Not So Tiny Reindeer

Scape (Hentaifoundry)

Chapter 1

Author’s note: It was recently pointed out to me that while Santa’s reindeer are usually considered male, they are in fact female since male reindeer shed their horns in the fall. Being the rational individual that I am I decided to split the difference. Hence horned, female, futa Reindeer women.
Happy Holidays, and thanks for reading!


The migraine that’s been developing since early afternoon feels like your cousin’s kid is smacking the back of your skull with a tack hammer. Just the thought of having to deal with the prepubescent little shit in the morning, hyped up on toys and sugar, already has you wanting to deck more than the halls. It was bad enough getting dragged along for last minute shopping where his parents thought their youngest slamming a grocery cart into your heel was just the most precious thing ever. Of course, when you had enough and took over pushing the cart, your asshole cousin had to show his rotten offspring other ways to be annoying. You can still hear his guffawing as his kid yelled ‘flat tire!’ before stepping on the heel of your sneakers.

Limping into the bar, you wince at the sound of Christmas music blasts out of the worn speakers, barely audible over the drunken shouts and caroling. Already you can spot a couple broken bottles on the floor and smell vomit. Making your way to the bar, Jane, the lead bartender, spots you. “Where the hell have you been?!” She demands.
Your already foul mood rises to a new level and you turn on your heel, heading to the door. “Wait! Wait!” She cries, shoving people and spilling their drinks as she pushes out from behind the bar and grabbing your wrist. At the same time the crowd starts chanting raucously and horribly offkey to ‘Grandma got run over by a reindeer’.
“I got fucking rear-ended driving down to cover for you and you start screaming at me as soon as I get here?” You yell, struggling to be heard over the singing.
“I’m sorry! It’s been hell here! David is snowed in, Deb is out of state, and Larry is sick.” She screams back.
“So, I’m working Christmas eve by myself?” You demand, gazing around at the packed bar in horror.
“Jackie’s coming in too. She’ll be here soon. Please, I need you to cover for me. I really need to be there for my sister. They’re inducing her within the hour.” Jane begs.
“Gah, fine!” You groan, hating yourself for being a nice person.

“Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She cries, hugging you. A grizzled man in a tattered jean jacket and a grey beard wraps and arm around both you. “Hey girls, lemme get in on this.” He slurs through broken teeth.

Both of you shove him away and you turn to your coworker. “Just get out of here before I change my mind!” You yell over the music.

Jane hugs you one more time, briefly, and you both turn to stop the old man from trying to join in again.

Shedding your hoodie, you step behind the bar, just in time for the phone to ring. You snatch it up and instantly hear Jackie’s voice. “Hey! I’m stuck at the bottom of my Oak street! I hit an ice patch and slid off the road. I’m okay, but I can’t get my car out.”

“So, I’m stuck here on Christmas eve by myself?” You asked, unwilling to believe it.

“I’ll see if I can get a ride or something.” She offers apologetically.

Hanging up the phone you feel the noise and mayhem rising to new heights as though people can sense your on your own. People crowd to the bar, shaking cash and credit cards, shouting their orders. People shove from behind, crushing those in the front against the bar as people jostle for position and you can hear a fight getting ready to break out near the bathrooms.

“Okay, who’s first?” You sigh.


“Do you do Jaeger bombs?”

“The toilet’s clogged.”

“I want a glass of wine, something really fancy and mature sounding. One that goes well with pizza.”

“Do you do Jaeger bombs?”

“This round is on me. Don’t take his money!”

“Did you know the toilet’s clogged?”

“No, I’m buying this round. Don’t take his money!”

“What do you mean I’m cut off? I’ve only had thirteen!”

“Have a drink with me.”

“You can’t cut me off! I’m a realtor!”

“I swear if you don’t let me buy this round for you, I’m knocking your fucking teeth out!”

“Just one drink with me. What’s the harm?”

“You could have made this a drink a lot stronger!”

“Fine! I didn’t want to have a drink with you anyway, stuck up bitch!”

“I don’t remember ordering all these drinks. Also, who took my shoes?”

“I’m not as think as you drunk I am-ZZZzzzZZZzzz!”

“Do you do Jaeger bombs?”


“Okay, thanks, come again.” You call, barely able to keep from throttling the last group on their way to the door.

“Okay, do I have all my stuff.” A man asked, patting himself down. “Nope, I need one more drink.” He smiles, looking at you expectantly.

“Last call was an hour ago. No can do.” You say, trying to keep from screaming.

“Make an exception. Who’s going to know?” He asks, trying to be charming.

“Nope.” You smile, secretly gritting your teeth. The migraine’s gone beyond painful to agonizing and if feels like flames are about to start shooting from your eyes at any moment.

“Just this once?” One of the women in the group offers. She’s so sloppy drunk her tits are almost spilling out of her dress and her short dress is hiked up so much you can see her cock hanging down. She flashes her sweetest smile before toppling over sideways, knocking over a table.

“Val? You alright?” The man asks, helping her to her feet. As he does you notice that she’s peed herself, adding more to your ridiculously long clean up list.

“I’ll be fine. I just need a drink.” She laughs.

“OUT! NOW!” You shout, unable to hold it back any longer.

“Okay! Okay! We can take a hint. Pssh, see if we come here again.” The man scoffs as he staggers to the door.

Locking the door behind them you make a beeline for the office, changing the music from Christmas carols. Pouring yourself a beer, you down a couple migraine pills and grab the mop and bucket.

It’s really late (or really early, depending on how you look at it) when you finish closing. Your migraine has finally gone away, and all your closing is done. Tips weren’t bad, but not nearly as good as you’d hoped.

Locking the door behind you, you make your way to your car. “Oh, come on!” You yell at the ticket tucked under the windshield wiper.

“This holiday can kiss my ass!” You groan as you reach for the door. Your foot slips out from under you and you find yourself staring up at the moon. Your head hits the ice patch and your vision swims. For a moment you think you spy shadows flitting against the brightness of the moon, then everything goes dark.


“Hey! You dead?” Someone calls. You feel a finger poking your face and groan as you sit up. Your sitting at one of the booths at the bar. Sitting across from you is a tall, lean, muscular woman with soft brown fur dotted with white spots covering her body. She’s wearing a leather biker vest that doesn’t cover her huge breasts. Her face is a mix of human and deer with large brown eyes gazing at you appraisingly. Antlers branch out from her forehead.

“I must have hit my head harder than I thought. I think the Christmas music is mixing with all the furry porn I’ve been looking at recently.” You groan. Your head doesn’t hurt, even though you know it should.

“You’re not hallucinating. We found you unconscious outside and brought you in.” She explained.

“We?” You ask, looking around. More of the deer like women are scattered around the bar, drinking, smoking, but mostly staring at you.

“Six, seven…” You count, before turning to the one sitting across from you.

“Eight.” She finishes, smirking. “That’s Dash,” She points to one with rainbow dyed hair.

