How to Use Pesterchum

by Jaime (paperbackSolivagant)
This is a WIP. I am not an expert.
If you have questions that aren't here, I should eventually add them.
Pesterchum Republic Discord | Pesterchum Support Discord

Setting Up

Pesterchum Client | Pesterchum Godot | Pesterchum Online
Alternatively; Hexchat | Kiwiirc
(If using Kiwi/Hex(?) connect directly to port 8443 and <c=#ff0000>EH: format handles like this</c>)

Pesterchum Client

Stating this first; I use Windows. I don't know if Linux or Mac are the same, if they are please let me know so I can change this.

Locate where you downloaded your pesterchum file. If the file has a zipper over it, right click it and select extract all, let it extract and it will open the unzipped file in new tab. Open it, open the file named Pesterchum. and then look for an applicated called Pesterchum and open that.
When first opening Pesterchum, it will ask you to choose a server, which just press enter, then it'll ask you to pick a profile. You can simply create a new one.

Pesterchum Online

Just go to the website, put in a handle you want to use and color (there is a color reference next to it if you want a specific canon color) then connect. You'll be instantly put in a memo called and you chat there, there's also options to join other people to just chat with others.


I am only answering questions that refrain to, Client Pesterchum or Pesterchum in general.

What are the Pesterchum Rules?

You can view the rules here and clicking on Rules. There are memo specific rules at the bottom of the page for Pesterchum.Online. If you somehow cannot view the website, you can check this out.

Who is wheatleyStye

She is a bot created by Shou based of a fantroll called Rustye, which mimics her quirk and messages Rustye has sent previously. Wheatley does not respond to people, she just sends a message or two after a number of messages has been sent to the memo if there is any activity. Common users of WTMANRP will tend to joke about what Wheatley has said OOC or if she has said something relating to the current conversations, users will say SENTIENT as a joke, OOC. Do not take Wheatley seriously and do not converse with her. She does not care for you. I will just tell you to just ignore her.

What is the #Republic?

The #Republic is a memo that Shou practically made a bot that can send messages from Pesterchum to a specific channel (Of the same name) in Pesterchum Republic Discord to Pesterchum (Or visa verse) You could chat in there and wait to see if someone from the Discord responds, you could have a roleplay in there if you wanted and it would be seen in the Discord.
Fun fact; in the Discord, if you make your display name the same as your Pesterchum handle (correctly formatted and all), when you send from Pesterchum, the bot portraying at your handle will share the same profile picture as you whenever it messages. (I did this with Wheatley, as Wheatley is in #Republic and occasionally says something, so she has my pfp >:])

As for muting, I probably will only do it when there is an active spammer, that is if I am not fast enough to banning/kline-ing them.

What is muting and voice?

Muting a memo is when no one is able to speak in the memo unless they're an Operator, Admin or are given voice. Voice is when someone is able to speak in a memo regardless if it being muted. A green circle will appear next to the people with Voice. However, if you are disconnected or leave the memo, your voice will be gone the next time you come back.

An example of a memo that is muted is #FRUITY_RUMPUS_ASSHOLE_FACTORY. A canon handle could give you voice if they wanted to, typically if you dm them for voice, they randomly do it themselves, or you happen to be a fanmade handle for a canon character.

When setting up your quirk, as I've stated earlier, make sure you check Exclude links and smilies for each part of your quirk. (This option doesn't work for Suffix or Prefix, but you can bypass this by putting a space after your suffix or before your prefix) Having this checked will cancel out any quirk when the platform identifies a URL link. You can only send URL links to Pesterchum, which will open in a tab in your browser.

If your version of Pesterchum doesn't have the Exclude links and smilies option or you somehow don't know how to, alternatively you can post OOC (stands for out of character, as people tend to use Pesterchum for Roleplaying). Using (( this )) or [[ this ]] is out of character, for Pesterchum. //this, (this, ((this, this)) or (this -- this is considered to be IC whispering) doesn't consider to be out of character, as your quirk will still show. (However, if you're using Pesterchum Online to communicate, it doesn't matter because it doesn't have the Quirk Set options.) Make sure when you're speaking OOC there's a space between the parenthesis/brackets and the link, cause if there isn't, the link wont work and it won't turn blue with an underline. Mobile users also won't be able to click it or highlight it.

An example of posting a link correctly:
(( )) - Yes ,this is the correct Pesterchum way.
(( No, this is the incorrect Pesterchum way.

As for getting a link approved, this is only mentioned for the Pesterchum Online users. You simply have to ask a memo moderator (Jaime, Mal, or TJ) if available, if they can approve a URL. You can DM them with the link and ask for approval. They will view the link and if they deem it worthy of approval, they'll respond with it's been approved, then you post the just the link then the moderator would say link approved in the chat. If you want to send a link you already send before and has been mod approved before, it has be mod approved again (In case you're dealing with another moderator that hasn't seen the link and wouldn't know)

When are the Moderators/Operators online? Who are the Mods/OPs?

