mochou ' s     byi     explanation     ;-;

i ' m     making     this     cause     u     guys     are     constantly     up     my     ass     for     explanations     on     my     byi 2     so.


i    have    episodes    sometimes    where    i    get    increasingly    paranoid    and    block   /   unfriend    anyone    that    my    brain    thinks    is    related    to    ex    2020   /   2021    friends   .

i    make    fun    of    everyone    esp    rlly    ugly    mofos    on    tiktok   .    idgaf    if    they    did    nothing    wrong   ,    im    unapologetically    myself    n    if    i    offend    u    good    not    my    issue

im    into    problematic    media    like    genshin    etc    stuff    i    listed    on    my    dni    explanation   ,    im    critical    of    all    of    them    and    dont    support    them    with    my    money   .

i    dont    use    tonetags    genuinely    or    seriously   .    theyre    there    to    tell    TONE    not    to    tell    you    "    uhm    yes    this    is    100   %    joke    cuz    /   j    tonetag    ;--;    ".    on    that   note   ,    i    struggle    to    tell    MY    OWN    tone   .    ask    for    clarification    if    i    dont    give    some    myself   .    dont    genuinely    use    tonetags    on    me    n    i    wont    use    tonetags    on    u    either   .    if    i    need    clarification    ill    ask   .

i    dont    fw    tcc    (    true    crime    community    )    but    i    do    consume    tc    content   .    i    dont    actively    talk    abt    cases    cuz    tbh    thats    cringe    asl    and    just    stupid   .    apparently    i    need    to    list    this    in    a    byi    so    here    u    go   .

i    dont    ship    things    that    i    consume    content    of   .    i    project    my    traumas    and    stuff    onto    characters    to    cope   ,    but    i    dont    SHIP    them    @    all   .    i    dont    fw    proship    and    they    community    but    im    also    not    part    of    it   .    if    i    mention    some    ships    n    it    makes    u    uncomfy    tell    me    i    wont    mention    it    around    ya

i    read    &&    write   dead    dove    .    if    this    makes    u    mad    or    uncomfy    u    dont    have    2    interact    w    me   ?    i    dont    make    it    my    entire    personality    and    i    only    disclose    details    to    very    very    close    friends    n    my    gf   .    i    use    it    as    my    way    2    cope    and    in    no    way    am    i    romanticizing    it    or    participating    in    behaviors    that    them    proship    do   .    if    ur    an    anti    4    dd    please    js    leave    me    alone   .    ion    hnave    2    explain    my    trauma    to    explain    what    i    read    n    why   .    (    dir    ) ^__^

while    yes   !    i    admit    2    faking    my    age    w    fps   !    its    there    so    ANY1    can    give    me    a    rc   ,    friend    or    not   .    trust    me   ,    me    saying    im    2    years    older       than   i    actually    am    isnt    gonna    affect    u    or    ur    fuckin    discord    emote    server    pipe    down    im    not    doin    shit    2    u

yes    im    an    lgbtq    muslim    but    im    sunni    n    its    not    ur    business   .    shia    beliefs    r    what    u    see    most    common    adn    the    entire    point    of    being    a    muslim    in    general    is    to    be    a    good    person    n    to    accept    others   .    if    ur    alsoo    "    muslim    "    but    cant    abide    by    those    rules    n    constantly    come    after    me    for    being    lgbt    js    leave    it    alone    im    not    entertaining    yall

i    AM    a    fakeclaimer   ,    but    i    dont    fakeclaim    liek    every1    i    see    lmfao   ...??    😭    if    i    see    some1    obviously    faking    im    gonna    call    it    out   .    to    they    face?    no    idgaf    ion    want    more    syscord    drama   .

i    AM    a    slur    slinger    but    i    only    throw    slurs    that    affect    me   .    YES   ,    i    use    tranny    n    retard   .    if    u    dont    like    it    dont    interact   .    js    know    im    not    calling    everyone    n    they    momma    a    t    slur    or    "    r    word    "    (   nerd    emoji    snorts    pushes    glasses    up    nose    tips    fedora    )

Pub: 18 Aug 2023 23:49 UTC
Edit: 04 Sep 2023 00:46 UTC
Views: 311