“Dance and Prance.” She jerks a thumb to two identical looking reindeer girls reaching over stroking each other’s cocks as they stare at you.

“That’s Comet.” One with a star shaped patch of white fur between her breasts and a pair of aviator goggles on her forehead nods.

“Cupid.” One with heart shaped earring hanging from her horns and an even larger bust than the others winks, blowing you a kiss.

“Donnie.” One of them wearing some horn-rimmed glasses and a form fitting pinstripe suit looks up from her phone at you with a smile.

“The serious one is Blitz.” The aforementioned reindeer nods curtly and raises a pint of a dark stout in greeting. Her hair is buzzed in a fauxhawk and she seems more cut and muscular than the others.

“And I’m Vix. What’s your name?”
You tell her and listen intently as she begins to explain how they found you while flying overhead and that they just got done with their yearly run for the fat man and that they really need to blow off some steam.
“So, ever thought about getting gang banged by eight hot reindeer women?” Vix asks, leaning closer to you. Her hugs breasts press against the table and you feel your cock harden at the thought. Looking around you realized that each of them is spotting huge hard-ons, the smallest of which is the length of your forearm. A couple are tapered with knots at the base, others are more equine, a couple are human looking. Blitz’s cock is nearly a meter of throbbing horsecock dripping precum onto the ground as she stares at you.

Bending over, you look under the table at Vix’s huge tapered member, dripping pre, with the knot already swelling at the base. Her hooves clop against the concrete as she spreads her legs to give you a better view and reaches down, lifting up her cantaloupe-sized balls to give you a better view of how much her clenching pussy is soaking the bench.

“Well? What do you say?” She purrs as you come back up.

Sliding out of the booth you walk behind the bar, eyeing the reindeer women up and down as you go. They are all watching as you pour a drink and lean against the bar. You down half the drink in one gulp. Glancing at Blitz’s monster cock, you down the other half and set the glass down. “Fuck it. Let’s do this.”

Vix grins and slides out of the booth, walking over to you. Her fingers brushing along your neck as she leans over and kisses you. She smells amazing and you let out a small moan as she bites gently at your neck. Reaching over she pulls down the zipper of your jeans, freeing your fairly impressive thirteen inches.
“Ooh, now that’s a candy cane I can’t wait to wrap my lips around.” Cupid coos, walking over.
“Really, C? We just got done visiting a couple billion shittily decorated houses. I don’t want to hear the words ‘candy cane’, ‘tinsel’, or ‘Christmas lights’ until July.” Dash grumbles, cutting between Cupid and you. Bending at the waist she grabs your cock, stroking quickly.

“Don’t mind Dash. She’s been like this ever since we finished our rounds in Norway.” Donnie mutters with a roll of her eyes.
“Hey! At least those kids leave out hay for us.” Dash grumbles, still stroking your cock. Vix is moving her hand lower, circling a fingertip around your ass and you can’t help but reach down to run your fingers along her precum coated cock.
“You don’t eat hay,” Donnie sighs.
“It’s the principal of it! We schlep that tubby bastard across the world, breaking the rules of physics and he gets all the credit for greasing himself down a chimney and drinking brandy all night. And the worst part is we haul all that junk around and we only get to pick out one gift for all of us.” Dash continued before leaning forward and inhaling your cock to the root effortlessly.
You lean your head back, eyes going wide as her throat ripples around you. Her eyes roll back as she pulls back, dragging a spurt of precum out of you as she wrings your dick with her lips.
“Grab her horns.” Vix whispers in your ear. “It drives her wild.”
Reaching down, you grab hold of Dash’s horns and pull gently. She looks up at you and nods energetically, eyes pleading. Tightening your grip, you pull harder, gasping as she moans around your cock.
“Ooh, now we’re talking.” Cupid purrs, stroking her veiny equine shaft for a few moments and spurting a shot glass sized dollop of precum out.
“How long has it been since you guys came?” You ask in amazement, gasping as Vix continues to kiss along your neck and reaching a hand underneath your shirt to pinch and tease the nipples of your large, sensitive breasts.

“Technically only about six hours given that we have to be done by midnight. Although, relatively, it’s more like four months, give or take.” Donnie offered, slipping out of her suit.

You open your mouth to ask what she means, but two pairs of lips sucking on your huge balls distracts you. Looking down you find Prance and Dance on their knees, each kissing and licking your nuts and trying to suck them into their mouths.

“Give it to her. She needs it so badly.” Vix whispers in your ear as she plunges a finger into your ass. You hiss, hips jerking forward and hilting your cock in Dash’s throat. You drag her back and forth along your cock, fucking her face like mad as Vix presses against your prostate. You scream as your balls swell, straining Prance and Dance’s cheeks before they contract firing a pint of your hot baby batter right into Dash’s mouth.
“Fuck! I’m still cumming!” You groan almost a full minute later as you continue to spray load after load into Dash’s belly making it slowly swell.

“Oh, don’t worry about that.” Vix giggles as she pulls her finger from your ass and lines her cock up. You groan, cumming all over again as she drives herself inside, making you gasp as her long cock feels like it’s tickling your lungs.
“Oh, fuck!” She groans, working her length into you and making your belly bulge with each thrust. Across from you, Cupid slides her cock into Dash, biting her lip as she hisses in pleasure.

“Ooh, you’re such a tight fuck as always Dash.” She moans, each impact of her hips ripples through the girl between you. “Hurry up Vix. Mama’s hungery.” Cupid moans, licking her lips as she hilts her horsecock in Dash.

“Cumming right up.” She groans, pressing harder. You feel something like a red-hot ember against your ass and gasp as her knot slowly forces you open, stretching your ass until it slides in, causing you both to groan. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Vix growls, grinding her knot into you in short thrusts, rubbing against your prostate and forcing out a huge glob of cum into Dash’s swelling belly each time.

“Cumming!” Vix groans and her cock swells so thickly that your eyes cross. Her knot also swells, not just locking you to her, but filling you so snugly that as she arches her hips, your feet actually lift off the floor. You can feel hot cum pouring into you, sweeping through your belly like a flood and causing it to swell as each tensing of her body causes your stomach to expand. You can feel it working its way upwards and gasp as the warmth reaches the back of your throat.

Cupid grabs your head, pulling you towards her in a kiss, sealing her lips to yours as Vix’s hot cum pours from your lips into hers. You can hear her swallowing and grab her by her horns, holding her tightly as you share the hot meal Vix has lovingly made for you both. You can see Cupid’s belly swelling until its rubbing against yours, both of them pressing down heavily onto Dash.
Vix is moaning and screaming, thrusting her hips madly as your prostate suddenly feels very warm, almost like its white hot with pleasure. Vix grits her teeth, her hot breath blowing across the nape of your neck as she clutches onto you so tightly it hurts. You feel her entire body tense and she fires off what feels like a gallon of spunk directing into your prostate. Words fail you, logic fails you, everything fails you except pleasure as your body is likewise racked in the grasp of an overwhelming orgasm. You can feel your cock swelling, the urethra bulging as a load several times thicker and larger than anything you ever came before erupts from you, filling Dash’s belly until she’s resting on it.