Me, Mal and TJ are memo moderators in #FRUITY_RUMPUS_ASSHOLE_FACTORY, and #want_to_make_a_new_rp (As those three are the most popular memos to have people in), but Mal, TJ, Shou (and probably a few other people) are Pesterchum operators. Shou runs the Pesterchum servers. There are other OPers but I need to figure who is who on Pesterchum.

Personally, I can't say when the other two Moderators are online, but they'll pop in whenever, Mal more than TJ. Mal possibly could be lurking online but not be in a memo.
I should be active usually in the early afternoon (I may have the memo open overnight as I'm sleeping. On weekdays, I would wake up entirely between 10am-12pm EST and leave for work around 3:20 PM EST (some times earlier) and be back home around 11:40 PM EST and be up til around 3am-4am. On weekends/holidays, I probably would be on longer from maybe 12pm til 4am. If I decide I want to go for a walk on a weekend, I should be gone for at least maybe 2-3 hours. I don't have a phone, only a laptop.)

All I know that Mal lives in Europe, and I think Shou lives in the Netherlands.
I am Just a memo moderator in those three memos I stated (as well as #warrior_cats_fanclub as that's my personal memo for my friend's Discord) and can only ban people in those memos.If you have a problem on Pesterchum outside of memos, I cannot do anything besides report to Mal, Shou or TJ or suggest you making the report to calSprite and wait. I recently became an operator as of 10/26/23, so if you do run into any problems outside of memos, you could get me. I'll also sometimes will just look through the userlist to see who's online. There's about 6 other operators besides me, Mal and TJ. I'll be using Kiwiirc to do any Operator related things and my handles will be different every so often (I've been notAlpharad, sneegSnag, spongebobSquarepants, markIplier, etc.) compared to my handles on client.

We are in both Discord servers if you wish to contact us there with anything you may have to ask. (Currently, I'm using a Tupperbox autobot called Miles Laughability on the Republic server to talk, but my display names in both are wheatleyStye)

What is Chanserv, Nickserv and Calsprite? How can I report people?

Chanserv kinda acts like an extra moderator and extra security to memos. You can message them and type help for a list of things Chanserv can do. Here is a list of Chanserv commands for memo moderation.
Nickserv is what you need to do first before you use Chanserv, you register one of your handles with a email and password (it wont send you an email) and identify with it. You can message them help for a list of things Nickserv can do.
Then message Chanserv and register a memo you want Chanserv in
Once you have Chanserv set up in your memo, if unwanted people join your memo (ex: spammers) you could ban them.

Calsprite is Pesterchum's personal bot, I suppose? It just gives you some useful links like the Discords, as well as checking to see what canon handles are online or making a report.
Typing onlineall will give you a list of the canon handles that are currently online and how many minutes they've been online for. The maximum amount of time they can be online for is 8 hours (480 minutes) and can only be idle for 15 minutes and cannot display as offline.
You can report by typing report as well as a description of what you're reporting (ex: chumhandle, what they're doing such as harassing, spamming making you uncomfortable) it will send the report and Moderators or Operators will do something about it. It doesn't have to be a problem in the memo, it can be someone harassing you in DMs. This can be useful in memo's if a moderator isn't available at the moment.

Alternatively, you can join the pesterchum support server and report it in #reports.

General Questions

I can't think of a handle/It keeps saying "NOT A VALID CHUMTAG"

If you don't know how to format the chumhandle, its just formatted like this lowercaseUppercase like how it is in the comics. Reminder, keep the handle PG. (Stating this for Pesterchum.Online, as we do not fucking need handles like thePedophile or anallyFuckme, you will get insantly banned.)

If you can't think of a handle, you could use this, this or this

You could also use the canon handles, but please stay in character when on the handle, this includes the correct quirk and correct text color.

How Do I make a gradient?

I actually made another rentry just for this, which is here! It only works on Client Pesterchum.

How do I do the "--CURRENT exampleHandle [EH] example text here --"?

Easy! It's just /me example text here

How do I turn off the sound?

If you're on Pesterchum Online, if on a computer, you can right click the tab and select mute. If you're on a phone browser, all you can do is just lower the volume. Sorry.
If you're on Client Pesterchum, go to the Pesterchum Client Dock (idk what to call it, but it shows your mood, handle, and chumroll) Select CLIENT > OPTIONS select Sound and lower the Master Volume to 1% (Because its extremely loud) Alternatively, lower the volume.

Will Pesterchum Online get more features?

Probably Not. It's just a very basic way to just chat on Pesterchum.

Can I change my theme?

Yeah, its in OPTIONS, which is found under CLIENT. It should come with a variety of Themes, but I think Mocha has made a theme creator which you could use to make your own themes. The theme maker only works for client.

How do I set up a quirk? How do I use regex? How do I create this character's quirk?

Go to PROFILE > QUIRKS and there you have it. Set Quirks.

