light mode please !

OO1 ! ------ I   am   okay   w  /   jokes   about   sh,   kys  /  kms  /  die  ,   ip   etc   jokes   .     i'm   okay   w  /   small  ,   easy   2   read   typing   quirks   ( like   double   space   ,   things   at   the   start   of   messages   . )   i   have   little   to   no   triggers  ,   so   I   will   freely   talk   about   heavy   topics   (   IF   it   pertains   to   the   current   subject   ) .   I   do   not   censor   most   triggering   things   and   i'm   used   to   not   censoring  ,   so   if   you   need   something   ask   me.   i'm   okay   w  /   traumadumping   or   whateva   (   ask   )   and   general   trauma   talks   .   im   ok   w  /   u   making   jokes   abt   ur   oppressors  /  trauma   etc   but   dont   make   it   ur   whole   personality   (   coughs   shota   rapejokers   )

OO2 ! ------   please   ask   to   call   me   by   nicknames   /   petnames  .   more   than   likely   ill   be   fine   w  /   it   and   want   you   2   call   me   by   one   anyway   but   i   let   discordians   get   the   best   of   me   ;-; --   ask   for   my   socials   and   to   play   games   with   me,   always   ask   to   vc   please   don  '  t   call   me   out   of   nowhere   i  '  m   not   always   online   and   i  '  m   most   likely   doing   something  .   ask   to   frq   and   dm   if   you  '  re   doing   it   randomly  ,   i   can   get   nervous   bcs   i   have   2020   opps   still   after   me >__<

OO3 ! ------   I   would   prefer   it   if   only   people   close   2   me   ask   for   fics   or   (   blk   )   edits  .   i  '  m   not   comfortable   w  /   everything   I   do   out   on   the   net   so  .   ya  .   only   people   really   close   2   me   are   ever   getting   a   trauma   lore   dump   &&   idgaf   if   it   isnt   believable   enough   4   u   suck   this   fat   clit   😅   .     also   this   is   weird   but   if   ur   close   2   me   if   u   really   want   it   idm   giving   places   i   used   2   live   out   if   that   makes   me   more   believable   bcz   i   know   how   u   discord   mfs   get   w  /   " lying "   abt   trauma

OO4 ! ------   please   do   not   get   after   me   for   reading  /  consuming  /  producing   dead   dove   content  .   I   do   it   to   cope   w  /   my   own   trauma   and   I   write   things   for   others  .   I   don  '  t   romanticize   anything   besides   my   own   trauma   as   a   coping   mechanism.   do   not   call   me   pro  /  com  /  darkship   cause   I'm   none   of   those  ,   I   believe   fiction   affects   reality   and   that   ppl   should   be   harassed   n   such   .   Please   don  '  t   joke   abt   csa   /   cults   /   forced   feminization   around   me   unless   ur   narutards   or   nova   🫂     .   do   not   joke   or   speak   about   animal   abuse   /   death   /   gore  .   it  '  s   not   a   trigger   but   it   genuinely   makes   me   uncomfortable   &&   i  '  ll   most   likely   block   u  .   i  '  m   not   okay   w  /   others   using   my   racial  /  gender  /  sex   identity   for   their   own   jokes   (   unless   narutards   .   )   what   I   am   does   not   concern   u   and   i  '  m   not   entertaining   u  ,   I   know   what  '  s   right   and   what   isn  '  t   and   nobody   else   can   definitively   say   anything   abt   my   situations   except   myself

Pub: 01 Sep 2023 01:55 UTC
Edit: 07 Sep 2023 19:42 UTC
Views: 224