“Oh wow. I needed that.” Vix groans, tugging her knot free. Cum pours from your asshole and Prance moves behind you, clamping her lips onto your leaking hole. Her tongue teases against the rim of your ass as she licks the cum out.
Dance taps one of your legs, motioning for you to lift it. You comply and moan as she begins licking and sucking on your pussy, teasing you with her talented tongue. Little by little your belly shrinks as Prance gulps and drinks noisily.
“Now that does look inviting.” Cupid giggles as she pulls herself free of Dash and walks up to you, her cum covered cock bobbing in time with her heartbeat.

“Oh yes!” You groan as she slides her thick cock deep into your hungry cunt, spreading you wider than ever before. Despite the size of her member you don’t feel any discomfort, in fact you’re desperate for more.
The floor shakes slightly as Blitz walks behind you, shooing the twins out of the way. You hold your breath as she slides her cock against your cum-soaked ass, pressing it against your spine. You can feel the warmth of her member between your shoulder blades and tremble in fear and anticipation. “holy shit! You’re going to split me in half with that thing!” You gasp. “Do it!” you hiss, your ass aching to be stretched, fucked, filled.

The flared head grinds against your ass for a few moments as Blitz’s fingers dig into your hips, pulling you against her. The room goes silent except for the grunts and groans from the two of you.

“Fucking open up!” You scream at your own ass. The entrance relaxes slightly at the same instant that Blitz flexes hard. You slide down to the base of her cock, Blitz’s huge balls pressing hotly against the back of your thighs as your belly stretches out in the shape of her member.

For a moment, the world is silent in collective disbelief. Then you scream, thrashing and shaking as your cock bucks and cums so hard that your first shot completely covers the underside of Cupid’s massive rack.

“Is there room for us?” Prance and Dance ask in unison as they move in front of you on either side of Cupid.
“Sure is.” Cupid grins, pulling back a few inches. The twins’s jostle their cocks into position next to hers and the three of them push forward together. Your eyes widen in disbelief as they slide into to you.
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” You cry over and over, eyes rolling back as the four of them find their rhythm. Orgasm after orgasm rips through you and your cock bucks wildly, spraying cum in every direction.

“Cumming!” you scream as your pussy gushes around their lengths, triggering their own orgasms. All three of them howl as you feel their cocks swell and erupt, bathing your womb in hot reindeer cum. After almost a full minute of moaning and thrusting the pull back, streamers of cum hanging between their members.

“Ahem.” Vix coughs from behind. Blitz turns around since you can’t move, impaled as you are upon her cock.
Donnie, Vix and Comet are sitting on the bar, their hard cocks aimed at you. Blitz walks you over and you lean forward to kiss and lick your way along Vix’s cock. Donnie and Comet each grab one of your tits, slapping their cocks against the nipples and smearing them with precum. Twisting your head to watch, your eyes widen in amazement as Donnie presses her tock against your nipple, indenting the sensitive nub. Sliding to the edge of the bar she presses harder and you feel a stretching sensation as something gives.
“No way!” You gasp as the tip of her cock begins to slide into your nipple. Looking over you see Comet lining up to do the same and within moments both of them are fucking your tits. The feeling is strange, but pleasurable.
“H-how is this possible?” You gasp, cumming from the sensation of your nipples being fucked.

“Sympathetic magic is common in these sorts of arrangements.” Donnie starts. Comet reaches over, flicking Donnie’s horn and glaring at her.

“Uh, it’s just magic.” Donnie corrects, glancing at you. You’re too distracted to really pay attention as you see your nipples spreading to take the knots of their cocks.

“I hope you’re ready, because Donnie and Comet cum the most out of any of us.” Vix laughs as she pushes your head down onto her cock.

Almost on cue, the two women groan, thrusting themselves against your breasts frantically. Both of them let out deep groans as they cum. A delicious warmth spreads throughout your breasts as they begin to swell, gurgling and rippling with cum. You feel like your losing your mind to pleasure and scream as you force yourself further down Vix’s cock, gagging yourself upon her length.

By the time they’ve finished cumming your breasts look to have grown a couple cup sizes at least. There’s no way in hell your shirt is going to fit any more.

“Fuck, that was intense.” Comet groans, leaning down to kiss you and lick some cum from your face.

“Hey Vix, sun’s coming up soon.” Cupid warns.

“Okay, thanks. Looks like Blitz is the only one that hasn’t cum yet. So, what do you think? How do you want to finish the night?”

Blitz crosses her arms, pressing you between her huge breasts. You can feel them resting on your shoulders, securing you in place. You feel somewhat like a cock holster, just stuck atop her. It’s not a bad feeling, quite the opposite. You could get used to being carried around and fucked while she goes about her day.

“Hmmm…Stuff the chimney?” The muscular reindeer woman asks. The rest of them look to each other somewhat nervously.

“Think she’s flexible enough for that?” Dash asks.

“She does seem exceedingly compatible with harmonic frequency…” Donnie trailed off at the blank looks she was getting. “I think it’s safe.” She summarized.

“Wha-what’s stuff the chimney?” You ask nervously as Blitz lifts you off her cock and lays you on your back on a table, so your legs are hanging over the edge.

“Don’t worry. You’ll love this.” Comet grins, grabbing your cock and lining hers up with it. The tapered tip of her cock presses against yours and you feel a tingling sensation as your slit slowly stretches over the head.
Holding your breath, you can only stare as with slow thrusts, more and more of Comet’s cock disappears into yours. There’s no pain, in fact the sensation is beyond amazing. You can feel her pre leaking into you and grind against her, taking her cock deeper and deeper until it feels like her precum is pouring almost directly into your balls. Part of you is absolutely terrified, but a larger part of you really wants to see where this goes, so to speak.

“Fuck, that’s tight. Okay, who’s next?” Comet groans and Dash is next to her in an instant, sliding her member next to Comets.
“Me too!” Donnie calls, crowding in to slide her cock into yours. One by one the slide themselves into you, stretching your cock wider and wider. The strange pleasure compounds with each additional member and by the time Blitz’s member slides in, your cock is clenching around their members as you cum over and over, unable to spray as your womanhood is stretched so wide you could pass a bowling ball through your urethra.

“Holy shit! I can’t believe she took us all on the first try!”
“So tight. I’m not even moving and I’m not going to last long.”
“Fuck, I can feel you twitching. Your going to make me cum!”
“Hooooo, wow! I’m cumming! Oh ha!”
“Me too! I don’t think I’ve ever cum this hard!”
“It’s like her cock is sucking my balls out of my sack!”