Prefix: Put in whatever and it'll appear at the start of the message you sent.
Suffix: Put in whatever and it'll appear at the end of the message you sent.
Simple Replace: Say you replace at with: @, any messages that you send that contains at will be replaced with @
Regexp replace: Theres quite a bit you can use using this.
Regexp: ^(.*)$ Replace With: upper(\1) results with TALKING LIKE THIS THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG
Regexp: ^(.*)$ Replace With: lower(\1) results with talking like this the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Regexp [aA] Replace With: 4 results with T4LKING LIKE THIS THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE L4ZY DOG (Doing a singular letter, both lower and upper between two [brackets] and replace it with another symbol will replace just the letter)
Random Replace: It's confusing at first but it acts like a random chance.
In Regexp you can put T but Replace With, you can add more than just one, For one, you could put T, repeat that a few times, let's say five times, then maybe put three 7's and then two +'s. The chances are you will replace T with 7 are 3/10 and then + with 2/10.
Mispeller: It literally purposefully mispells everything you put. The higher you put it, the harder to understand, the lower would be more likely to understand. Might be good for Mituna or Roxy.
Exclude links and smilies: It's an option you enable if you want to send links or smilies but it cancels out your quirk whenever you sent a link or smilie. If you don't do this, your quirk will ruin a link and people won't be able to view it, or you won't be able to send a smilie.

If what I explained is too confusing, you could try reading through this but don't be afraid to ask on the discord on how to do a specific quirk (if creating your own), there will be people who are happy to help you.

Here's the regexp quirks for the Beta Trolls

Here's also all the trolls quirk in existence in case you wanted to recreate them on Pesterchum.

What are smilies?

Smilies are basically Pesterchum's own emojis, typically referencing the comic or the Typical Pesterchum mood emojis. Some of them are animated, some of them are HUGE, one even creates noise. They will always lag memos or DMs, if you have an older computer, this can also lead to Pesterchum CRASHING. I suggest not using them, but use them at your own risk. If it does lag for you, on client, go to CLIENT > OPTIONS > Conversations and disable the Use animated smilies. It even tells you to disable if you leave chats open for LONG periods of time.

If you want, heres the list of smilies:
* :rancorous:
* :apple:
* :bathearst:
* :cathearst:
* :woeful:
* :pleasant:
* :blueghost:
* :slimer:
* :candycorn:
* :cheer:
* :duhjohn:
* :datrump:
* :facepalm:
* :bonk:
* :mspa:
* :gun:
* :cal:
* :amazedfirman:
* :amazed:
* :chummy:
* :cool:
* :smooth:
* :distraughtfirman:
* :distraught:
* :insolent:
* :bemused:
* :3:
* :mystified:
* :pranky:
* :tense:
* :record:
* :squiddle:
* :tab:
* :beetip:
* :flipout:
* :befuddled:
* :pumpkin:
* :trollcool:
* :jadecry:
* :ecstatic:
* :relaxed:
* :discontent:
* :devious:
* :sleek:
* :detestful:
* :mirthful:
* :manipulative:
* :vigorous:
* :perky:
* :acceptant:
* :olliesouty:
* :billiards:
* :billiardslarge:
* :whatdidyoudo:

How do I change colors mid sentence?

<c=#FF0000> You just do this but replacing FF0000 with any hexcode</c>

Why can't I hear my honk when I send one?

It only works if one person types it and the others can hear it, but the person who sent it doesn't hear it themself.

Whats the correct color for this character?

Here, taken from here

John Egbert #0715cd 7-21-205
Jane Crocker #00d5f2 0-213-242
Rose Lalonde #b536da 181-54-218
Roxy Lalonde #ff6ff2 255-111-242
Dave Strider #e00707 224-7-7
Dirk Strider #f2a400 242-164-0
Jade Harley #4ac925 74-201-37
Jake English #1f9400 31-148-0

Karkat Vantas #626262 98-98-98
Aradia Megido #a10000 161-0-0
Tavros Nitram #a15000 161-80-0
Sollux Captor #a1a100 161-161-0
Nepeta Leijon #416600 65-102-0
Kanaya Maryam #008141 0-129-65
Terezi Pyrope #008282 0-130-130
Vriska Serket #005682 0-86-130
Equius Zahhak #000056 0-0-86
Gamzee Makara #2b0057 43-0-87
Eridan Ampora #6a006a 106-0-106
Feferi Peixes #77003c 119-0-60

Kankri Vantas #ff0000 255-0-0
Damara Megido #a10000 161-0-0
Rufioh Nitram #a15000 161-80-0
Mituna Captor #a1a100 161-161-0
Meulin Leijon #416600 65-102-0
Porrim Maryam #008141 0-129-65
Latula Pyrope #008282 0-130-130
Aranea Serket #005682 0-86-130
Horuss Zahhak #2b0057 43-0-87
Kurloz Makara #6c00da 108-0-218
Cronus Ampora #6a006a 106-0-106
Meenah Peixes #77003c 119-0-60

Doc Scratch #ffffff 255-255-255
uranianUmbra #929292 146-146-146
undyingUmbrage #323232 50-50-50
Caliborn #2ed73a 46-215-58
Condesce #77003c 119-0-60

Pub: 11 Mar 2023 20:14 UTC
Edit: 24 Nov 2023 07:40 UTC
Views: 780