife, but once Arthur got to slowly bobbing his head, the sensation was too much to mull the thought over.
His mouth was perfectly suctioned around your dick, and as he bobbed, he’d slightly twist his head, making you curse as he hit all the sensitive places.
His own moans of approval aiding in the stimulation as he ravaged you.
When you looked down at the hulking being fellating you, you found his own lube slickened hand reaching his rear and fingering himself.
He’d tactfully play with your tip when close, fondle and massage your balls just to get your climax back up, only to pop off and kiss your length.
Soon, his hands climbed underneath your shirt, tickling you a bit as he traced his hands along your sides, then off your shirt went.
You could feel your own orgasm once again reaching its limit as his hands went back to your sides coercing you to lay down on the bed.
One final deep plunge was all it took before your load painted his mouth white.
He never let go, each swallow coaxing out more from your spent member.
Even after he seemed satisfied there was no break period as he immediately climbed on top of you for a desperate make out session.
You could taste your own seamen as he went all out with your mouth, his tongue skillfully attacking yours.
You two briskly let go, staring into each other's eyes before Arthur looked over his shoulder.
”hehe, finally~”
You hadn’t even noticed your shaft returning to full mast as he hotdogged it.
He raised himself back up, straddling your hips and stretching himself one last time before angling your cock to his entrance.
With a bit of resistance, your cock slid into his warm, tight depths, eliciting a moan from you as his insides smoothly and gently caressed your length.
Arthur kept going despite all his grunts, determined to have all of you inside him. It didn’t take long before he hilted you, feeling him contract around your dick in an effort to get used to you.
“Mhhhh, damn Anon… No wonder my daughter likes you so much.”
You both took time to get used to the feeling, with you trying to not cum and Arthur trying to get comfortable.
And once Arthur was ready, he lifted himself up to the tip and slammed back down.
Arthur went at it for a while, sighing, moaning, and grunting as he upped the speed.
“J-jesus Anon hmf fuck! You’re ah f-fucking perfect shit.”
You, perfect? No, Arthur was even better! He felt amazing! You loved hearing him moan your name as you penetrated his prostate and watching his cock twitch every time he hilted you.
Speaking of his cock, it seemed wrongfully neglected. It was dribbling copious amounts of pre onto your stomach and it felt illegal, maybe even sinful to not help such a beautiful display of manhood.
So, you decided to help him by using one hand to fondle his balls and the other to squeeze his cock. Besides, you were hoping to receive a grace period lest you pop your load off too soon.
Your actions seemed to have worked as it evoked a deep guttural moan from Arthur as he sank down on your dick unable to lift back up from overstimulation.
You watched Arthur’s face wincing and grunting in an effort to not cum.
”A-non ha W-wait I mhf oh fuck…”
It seems you finally got the upper hand here and you definitely weren’t going to stop with the advantage anytime soon, no, this was for all the times he’s teased you and left you on the edge.
You were already pretty close to your own orgasm, courtesy to Arthur’s constricting ass, but since he stopped his bouncing, it was up to you to get him to the breaking point.
And so, you did, thrusting your hips up into his sweet spot, while using a hand to stroke his member.
It only took a few thrusts until Arthur gave a roar that could have probably been heard through the halls of the hotel. His hands tightly gripped your shoulders each time he came (holy hell did he cum a lot!).
His own contractions were soon becoming unbearable and the next thing you knew you were cumming deep inside.
Arthur had dropped down to his elbows, craning his neck to lick at your neck.
Your face met up with his for a much softer and more sensual kiss as you both relished in the afterglow.
Both of your breathing calmed down and things seemed to be moving at a slower pace.
Your dick slid out of Arthur who seemed to already be getting sleepy and everything just felt absolutely amazing.
then the post nut clarity hit.
You just fucked your girlfriend's dad… Married dad… You just cheated and committed adultery!
“You should thank my daughter, y'know?”
You looked up at Arthur, who you thought was asleep, with an eyebrow raised.
“Awww, sorry son, we didn’t mean to make you freak out. My daughter set this up. She wanted to spice up the bedroom, although I did find it weird she sought help from me.”
What… What about his wife!
"Oh, we’re divorced, just really good friends still.”
You were stunned by all the information, but a chaste kiss sent you back into relief.
“I think we’ll be doing this more often in the future now that you know that though, right?”
That damn mischievous toothy grin!
You reciprocate the same chaste kiss and nod.
Arthur plops right back to sleep and so do you… at least you try but, he snores!
The End

Edit Report
Pub: 22 Jan 2023 09:47 UTC
Edit: 24 Jan 2023 09:32 UTC
Views: 2087