Your heart pounds in your ears and your eyes roll wildly as you cum like never before. You can feel them cumming inside your cock and it teases along your prostate as their cum is forced into your balls by the airtight seal of eight cocks inserted into one. Your testes swell with a loud gurgling sound, engorging with their thick cum until you feel something cold and hard pressed against your sack. Part of you realizes your balls have filled so much they’re hanging over the edge of the table and resting on the floor. Your fingers dig into the edge of the wood table and it’s all you can do to hold one both physically and mentally as they sate themselves inside you.

Over and over they cum, sometimes in pairs, sometimes alone. Despite having cum, no one seems eager to leave, grinding their hips into you over and over again, filling you with load after load of their hot jizz.

“Shit, I think I’m drained. How bout the rest of you?” Comet asks, covered in sweat and panting in exhaustion.
“I think I’m done.”
“Me too.”
“Fuck, I can barely stand.”
“Okay girls. This is the first time we’ve all managed to do this. Let’s pop the cork on three. One, Two, Three!”

All of them pull back, yanking their cocks free at the same moment. For a moment nothing happens, and then your body clenches in the most powerful climax you’ve ever experienced. Cum rockets from your ass, pussy, tits, and cock all at once.
The cum erupting from your cock is by far the most impressive, spraying in an off-white column of sperm that scores a direct hit on the ceiling fan spinning overhead.

You can feel your mind breaking and stroke your cock as the fan flings cum onto everything. First the walls, now the paintings on the walls; Now Dasher; Now Dancer; Now Prancer; Now Vixen.
It continues to rain down onto the tables and the taps; On Comet; On Cupid, on Donner, On Blitzen.

You continue to cum with every fiber of your being, firing cum by the bucketful until your balls can’t shoot anymore. The entire bar is covered in cum and your having a hard time keeping your eyes open.
“More!” You gasp weakly before everything goes dark.


You awake to a rustling sound and blink awake to find your cousin’s kid rummaging through your dresser drawers. “What the hell are you doing?” You demand angrily. The kid spins around, grinning evilly.
“You caught me!” He laughs, running away with one of your bras.

“I’ll kill you, you little creep!” You scream after the kid. Yanking the covers away you find yourself wearing a pair of sleep pants and a t-shirt. As you try to stand, your legs give out and you fall back onto the bed. Memories flood into you and you nervously pull out the waistband of your sleep pants and inspect yourself in the mirror.
“just a dream.” You sigh, partially relieved, but mainly disappointed. Glad as you are that your dick doesn’t resemble a windsock, you still can’t be a bit sad that it was just a really good perverted dream.
Grabbing your phone out of habit, you unlock it to find dozens of messages from your boss, demanding to know what the hell happened to his bar.

Climbing unsteadily to your feet you get ready for the hell that is Christmas morning with family, all the while wondering why you put up with any of this shit and got guilted into allowing your cousin, his kid and his meth head girlfriend into your home.

As you pass by the mirror you pause. Your shirt has ridden up a bit and you spot something dark against your skin. Lifting the shirt and looking in the mirror, you find a stylized tattoo of a reindeer head on your lower back.

Suddenly, there’s a nervous call for you from below.

“I’ll be right there!” you call, pulling your shirt down to hide the tattoo. Taking the stairs downstairs two at a time you blink in amazement at the woman in a leather biker vest standing in the doorway. Something about her seems very familiar, but you can’t recall ever meeting this exact woman before.

“Hey, ready to go?” Vix asks and you instantly recognize the voice.

“But? How?” You stammer. Looking past her, you find eight motorcycles of various brands and models filling the driveway, each with a beautiful woman grinning at you.

“Magic.” She mouths with a wink and a nod towards the kitchen. Glancing over you spot a couple family members, surreptitiously within earshot. Except for Uncle Earl who just doesn’t give a fuck. He’s leaned out of his chair and listening.

“Be right back!” You call, stepping outside. “What do you mean ‘Ready to go’?”

For a moment Vix looks confused. “Didn’t we tell you? Every year we get to pick one gift to take back with us. This time we decided on you.”

You blink in confused amazement. “Back as in North?”

“Kinda. It’s a quasi-dimensional space that does and doesn’t exist. Which means time does and doesn’t exist there. It’s hard to explain. Donnie can explain it better.

“So basically, your asking me to leave my entire life behind, to move in with eight strange women and be their personal sex toy for possibly all eternity.” You ask. Behind you, you can hear a smoke alarm going off, your cousin’s kid screaming and banging a pot with a wooden spoon.

“Well, when you put it like that…” Vix mutters, scratching the back of her neck.

“What are we still doing here? Let’s go!” You call, grabbing her wrist and pulling her to the only motorcycle without a rider.

The reindeer women all grin as you slide behind Vix and wrap your arms around her.

“You heard her, girls. Time to go home.”

Chapter 2

You wave, watching the sled taking off into the sky slowly fade to a tiny dot against the northern lights. Staying there until the speck completely disappears from view before making your way back to the bunkhouse you share with the hung reindeer women.

Even though you’d known that this was going to happen, it’s still weird knowing that the next day was going to last roughly three months due to the holiday magic that ensured Santa did, indeed, visit every household.

Stepping inside, you look around, gazing in wonder at the mess of sex toys, costumes, bottles of lube, and scattered porn mags. After getting used to being the personal fuck-toy to eight ridiculously hung reindeer women, it’s a little strange and even more disheartening knowing just how long it’s going to be before you feel their thick, hard cocks filling your holes again.

Moving through the house, you pick up discarded dildos and clothes. The bunk feels so empty that you can’t help but wonder how you’re going to weather the time without them.

You hear a knock at the door and turn, blinking at the shadow against the shades. Pulling it open you blink as you find yourself staring face to face with the big woman herself, along with a pair of beautiful elf women, their faces calm and unreadable.

“Hey, Mrs. C.” You say, trying to move to block her view. Kringle took two steps into the bunk a few months ago and promptly had a stroke at what he saw. Fortunately, mythological figures can’t really die, so he slowly got better. Still, word had gotten around about you and the reindeer women holding non-stop wild sex parties. To be fair the rumors were true, you guys had some wild nights. Still, ever since then you'd noticed Ms. C and the elf women being kind of cold to you.

She smiles, her cool blue eyes regarding you strangely as she steps closer. Taking a step back, you gulp nervously as she pushes open the door, looking around. You can't help but look her over as she steps fully into the room, her long, fur-lined red coat reaching nearly to the floor as her shoes click against the thick wooden floorboards. She reaches up, pulling back the hood of her coat to reveal her supernaturally snow-white hair. You feel your cock throb against your jeans, your pussy clenching. Even though you’d barely spoken to her since arriving, she’s always had this confident, fit Christmas cougar thing going for her.

“So, what brings you by?” You ask nervously as she saunters into the living room, reaching down to pick up a joint from the coffee table.

“Oh, those are uh…” You start to explain. To your surprise, her red-polished fingers also pluck up a book of matches and she smirks at the look of shock on your face as she lights the joint. Her eyes almost seem to be smiling at you as she takes a deep pull, the tip glowing brightly.

