BYI (before you interact) :
★Tone tags are very much apricated however not forced to use them!!
★Fast typer (+ dyslexic) so I make a LOT of speeling errors please bear w me </3
★Please if you are dming me for the first time tell me whyyy
★I get attatched very easily and can be clingy
★I age regress and will not respond to dms when regressed!
★PLEASE PLEASE communicate with me if i ever do anything against your boundries!!
★I'm also autistic so keep that in mind when talking to me :3
DNI (do not interact) :
★Basic DNI criteria
★ed / sh twt
★no one under the age of 13, 13 is okay just under that dni, no exceptions.
★ no one over the age of 18, unless we met before you aged or are talking in a server ONLY
★ MLM or WLW fetishizers or js fetishizers in general
★hates on anyone for having 'cringe' interests
★says slurs they can't reclaim
Please don't: :
★Make NSFW jokes about me unless very close and even then only if its very obviously a joke.
★Non-jokinly make fun of things I like
★Vent / trauma dump w/o asking or me telling you that you can
★Screenshot/share our chats w/o asking