꒰ ♡˖
- haaiii !! till or kuni ++ . i am 16yo turning
17 on January 11 2026! my prns are he/it,
please do not use she/they on me. i have
dyslexia and ADHDdo not use tonetags
on me unless i asked first even though im
struggling with telling tones, still. i am trans
& gay also in a relationship atmfyi i can
be paranoid n ovethinking over some stuff.
i am also socially awkward, have hard time
to remember something, so sorry! -
my beloveds
ivan leith kil bladey kitsu aloFAG
ezzo leena faith service nova ryo
aika ray and others!- frq , dms , pings are okey
nickname & pet names are only
for close friends only.idk
- frq , dms , pings are okey