“I think it’s time we have a chat, just us girls.” She offers, taking another deep pull before blowing out the smoke. “Dasher always did grow the best weed.” She smiles softly, holding out the little white tube to you.

“Thanks, Mrs. C.” You nod, taking a hit.

“Call me Holly.” She smiles, reaching up to undo the buttons of her coat. “We need to talk about just how naughty you girls have been.” She purrs, pulling open the heavy coat.

Your eyes widen as you realize she's naked underneath, save for the red fishnets and garter belt. But what really makes your jaw drop is the foot-long cock, thick as your wrist, draped over a pair of grapefruit-sized nuts gurgling loudly in a lacy red ball stocking. Dainty red lingerie wraps her thick length and you feel your ass and pussy clench hungrily.

Holly clears her throat and you tear your gaze away from her quickly rising cock, noticing the mistletoe pinned to her garter belt. Your upward gaze stops at her huge, gravity defying breasts, she raises a hand, curling a finger and drawing your eyes back to her's.

“I’ve had no end of trouble in the workshop, thanks to rumors of what you girls have been getting up to in here.” Holly smirks, stepping closer so her hard cock is brushing against yours. You can feel her length bobbing slightly in time with her pulse, rubbing hotly against your length.

The door pushes open and you look over as dozens of futa elf women clad in green and red lingerie, tinsel undergarments, and more than a few in leather bondage wear and latex catsuits, file into the room. Most of them are holding crates loaded with bottles or stuffed with sex toys the likes of which you’ve never seen, although you do recognize some, based on Donnie’s designs.

“Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep all these girls focused on their work with a non-stop sex party going on nearby?” Holly asks, reaching up to brush her fingertips along your cheek. “So, I promised them that if they stayed on task, that afterward you’d help us all relax.”

You look around at the room full of hot, elf women. Most of them only come up to your shoulder, but they’re all startlingly beautiful, and eager, almost desperate. For a moment, you weigh the options. You could agree, and get gangbanged by dozens of hot women, or refuse, and get gang-raped by dozens of hot women. To be honest, you’d be fine either way.

Holly’s eyes twinkle as she see’s the smile on your face. “Girls,” She calls, turning her head slightly to address the room without taking her eyes off you. “You’ve all worked very hard this year and I’m proud of each and every one of you for doing your part to get that husband of mine on his way. As promised…”

Holly’s eyes go wide, and everyone turns towards the crackling fireplace as soot sprinkles down from above. Elves back away as a pair of hands lined with dark fur and tipped with long, black fingernails reach down. You can’t help but stare in amazement as a woman bows her head, ducking her curving black horns to slide out of the fireplace in a sultry pseudo yoga pose. Black, cloven hooves, thud on the floor as she rises to her feet, patting the soot from her blood red coat, lined with black fur. You can’t help but notice the similarity to Holly’s coat as the horned woman steps before the winter matron. From the corner of your eye you can see strange elf women emerging from shadows, or from behind things, appearing like yuletide ninjas. They’re the same size as the elves your used to seeing, their features however, range from gray to midnight black, red and purple eyes, and almost all clad in black leather clothes.

“Well, well, don’t let me interrupt the festivities.” The strange woman smiles, her black painted lips pulling back to reveal a mouthful of sharp teeth. Her jade eyes are almost glowingly bright, making her dark olive complexion even more striking as she looks around the room before setting her sights on Holly.

“Katrin.” Holly nods, staring down the horned woman. “It’s been a long time.”

“It certainly has.” The horned woman smiles, showing off a pair of curved fangs. She takes a step closer and your eyes drift to the thick, oily black horse cock jutting from between her legs, the silver prince albert ring drawing your gaze almost hypnotically.

The woman’s head jerks to face you, eyes widening in surprise. “And just who is this?”

“This,” Holly says, draping an arm protectively over your shoulder. “Is tonight’s entertainment.”

“Huh?” You blink.

Katrin smiles and looks around. “Well?” She addresses the stone still room as a whole. “Is this a party or not?” She snaps her clawed fingers and the sound of heavy metal Christmas carols screams from the speakers. A cheer goes through the room as drinks are passed around.

“You should see the look on your face.” Katrin laughs, moving to your side, draping her arm over your other shoulder as she and Holly lead you to a couch, all three of you plopping down in the seats.

“Katrin is a Krampus. She’s sort of my evil twin.” Holly explains as she gets up to get a drink.

“More accurately, the opposite to Miss Prim-and-Proper.” Katrin, laughs as she reaches over, grabbing you around the waist and lifting you like you weigh nothing, only to set you down on her lap, her hard cock pressed between the cheeks of your ass. Her cock is thick, and hot, the scent of her musk almost overpowering. You can’t help but grind your hips, your balls resting on her massive orbs and you can feel the heat through your clothes. You can feel her greasy cock dripping oily precum onto your lower back. It slides under the waistband of your jeans, trickling against your clenching ass.

You can feel her sharp claws moving over your body, your clothes falling away, cut to ribbons. Sharp fingernails graze against your bare ass as she presses the tip down, sliding it against your well-fucked hole. The wide flare of her cock slides inside, aided by gouts of her slick, slimy pre. The feeling of her oily precum being forced up your ass makes you feel dirty, in a good way.

“Mmm, I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around every inch of my cock.” She purrs, one of her dark elves sliding a glass of dark wine into her hand. With her other hand, she reaches down, wrapping her fingers around your neck, pressing down on your throat.

The lack of oxygen sends a tremor rippling through you, your eyes rolling back as your ass clenches around Katrin’s cock, pulling her deeper and milking another spurt into your stretched hole.

“Hey! I’ve been waiting all year to fuck this little slut!” Holly hisses, standing before the couch with a glass of white wine, her cock throbbing despite the annoyance in her voice.

“There’s quite a few options.” Katrin purrs, her breath against your ear as she pushes on your back. You lean forward, licking your lips before wrapping them around the tip of that lovely cock.

“Oh!” Holly moans, eyes fluttering back into her skull. “Is this what those eight have been getting spoiled with this whole time?” Her fingers run through your hair as you tease the underside of her cock. Her cock throbs harder and thicker by the moment Holly looks down as the stocking wrapping her shaft is stretched so thin that you can hear it tearing.

You look up at her, her eyes meeting yours and you wink as you flick your tongue over the crown of her cock, wriggling it against the slit. Holly’s eyes only grow wider as you press your tongue harder, stretching the tip open. “How?” She gasps, the fabric tearing loudly as the split continues to grow. You’ve had more than enough experience with this sort of holiday magic to know how to want something enough to make it happen. Holly’s fingers dig into your scalp as you thrust your tongue deeper, the cum tube on the underside of her cock swelling and wriggling as you waggle your tongue, teasing the inside of the sensitive area.

“I’m...I’m gonna! GAAHHH!!!” Holly groans, her huge balls drawing up, abs clenching. You can feel her hot cum slam against your probing tongue, the taste creamy and sweet, with just a hint of cinnamon. You flick your tongue harder, savoring the gasps and grunts coming from Holly as her erupting geyser slams to a stop. You purse your lips around her crown, sucking hard to keep your tongue lodged as deep as possible.

“Fuck, you are a wicked one,” Katrin moans, grinding her hips, her piercing rubbing so good against your prostate as her claws dig into your hips. She raises a hand, snapping a finger and instantly one of her elves is on her knees, lips wrapped around your cock.

Not to be outdone, Holly waves a few of hers over and Katrin grins, doing the same. Within moments several pairs of lips are pressed against your balls, with the occasional gentle bite to give just enough pleasure to have them brewing up even more hot cum. Lips wrap around your nipples, teasing and flicking them, while other’s grab your wrist, guiding your hands to hard, veiny elf cocks.

Holly groans, her balls clenching again as you mercilessly tease her shaft. The girth only grows wider, the last stubborn strands of her cock cozy strangling that magnificent organ.

There are more horny elf women than you can hope to accommodate, and you see from the corner of your eyes as several of them start stroking their hard cocks while other’s move behind, making use of their soft holes.

“So full!” Holly groans, thrusting her hips wildly. It’s hard to keep your lips on her dick with how hard Katrin is fucking your ass. You can feel her precum flowing into you, making your eyes flutter in pleasure as it gurgles through your belly.

“Mmmm, this ass is too good.” Katrin moans, pounding you faster and harder. She slams the entire length of her equine member deep into your ass. You can feel the medial ring stretching the skin of your belly, the full, sensation hitting the spot as her cock bucks and jumps, filling you full of thick, slimy cum. “Take it all!” Katrin moans, slapping your ass. Her cum only eases the passage and you feel her sliding back and forth, harder and faster.

You hear gasps around you as your belly swells with her spunk, rippling and sloshing from the sheer amount of Krampus cum crammed in you. Moans quickly follow the gasps and you feel hot cum splashing on your back as the elf women stroke and fuck their loads all over you. Even below, the ones sucking your cock and balls and tits, moan, their hard shafts bucking as they spray upwards, coating the underside of your growing belly with jizz.

“Mmm, that was good.” Katrin moans, letting her still spurting cock slide free from your ass. Almost instantly you feel a hard cock slide into the cum spewing orifice, followed by a second, and a third. You almost with your mouth was free so you could tell them you’re not going to break that easily, as a fourth hesitantly prods their way into the others.

Holly’s balls are the size of melons, her cock pinched painfully tight around the middle by the stubborn sleeve. Her titanic testes draw up, the final thread of the holster snapping and her cock bulges in the middle with backed up cum. She’s so pent up and fit to burst that it looks like your trying to swallow a football!

Katrin moves behind Holly, her cock still dripping with cum and the white-haired cougar looks back, gasping in fear and eagerness as the horned woman lines her cock up, driving it so deep into Holly’s belly that the flared tip flicks your nose as is distends her stomach.

“Katrin! You cunt! I’ll get you for this!” Holly screams, eyes rolling back as her entire body rocks from the frantic rutting her friend is giving her.

“I just love fucking your tight ass! I’m going to absolutely ruin you, you slut!” Katrin purrs, a long, black tongue snaking from her gasping mouth to lick wetly along Holly’s rosy cheeks, the forked tips lapping against her ear.

You can see Katrin’s huge balls slapping into Holly’s over stuffed orbs like a perverse newton’s cradle, or at least what bits of the two women aren’t covered by hungry, sucking lips.

From the corner of your eye, you see a dark elf girl in glasses standing by herself next to the counter that separates the living room from the kitchen and wave to her. She blinks, pointing to herself and you nod, pointing to the counter next to her. She turns, looking to where you’re indicating and holds up a thick, double-ended dildo questioningly. You shake your head and point again. Her eyes go wide as she realizes what your pointing to. “This?” She mouths silently, and you nod. She shrugs and grabs hold of a monstrously huge equine looking dildo, laden with soft rubber cones along the shaft, three medial rings, ridges and bumps galore and a massive veiny knot like two conjoined bowling balls, on the bottom. You can only smile around the cock in your mouth as she stares at the straps and handles on the bottom questioningly. A few others move to help her lug Donnie’s ‘Sleipnir Special’ over, pointing the wide tip at Katrin’s exposed backside.

“Ramming speed!” One of them yells jokingly, but all of them, rush forward, train engine noises playing in your mind, followed by imagined crashing noises as they strike true, slamming the dinner plate wide rubber flare into her ass. The sheer amount of elf behind the impact drives it almost to the base and you reach forward, catching the two strap handles as the impact lifts Katrin off her hooves with a startled scream.

“OH! You insolent little bitch!” She hisses, her eyes burning with such intensity you can actually see steam trails as she glares down at you. The smile on her fanged lips defies her rage and you flash her a wink as you pull on the straps, flicking the small switch on either handle.

Katrin raises onto the tips of her hooves as the powerful vibrator in each half of the knot buzzes to life, hammering her ass with vibrations so intense you can feel it rippling through Holly, down your throat and all the way to your stuffed ass. The elves behind you gasp, two of them cumming outright and you clench your ass around them, milking their cocks for every drop.

Holly’s eyes are rolled back, teeth clenched, spittle foaming at the corners of her ruby red lips as her stomach dances with the outline of Katrin’s cock. You pull on the handles, your back and shoulder muscles condition like no rowing machine could ever do, and you hear Katrin gasping and moaning as the knot spread her ass wider. For a while you just pull it back and forth, teasing the rings and bumps over her prostate. You can see her cum being forced out of her cock, pooling heavily in Holly’s belly where it presses her skin against your forehead like a hot cum balloon.

With one final flex of your back, you hear the knot pop into Katrin’s backside with a cry of gasp from the room at large.

“CUMMING!” She screams, Holly’s belly swelling so much that it presses against your face, soft and hot, the scent of the white-haired woman’s sweat sweet and smelling of kitchen spices.

You pull your tongue back and lunge forward, your throat bulging as you successfully swallow her football shaped fuck-rod all the way to the base. The first blast of backed up cum slams into your stomach so hard that your rocked backwards, lips sliding nearly to the tip before your grip on the straps stops you. The force drives the toy even deeper into Katrin’s ass and she leans down, kissing and biting Holly’s neck as the two women cum like crazy. Holly’s cock throbs, another enormous load spraying directly into your belly and you hear grunts of surprise and confusion as the elf women below you are suddenly scattered like bowling pins by the sudden explosion of growth your belly’s undergone.

You hear gasps of surprise and panic from the four girls fucking your ass as they can’t pull out with how tight your grip on them is. You can feel Holly’s cum coursing through you and curl your legs, resting your weight on your swollen belly as you wrap your legs around them, locking your heels together. You can hear the moans of shock and pleasure as Holly’s cum begins to spurt from your ass, having worked it’s way through your entire body. The flow only gets stronger as her orgasm continues to get stronger, thanks to Katrin’s cock pummeling her prostate and at least four pairs of slutty elf lips wrapped around her nuts.

Even with cum spraying like a firehose from your ass, the pressure is too great, and the elf girls trapped in your ass moan, and gasp, slapping your ass as Holly’s over-pressurized cum begins to force its way into their shafts, stretching their balls.

“Too full!”

“Can’t take anymore!”

“I can feel her cum knocking up my balls!”

“It’s just like the gypsy woman said!”

You smile, loosening your grip with your ass and all four of them rock back, caught in the spray of cum and tumbling onto the couch, knocking it backwards.

Above you Holly’s eyes are half lidded, her tongue hanging out of her mouth, arms slack at her sides as she continues to cum, albeit less and less with each spurt. Even Katrin looks like slightly done in from the ridiculous release and you can’t help but feel a surge of perverted pride.

You pull back, savoring the last of Holly’s hot cum splashing against your face. Already your belly is shrinking, the magical cum absorbing into your system, or dissipating back into the magically laden air that surrounds this place.

“Holly, I think I’m kidnapping her.” Katrin groans, sliding her steel hard shaft from her friends trembling ass.

“You’ll have to go through me and my girls.” Holly moans, twitching as Katrin’s flare slips free.

Licking your lips, you reach under Holly, grabbing Katrin’s cock and sliding it underneath Holly’s balls. Holly looks down, her shaft resting atop her friends flared length and you grip them each in a hand.

“Oh, fuck! This one is so naughty! It’s nice!” Katrina moans as you wrap your lips around her flare.

“Nice and naughty.” Holly moans in agreement as you stretch your jaw wide, taking her cock as well. Above you, Katrin’s clawed fingers pinch and pull on Holly’s nipples, the two winter matrons locked in an epic tongue fight as you deepthroat both their cock at the same time.

You can hear gasps of amazement and jealousy from the elves around you as you take Holly’s cock to the base, straining your tongue out to tease what parts you can’t swallow of Katrin’s.

Both of them moan into each other’s mouths, their huge, heavy hangers drawing up to black a double shot of creamy eggnog deep into your belly. You moan at the unique flavors of their cum.

Holly’s is warm and smooth, with weird hints of vanilla and cinnamon and makes you think of curling up in front of the fireplace. Katrin’s is hot, almost scalding. There’s a greasy, almost oily feel to it and a hint of bitterly dark chocolate. Her skin smells like wood fire and iron. All in all it makes you think of sitting around a fire on a blisteringly cold night, biting down hunks of a boar, or some other wild beast. You could definitely get used to the tastes and smells of these two mystical women.

Leaning back, you drag your tongue along their cocks, cleaning every last inch and earning a few more mouthfuls of delicious cum.

“That was amazing.” Holly moans, helping you to your feet. Katrin grabs you, pulling you into a kiss, her sharp teeth pricking your lips as she jams her tongue down your throat.

“Katrin, I think it’s time the others had a turn.” Holly smiles. “Katrin? Katrin!” Holly lets out a loud sigh. Katrin’s tongue feels like its in your stomach, her hard cock pressed against your shrinking belly as her hands roam over your sensitive skin.

Holly reaches up, grabbing her friend by a horn and dragging her away. “Hewy! I wavn’t done yeth!” Katrina gripes, her tongue still reeling its way out from your throat as she’s dragged away.

You grin around the room at the countless horny elf women. “Okay, who’s next?”


You don’t know how long you’ve been getting fucked senseless, but it’s fucking glorious. Your cunt and ass are stuffed almost non-stop. You’ve sucked so much elf jizz your amazed your ears aren’t pointed. There’s food and drink and neither ever seems to run out. Your grabbing a slice of pizza when the dark elf with the glasses just walks up, shoving you against the counter and sliding her pierced cock into your folds. You moan between bites of pizza as she pounds you fast and hard, gripping your hair while others casually fondle your huge tits, sliding their fingers into your sensitive nipples while she leaves a hot batch of freshly churned nut-butter deep in your womb.

There was quite a line when you started doing nipple-fucks, taking two dicks at a time, at least at first. The feeling of hot cum swelling your tits was too good and before long you were taking two, three at a time, more. Much as you loved the feeling, it wasn’t long before it was just a dogpile of sweaty, horny elf women atop you. The best part was how long it took the ridiculously horny women to notice when you wormed your way out from the pile.

Even with all the non-stop fucking, there were times to just sit and have fun, although often while servicing.

“Up top! Left side, left side!” You call to the dark elf woman with the glasses as she sits on your hips, your cock buried in her ass, her stomach already bloated with at least three loads worth of cum as she plays a game.

“Got him!” She calls, the controller vibrating in her hand. The person she was fighting spins around, killing her character with a single shot and you both just blink in confusion.

“Fucker’s probably cheating.” You mutter, reaching up to cup her breasts, fingertips teasing over her nipples.

“Yeah, suck it bitch! How you like them leet lag-skills?” An annoying dude-bro voice taunts.

“We got another one!” You call, grinning along with the cum stuffed elf on your lap. Instantly several dark elf girls jump onto the couch on either side of the two of you, holding their hands out.

“Okay, one, two, three!” You count down. All of them blink, their eyes black and soulless as they re-open. The one in your lab makes a stabbing motion with her thumbs.

“AHH! My eyes! I can’t fucking see!” The guy on the game screams. Another makes a crushing motion with her sharp fingernails. “My balls! Something’s stabbing my AAGGGHHH!!!” You look over, grinning as another is making a sharp, upward stabbing motion. The screams continue for a few moments before cutting out suddenly.

“Dude-pro” has left the game, you laugh and one of the light elf women adds another tally mark to the pizza box lid being used to keep count.


You’re sitting on the cum-soaked couch, talking with an equally cum soaked Katrin when Holly saunters up. She’s covered in jizz, her hair a cum soaked mess, and she looks positively enchanting.

“I’ve been wondering. Kris mentioned he walked in on you doing something called ‘Stuff the chimney’, but he refused to tell me what it was.” She says, arching an eyebrow.

You look around at the dozens of gathered women, many nudging others as the thought of some form of holiday debauchery they haven’t tried yet piques everyone’s interest.

“Sure, but maybe not in here. Even with just the girls, we’ve gotta be careful not to drown the electronics.” You grin. Holly tilts her head in confusion, while Katrin smiles ear to ear.


“Okay, I’ve never tried this before, so I don’t know if it’ll work.” You say, standing in the doorway of the bunkhouse, wearing just a coat. It’s cold, but not the artic winter cold is should naturally be for this area. Closing your eyes, you concentrate, warm bubbling water, lots of room for lounging around and fucking.

You can feel a shift in the air, the first hints of steam reaching your nose and feel the ground rumble. You open your eyes, smiling as the snow pushes upwards in a huge, lopsided and uneven circle, sloughing away to reveal a stone lip. The snow on the inside of the circle melts, steam rising into the air and within moments there’s a luxurious hot spring in the middle of the north pole.

“You certainly have quite the imagination.” Holly blinks, following behind as you climb into the waters.

“Thanks.” You grin, grabbing her hard cock.

“Oh no!” Katrin grunts, butt bumping Holly out of the way and sending her falling into the water. “If this is what I think it is, I’m going first!” She hisses eyes wide with manic horniness.

“Ooh, eager.” You grin, grabbing her cock and pressing it against the tip of yours. You reach down, spreading your opening with two fingers as you hold her cock steady.

“You mean inside you?” Katrin gasps in shock. “I thought you meant in mine…can you really?”

You push forward, stretching your tip around her cock with practiced ease, and the Krampus woman gasps in amazement as your slit wraps around her flare. “This is so depraved!” She hisses gleefully as you clench around her, pulling her cock deeper. “You’re so bad, so fucking bad!!!” She laughs, grabbing you and shoving you against the rock wall. Your ass hits the wall, sliding down into the stone bench you’d imagined, the tip of your cock just above the waterline.

“I’m going to punish this wicked cock of yours! I’m going to knock your balls up you little fucking psycho!” Katrin laughs madly, her hips pulling back to drive her cock deeper into your shaft. Your hands grip the wall, gasping as she thrusts so hard you can feel her cock drive all the way to the back of your shaft and keep going!

“Katrin! Enough, you’re going to hurt her!” Holly yells, grabbing her friend under the shoulders and hauling her back, visibly dismayed by the sight of your cum-swollen sack distended in the shape of her flare.

“Don’t!” You hiss, your cock stuffed shaft clenching down around Katrin’s cock even harder, dragging both women forward as you take her to the base of her length. “How’s it feel?” You moan, getting high on the feeling of her cock throbbing inside yours, her pre splashing directly onto your balls from the inside.

“G-Good! Too good!” Katrin moans, thrusting her hips.

“There’s plenty of room.” You giggle at Holly, curling a finger towards her. For a moment you see disbelief flash across her face, as though silently wondering just what sort of monster Vix and the other’s brought home. She steps forward, pressing her cock against the side of Katrin’s. Instantly your prick clamps down around her, pulling her deeper and Holly gasps, reaching over to hold onto her friend for balance.

“How are you so good at this?!” She groans, eyes rolling back as your shaft kneads and massages around her.

“I’ve had a whole year to practice.” You laugh, your abs flexing. Holly and Katrin groan, clawing onto each other for support as your shaft milks their cocks.

“C-Cumming!” Holly groans and you feel her length spurting inside of you. Katrin follows suite, spraying her cum directly into your balls.

“I can’t stop cumming!” Holly groans, her balls clenching smaller and smaller each time as you drain her for every drop of her seed, your own sac swelling in time with their staggered releases.

“It’s like she’s trying to suck my nuts out through my dick!” Katrin grunts, grasping your shaft with both hands, and fucking her cock into it fast and hard.

“I can take Vix and rest all at the same time.” You chuckle, savoring the look of intense pleasure on their faces as you milk them through one dry orgasm after another.

You relax your cock grip on them and they both stagger back, their cocks hanging limp, completely drained.

“You fucking twat-waffle!” Katrin snarls. “I’m going to chain you to my bed and pound your fucking holes until you can’t walk anymore!” She grabs your head, pulling you into a kiss, jamming her tongue as far as it will go, throat fucking you with it.

“I’m going to blow so much cum in your fucking balls they’ll have to drop you in times square!” Holly hisses, shoving her way into the kiss as well.

Already you can feel some of the other elf women shoving their hard cocks into your shaft, adding their contribution to the massive load stretching your sac.

One by one they cum, filling you full of hot magical seed. Your cock and balls swell, growing a little with each additional load. Despite milking each and every needy shaft to the point of being bone dry, each woman comes back again and again, the underlying sexy thoughts when you were imagining the spring ensuring that it helps them recover almost instantly.

“Are you sure I can’t convince you to come back home with me?” Katrin purrs, running a fingertip from the tip of your nearly five-foot long cock, tracing down the chin of the cute dark elf, along her breasts, down to her cock, around to her balls, swinging around to her stretched ass, and back down to your cock after the detour around the spit roasted elf slut. She takes a hit from the joint in her clawed fingers and passes it over to you. Your cock sprays cum like a firehose in an endless stream, the combined magics of so many generous dick-girl donations feeding in on itself. All around you the spring is completely filled with hot cum, the different elves indistinguishable completely coated in sperm. Many of them are also cumming non-stop, the excess spilling over the sides.

“Thanks, but the girls would be crushed if I left.” You smile apologetically, taking a hit and passing it on to Holly.

“Such a shame.” Katrin tuts, teasing her fingertips over the reindeer tramp stamp.

“I just wish they could be here to join in the fun.” You sigh.

“I’m sorry, dear. It’s just the nature of this whole, quantum reality thing.” Holly sighs, taking a hit before passing it back over to you. “There’s only so far…that…” She pauses, looking upwards. “I think Dash made this a little too strong. I’m hearing shit.”

“I heard it too.” Katrin mutters, scanning the sky.

“Kind of a tingling-ingling-ingle sound?” You ask, suddenly wondering if that wasn’t just your imagination.

“Look!” one of the elves calls and you all turn, staring at the sky as a sled, pulled by eight reindeer emerges from the snow, circling around.

“Is he doing the wave?” You ask, shielding a hand over your eyes as the figure in the red coat’s arms flail.

“He’s passed out…again.” Holly sighs bitterly. “Wait, what the fuck is he doing back so early?”

You shrug, trying not to laugh as each rock and turn of the sled, slams Kringle side to side.

The sled comes in for a landing behind the bunk house and a moment later your reindeer girls come running around the corner, as your used to seeing them, skidding to a stop.

“How are you done already?” Holly asks, her and Katrin helping you to your feet. For a moment Vix and the others just stare at you being held up, standing on tip-toes around your beanbag chair sized swollen balls.

“We just finished…like normal.” She blinks.

“Grrreeeeaaaat job e’rrun! Shee you in Marsh!” Kringle slurs, stumbling past the hot-spring orgy without actually being coherent of everything and slamming the door to the main house shut behind him.

“I uh…so this…” You indicated to the spring and everyone in it as a whole. “I can explain. You see…”

“Save it for later.” Vix grins, slipping out of her vest and doing a running cannonball into the spring. The other’s follow suite, shucking their meager garments and joining the orgy.

“I missed you guys so much!” You beam, hugging them each.

“We missed you too!” Vix moans, kissing you and licking some of the cum from your cheek. “It’s been a long night.”

“Aww, why don’t you girls tell me about it? After we do stuff the chimney.” You wink.

Pub: 19 Dec 2021 22:06 UTC
Views: 500